Allan Kardec

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69. The experience of tens of thousands of persons, in every country, left no doubt as to the reality and intelligence of these communications; but this intelligence was generally supposed to be that of the medium, the questioner, or the persons composing the circle in which they were obtained. When it was ascertained that the raps were not made by the medium, it was suggested that they must be made by his thought; but the idea of intelligence reflecting itself; so to say, in a piece of wood, of thought producing raps and motions in a table, was felt to be an explanation even more astounding than the phenomena themselves, and the latter speedily showed it to be inadmissible. For, as previously stated, the communications were often directly opposed to the opinions and sympathies of the medium, or beyond the grasp of his intellectual faculties, and were sometimes conveyed in a language of which the medium was ignorant, or referred to matters unknown to the whole party. Such instances have now become so numerous that almost all of those who have had even a slight experience of spirit-communications could probably adduce a great number of them. We will cite, in this place, only one instance of the character now alluded to; a fact that was related to us by one of the persons who witnessed its occurrence.

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