Allan Kardec

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Objects brought by Spirits

96. The only difference between this class of phenomena and those just alluded to consists in the nature of the objects brought (which are almost always pleasing), the good intentions of the spirit who brings them, and the gentle and often delicate manner in which they are presented. We allude to the spontaneous exhibition of things which were not in the room when we entered it; these spirit-gifts being generally flowers, sometimes fruit, sugar-plums, jewels, etc.

97. It is, however, to be observed that phenomena of this character are more easily imitated than most others; for which reason we must always be on our guard against trickery. We know what conjurors can do in this line and dupes may easily be made by skilful and interested manoeuvres, even without the conjuror's skill. The best of all guarantees against frauds of the description alluded to are, first, the honourability and disinterestedness of the medium; secondly, the attentive examination of all the circumstances under which such reputed phenomena occur; and, thirdly, a wide and enlightened experience of spiritism, which alone enables us to form a correct judgement in regard to Occurrences that may appear suspicious.

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