Allan Kardec

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333. There is still another not less necessary point : the regularity of the reunions. In all there are always spirits that may be called habitues : we do not mean those spirits that may be found everywhere, and min gling themselves in everything ; but those who are either spirit protectors, or those who are most often interrogated. It must not be supposed that these spirits have naught else to do but to listen to us ; they have their occupations, and may, besides, be in conditions unfavorable for invocation. When the re unions take place on fixed days and hours, they man age accordingly, and are rarely absent. There are some who are extreme in punctuality ; they take offense at a quarter of an hour's delay, and if they themselves set the time of beginning, it is in vain to call them even a few minutes sooner. Let us add that, as well as the spirits prefer regularity, those who are truly superior are not tenacious on this point. The exaction of a rigorous punctuality is a sign of inferior ity, like everything puerile. Beyond the devoted hours, they can come, and do come, even willingly, if the end is useful ; but nothing is more injurious to good com munications than to call them at random, when the fancy takes us, and especially without a serious mo tive ; as they are not bound to submit to our caprices, they might very well not trouble themselves ; then others are sure to take their places.

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