The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860


Spiritism in 1860

The Spiritist Review initiates its third year and we are delighted to announce that it does so in the most favorable circumstances. We gladly take the opportunity to express all of our gratitude to the readers for the daily demonstrations of sympathy that we receive from them. That alone would give us great encouragement had we not found in nature itself, and in the objective of our work, enormous moral compensation for the resulting fatigue. The multiplicity of tasks to which we dedicate entirely is such that it is physically impossible for us to respond to all letters of congratulation that come to our hands. Thus, we are forced to respond collectively to their authors, begging them to accept our appreciation. Those letters and the large number of people that give us the honor of coming to us to talk about these serious issues convince us more and more about the progress of the true Spiritism, and by true Spiritism we mean the one understood in all its moral consequences. Not eluded by the actual reach of our work, the simple thought of having contributed by sowing a few grains onto the scale is a kind satisfaction to us because those seeds would have served as a wakeup call to people’s thoughts.

The growing prosperity of The Review is an indication of the benevolence with which it is received. We can only continue our work, following the same guidelines, since it receives the blessings of time, not distancing ourselves from moderation, prudence and courtesy that have always guided us. Leaving to the detractors the sad privilege of calumny and personalism, we shall not follow them in the terrain of hopeless controversy. We say hopeless because it would not lead them to conviction and it is a waste of time to discuss a subject with people who ignore the foundations of what is discussed. We have one thing only to tell them: study first and then we will see. We have better things to do than speaking to those who do not want to listen. As a matter of fact, what does it matter, definitely, the contrary opinion of this or that one? Will such an opinion have so great an influence capable of precluding the natural progress of things? The greatest discoveries had to face the fiercest adversaries, fact that has not discouraged them. Hence, let incredulity hum around us, certain that nothing can veer us off from the route that has been delineated by the seriousness of the subject itself.

We said that the spiritist ideas evolve. In fact, since some time now they have gained immense territory. One would say that they are in the air. Certainly, this is not due to the noise produced by the broad or the small press. If those ideas advance despite everything and against everything else, and despite the ill-will found in certain regions, the fact of the matter is that they are endowed by sufficient vitality. Anyone who takes the burden of studying Spiritism will find such a great moral satisfaction; the future so clear, precise and logically unfolding before them that they will acknowledge that it would be otherwise impossible, even feeling impressed for not having understood it earlier, as if coming from an innermost feeling that had always told them so. Once developed, the Spiritist Science does nothing more than formulating the ideas, retrieving them from the darkness of the deepest self where they have always been.

The future then reveals a clear, precise, perfectly defined objective. It no longer wanders about since its path is clear. No longer a fortunate or disgraceful future which one could not understand and repelled for that very reason. It is a rational future, consequence of the natural laws, capable of withstanding the strictest scrutiny. The human being then feels happy and relieved from the huge burden of uncertainty, and uncertainty is a torment. In spite of anything else, the individual probes the deepness of the future and cannot see it but as eternal. Then comes the comparison between such a future and the briefness and fragility of this Earthly life.

If the future does not offer any certainty it stuns the person, who then bows before the present and refuses nothing to make such idea of the future bearable. His conscience is hopeless when he speaks of good and evil. He says to himself: Good is what makes me happy. Why should I then see goodness somewhere else? Why should I support those in misery? The human being wants to be happy and to be happy one needs to enjoy; enjoy what the others have. The human being wants gold, a lot of gold, sticking to that as to his own life, since gold is the means of having all material pleasures. Why bother with his neighbor’s well-being? What matters is one’s own well-being before anything else. The human being then seeks satisfaction in the present since the possibility of any later satisfaction is unknown in a doubtful future. He then becomes greedy, jealous, selfish, and even with all those pleasures, the person is not happy, yet for life seems too short.

