Allan Kardec

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"Let me speak to you of the resolution and perseverance with which you should follow up your spiritist labours; for, just as Saint Paul was persecuted, so will you be also not physically, but morally. The unbelievers and the Pharisees of the day will blame and revile you; but fear nothing, for opposition is a trial which strengthens when patiently borne from devotion to the Highest. Your efforts will at length be crowned with success, and will have won for you great triumph in the life to come, besides the happiness you will feel in remembering that you have aided in opening up a fount of consolation for all who, upon the earth, have lost friends and relatives, and who may thus communicate with them, and know that they are happy. Go boldly forwards; accomplish the mission appointed for you, and great will be your reward when you appear before the Almighty." "CHANNING."

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