Allan Kardec

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318. All spirit phenomena are not equally easy to imitate, and there are those that evidently defy all the skill of practiced jugglers ; such are, especially, the movements of objects without contact, the suspension of heavy bodies in space, blows struck on different, sides, apparitions, &c, without employing helpers and companions ; therefore, we say, what should be done in such cases is, to observe attentively the circum stances, and particularly take into account the char acter and position of the persons, the motive, and the interest they may have in deceiving ; that is the best of all censorship, for these are the circumstances that destroy all cause for suspicion. We think, then, on principle, it is necessary to beware of any one what ever who makes of these phenomena a spectacle, or an object of curiosity or amusement, and who pretends to produce them at will or at a given place, as we have already explained. We cannot too often repeat that the occult intelligences, who manifest themselves to us, have their susceptibilities, and will prove to us that they have their free will, and are not subjected to our caprices. (No. 38.)

It will suffice to mention some subterfuges em ployed, or that it is possible to employ, in certain cases, to warn sincere observers against fraud. As to persons who persist in judging without studying, it would be labor lost to seek to convince them.

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