A positive future changes everything: the present is just ephemeral; he sees it goes by with no sadness. He is no longer attracted so much to the material pleasures as they cannot give him but a transient, evanescent satisfaction, leaving emptiness in his heart. He then aspires for a lasting and thus more real happiness. Where can he find it if not in the future? Spiritism frees the individual from the tortures of uncertainty by showing and demonstrating such a future, thus making the individual happy. Well, anything that brings happiness finds followers.

The adversaries of Spiritism attribute its fast propagation to a superstitious fever that takes humanity over through the passion for the extraordinary. However, they should be logical before anything else. We will accept their reasoning, if we can call that reasoning, when they clearly explain why does such a fever hit precisely the educated layers of society, more than the uneducated ones. On our end we say that it is because Spiritism appeals to reason and not to blind faith; that the enlightened classes conduct due diligence, reflect and understand it. Behold, superstitious ideas cannot withstand examination.

As a matter of fact, all of you who attack Spiritism, do you really understand it? Have you studied it, scrutinizing its details, maturely considering all of its consequences? No you did not, a thousand times, you did not. You talk about something that you don’t know. All of your criticism – and I don’t talk about the silly, vulgar and gross diatribes, lacking any reason, bearing no value – I talk about those that at least have the appearance of seriousness; all of your criticism, I was saying, reveal the most absolute ignorance of the subject.

In order to criticize it is necessary to oppose reason against reason, proof against proof. Is that possible without a profound knowledge of the subject? What would you think of someone who intended to criticize a piece of artwork not knowing, at least in theory, the basic rules of drawing and painting; the merits of an opera without knowing music? Do you know the consequences of an ignorant criticism? It is ridiculous and a pure demonstration of lack of common sense. The more elevated the position of the critic; the more he is in evidence, the more his own interest forces circumspection, avoiding the always easy denial of talking about something that is unknown.

That is why the attacks against Spiritism short living, favoring its development instead of precluding it. Those attacks operate as propaganda; they lead to scrutiny and scrutiny can only favor us because we appeal to reason. There isn’t a single article against this Doctrine which has not led to an increase in the number of subscriptions and book sales. Mr. Oscar Comettant’s article (see Le Siècle from October 27th last, and our replica in the Spiritist Review, December 1859) produced the sales of more than fifty samples of the famous Mozart’s Sonata (costs 2 francs net, according to Mr. Comettant’s important and witty observation). The articles of the L’Univers from April 13th and May 28th, 1859 (see our response in the Review in the May and June 1859 issues) oversold the remainder of the first edition of The Spirits’ Book, as well as others. Nonetheless, let us go back to less material things. As long as the opposing arguments are not but of the kind mentioned above, Spiritism shall fear nothing.

We insist that the main source of progress of the spiritist ideas is in the satisfaction given to those dedicated to their serious study, finding in the Doctrine something beyond a futile pastime. Well, since all seeks happiness, it is not surprising that those persons cling to an idea that makes them happy. We said somewhere else that the time of curiosity is over with regards to Spiritism, now replaced by the period of reason and philosophy. Curiosity has its time. Since that time has passed, one objective must replace the other. The same cannot be said about something related to serious thought and philosophy. Spiritism has advanced in particular since the time when people began to understand its reach, in its most subtle essence, for it touches the most sensitive string of the human being: happiness, even still in this world. That is the cause of its propagation; the secret of the strength which shall make it triumph.

All of you who attack Spiritism, do you want a safe way of fighting it successfully? I will give you one: replace it by something better. Find a more logical solution to every issue resolved by Spiritism. Give the individual another assurance, one that makes him happier, but be aware of the reach of the word assurance since the individual will only accept as certain something that seems logical. It is not good enough to say that Spiritism is not that because it is very easy to say so. You must demonstrate not only by denial but also by facts that Spiritism is not, has never been and cannot be it. Finally, prove that the consequences of Spiritism don’t make the individual better through the practice of the purest Evangelical moral, a much acclaimed but rarely practiced moral.

