Allan Kardec

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185. BESIDES the categories of mediums we have enumerated, mediumship presents an infinite variety of shades which constitute what are called special mediums, who possess peculiar aptitudes not yet defined, according to the qualities and knowledge of the manifesting spirit.

The nature of the communication always sustains a relation to the nature of the spirit, and bears the seal of his elevation or inferiority, his knowledge or igno- rance ; but, merit being equal in a hierarchical point of view, he has undoubtedly a propensity to engage in one thing rather than another ;• the rapping spirits, for instance, never depart from physical manifestations ; and among those who give intelligent manifestations are spirit poets, musicians, painters, moralists, scientists, physicians, &c. We speak of spirits of a middle order, for, once arrived at a certain degree, the apti- tudes are blended in the unity of perfection. But, besides the aptitude of the spirit, there is that of the medium, who is an instrument for him, more or less suitable, more or less flexible, and in whom he discov- ers special qualities that we cannot appreciate.

Let us make a comparison : a very skillful musician has in his hands several violins, which, to the ordinary eye, will all be very good instruments, but between which the consummate artist distinguishes a great difference ; he perceives therein shades of exceeding delicacy, which make him choose some and reject others, shades which he comprehends rather by intui- tion than by anything he can define in them. It is the same with respect to mediums ; with equal quali- ties in the medianimic power, the spirit will give the preference to one or to the other, according to the kind of communication he desires to make. Thus, for instance, persons, as mediums, write admirable poems, though in the ordinary conditions they never knew how, nor could compose two verses; others, on the contrary, who are poets, and who, as mediums, have been able to write only prose, in spite of their desire.

The same with drawing, music, &c.

There are those who, without having, by themselves, any scientific knowledge, have a more special aptitude for receiving scientific communications ; others are for historical studies; others serve more easily as interpreters for spirit moralists ; in a word, whatever may be the flexibility of the medium, the communications he receives with, most facility have, generally, a special seal; there are even those who never emerge from a certain circle of ideas, and when they are taken from that, they have but incomplete, laconic, and often false, communications. Aside from the causes of aptitude, the spirits communicate more or less willingly by such or such an intermediary, according to their sympa- thies ; so, all other things being equal, the same spirit will be much more explicit with certain mediums, solely because they suit him better.

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