When you have done so, I will be the first to bow before you. Meanwhile, allow me to see your doctrines, the denial of any future, as the source of egotism, a worm which corrodes society, and consequently a true plague. Yes, Spiritism is strong, and it is stronger than you since it is based on the very foundations of religion: God, the soul, the future reward and penalties, all based on the good deeds or evil actions which one may practice. You are supported by incredulity. Spiritism invites the human being to happiness, to hope and true fraternity. You offer people with the nothingness for perspective and selfishness for consolation. Spiritism explains everything while you explain nothing. Spiritism demonstrates through facts, you demonstrate nothing. How would you expect any hesitation between the two doctrines?

In summary, we attest that – and everyone sees and feels like we do – Spiritism has treaded a gigantic step this last year and such a step is a guarantee of the next step for this coming year. It was not only the considerable increase in the number of followers but a remarkable change has taken place in the general opinion, even among those who are indifferent. They say that, bottom line, that there may well be something in Spiritism; that one should not intend to offer a hastily assessment. Those who shrugged their shoulders start to fear the ridicule by connecting their names to a precipitated judgment, which can be denied later. Thus, they prefer to remain silent and wait. There will still be and for a long time, no doubt, people who will try to belittle it since they have nothing to lose with the acknowledgement of posterity, some for their lightheartedness or ill-faith, others out of pure machination.

Nevertheless, we are okay with the idea of being taken to Charenton since we would get there in good company and such a tasteless joke, like many others, is a common place which does not bother us, due to the absolute lack of reason shown by such attacks. The weapon of ridicule, a supposedly frightening weapon, evidently wears out, falling from the hands that manipulate them. Has it lost its power? No, as long as it does not shoot at false targets. Ridicule can only kill what is ridiculous in itself, only having the appearance of seriousness, stimulating the hypocrite, removing their masks. Something that is really serious will only receive minor blows, leaving the battlefield always triumphant. Just observe if a single great idea, attacked by the ignorant and jealous crowd from its inception, has fallen, not standing its ground! Well then, Spiritism is one of the greatest ideas since it touches the most vital issues of human happiness, and one cannot go unpunished for spreading jokes about such a serious matter.

Spiritism is strong because it is founded on the natural laws; responding to its adversaries by recruiting people around the world since its infancy. A few years more and its detractors, impotent to combat it through reason will be so much out of touch and so much isolated that they shall be forced to shut up, opening their eyes to the light.

Magnetism before the Academy

Since it was barred at the main door, Magnetism entered through the window, thanks to a disguise and another name. Instead of saying: I am magnetism, which was not likely to get it through, it then said: My name is Hypnotism (from the Greek “Hypnos”, sleep). Thanks to such a gimmick it finally got in, after twenty long years, but it did not lose much for the wait because it found a way of being introduced by one of the greatest luminaries. He was careful enough to avoid its entourage of passes, somnambulism, and remote visions, and ecstasies which would have been a betrayal. He simply said: you are good and human; your heart is broken by the sight of your neighbor’s agony, in his sickness; you must find a way of mitigating the patient’s pain, hurt by your scalpel; it can be really dangerous. I bring you a simpler way, yet with no drawbacks. I was certain that I would be heard, speaking in the name of humanity. He then wisely added: “I am family; I owe my life to one of you”. He thought, and not without reason, that such an origin wouldn’t do him any harm.

If we lived in the time of the brilliant and poetic Greece, we would say: Magnetism, child of nature and of a mere mortal, was banned from the Olympus because it had hurt Aesculapius privileges, marching by his side, boasting about the ability of healing without his help. It wandered around Earth for a long time, teaching human beings the art of healing in new ways. It unveiled a wealth of wonders to the people, mysteriously hidden in the temples until then, but those whose secrets were revealed, and whose charlatanism was exposed, stone-chased Magnetism, and it was then banned by the gods and abused by people. Nevertheless, it continued to spread its benefits by alleviating humanity, certain that its innocence would be one day recognized, and that justice would be served. It had a child called Hypnotism whose birth was carefully hidden for the fear of persecution. It shared its long exile with the child, a learning period.

When the child was thought to be ready, Magnetism then said:
• Go and present yourself to the Olympus, but be careful not to say that you are my child. Your name and a disguise will facilitate your entry. Aesculapius will introduce you.
• How come father! Aesculapius, your most bloodthirsty enemy! The one who banned you!
• He is the one who will reach out to you!
• But if he recognizes me I shall be expelled.
• Well then! If you are expelled you will come to me and we shall continue our beneficent work amidst human beings, waiting for better days. But, easy now. I have a lot of hope. Aesculapius is not bad. After all, he seeks the progress of Science otherwise he would not deserve to be the god of medicine. As a matter of fact, I might have made a few mistakes myself. Since I felt offended for having my image vilified, I was exalted and insensibly attacked him: I cursed, insulted and called him ignorant. Well, this is not a proper way of treating people and the gods. He was upset with me for a while since his self-love was hurt. Don’t you do what I did my child. Be more sensible and civil, above all. If others are not with you it is their problem and you will be on the right side. Go child and remember that one cannot catch flies with vinegar.

That is how the father spoke. Hypnotism then timidly left to the Olympus; he could feel his heartbeat when he showed up at the sacred door. But, ah surprise! Aesculapius himself shakes his hand and introduces him!

There we have Magnetism in its place then. What to do? Oh! Don’t believe in victory yet; these are still the preliminaries of peace. It is a first hurdle which was taken down, and that is all. An important step, no doubt, but don’t you think that the enemy will acknowledge defeat. Aesculapius himself, the great Aesculapius, who recognized you by your family traces, would greatly impair your defense; hence they would take you to the Charenton. They will say that it is something… but for sure it is not Magnetism… That is fine! We will not play with words. It will be anything that they want but while we wait, it is a fact which will have consequences.

Well, here are the consequences. First they shall deal with the anesthetic point of view only (from the Greek aesthesis, sensitivity, and private, general or partial loss of the ability to feel), and that as a result of the predominance of materialistic ideas, because there are still so many people who insist, for modesty no doubt, to be reduced to the role of a roasting stick, which when broken, is thrown into the scrap yard, without a trace left behind! Thus, they will exam the fact from all angles, even if just out of mere curiosity. They will study the effect of various substances in the production of catalepsy; then, on a given day, they will acknowledge that a finger is sufficient. However, that is not all. Observing the phenomenon of catalepsy there will be the spontaneous occurrence of others. The freedom of thought during the suspension of the organic faculties has already been observed. Thus, thought is independent of the organs and there is in the human being something beyond matter. Strange faculties shall be observed: the vision will acquire unusual amplitude, beyond the boundaries of the senses; all perceptions shall be displaced; in short, a vast field of observations and there will be no lack of observers. The sanctuary is open, and let us keep up with the hope that light will shine from there, unless the Celestial Areopagus denies such an honor to anybody else.

May our readers kindly read the remarkable article published by Mr. Victor Meunier, editor of the Ami des Sciences (Friend of Sciences), about this interesting subject, in the weekly scientific Review Siècle, on December 16th, 1859:

“Animal magnetism, taken to the Academy by Mr. Broca; introduced to the illustrious Society by Mr. Velpeau; experimented with by Messrs. Follin, Verneuil, Faure, Trousseau, Denonvilliers, Nélaton, Azam, Ch. Robin, etc., all medical surgeons, is the great news of the day.”

“The discoveries, like the books, have their destinies. The one we are going to talk about is not new. It is about twenty years old, with no lack of publicity in England, where it was born, nor in France, where at the moment they don’t talk about anything else. A Scottish doctor, Dr. Braid, who discovered it, wrote the book: Neural-hypnotism or the rationale of the nervous sleep, considered in relation to the animal magnetism.” 3

“A renowned English doctor, Dr. Carpenter, carefully analyzed Dr. Braid’s findings in the article “Sleep” found in the Encyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. An illustrious French scientist, Mr. Littré, reproduced Dr. Carpenter’s analysis in the second edition of the Manuel de Physiologie, by J. Mueller. Finally, we have dedicated one of our newspapers in the Presse, on July 7th, 1852 to Hypnotism, name given by Dr. Braid to the set of facts which are discussed. The most recent publication regarding this subject is then seven years old. When it all seemed forgotten, it finds this huge repercussion.”

“There are two things in Hypnotism: a group of nervous phenomena and the process by which they are produced.”

“The process formerly employed by Abbot Faria, if I am not mistaken, is of great simplicity.”

“It consists of keeping a shiny object before the eyes of the subject, close to the root of the nose, so that the subject can only see it by crossing the eyes inwardly; the subject must stare at the object in that way. In the beginning the pupils will contract, later they dilate significantly and soon after the cataleptic state is produced. Once the limbs of the subject are raised they remain in that position. This is only one of the phenomena which are produced. We shall talk about the others in due time.”

“Mr. Azam, a substitute professor at the Surgical Clinic of the Bordeaux School of Medicine, having successfully repeated Dr. Braid’s experiments, exchanged ideas with Dr. Paul Broca, who thought that hypnotized patients would be insensitive to the pain of surgical procedures. The letter he has just sent to the Academy of Sciences contains the summary of his experiments in that regard.”

“First he had to be assured about the reality of Hypnotism, which he did without difficulties. Visiting a patient, a lady about forty years old, somewhat hysterical, who had fallen ill due to a light indisposition, Dr. Broca pretended to be examining her eyes, holding a golden flask at about fifteen centimeters from the root of her nose, asking her to stare at it. About three minutes later her eyes were reddish, her facial traces immobile, her answers slow and difficult, but perfectly rational. Dr. Broca raised the patient’s arm and it remained in that position; he moved her fingers to the most extreme positions and those fingers would stay there; he pinched her skin at several points, with certain force, and as it seems the patient felt nothing. Catalepsy, insensitivity! Dr. Broca did not continue since he had already learned from that patient what he wanted to know. A scrub of the eyes and some cold air blown on the forehead brought the patient back to her normal state. She had no recollection of what had just happened. The information about the hypnotic insensitivity to surgical procedures was still missing.”

“Among the patients from Necker Hospital, under Dr. Follin’s responsibility, there was a 24 year-old poor lady victimized by extensive burns on her back and on both sides of her inferior limbs, presenting an extremely painful abscess in one leg. Any minor movement would produce excruciating pain. Worn out by the pain and afraid of the treatment, the unfortunate lady was horrified by the prospects of the required surgery. She was the one, according to Dr. Follin, that Dr. Broca decided to use as the subject to complement the test of hypnotism.”

“She was placed on a bed by the window, informed that she would fall asleep. After two minutes her pupils were dilated. Her left arm was raised, almost vertically above the bed, remaining still in that position. After four minutes her responses were slow and almost painful, but perfectly reasonable. Fifth minute: Dr. Follin pinches the skin of the left arm and the patient does not react; a new and more profound pinch, leading to some bleeding, still with no reaction. Then the right arm was lifted, remaining in the air. The blankets are then removed and her inferior limbs separated, allowing access to the seat of the abscess. The patient consents, and calmly says that they are going to hurt her. The abscess is open and she releases a weak scream. It was the only indication of reaction, lasting less than a second. Not the slightest shake of facial muscles or limbs, not a single agitation of arms, always vertically raised above the bed. The eyes somehow deep, always wide open, the face showing the immobility of a mask…”

“Once raised, her left foot remains in the air. The shiny object is removed, and the catalepsy persists. She has her left arm pinched for the third time, blood runs and she feels nothing. The arm is in that position for thirteen minutes already.”

“Finally, a rub of the eyes and some fresh air blown or her forehead and the young lady is almost immediately awake. Once relaxed, her arms and the left leg immediately fall on the bed. She rubs her eyes, recovers consciousness, recalls nothing and is surprised for having had gone through the surgical procedure. The experience had lasted between 18 to 20 minutes. The period of anesthesia lasted between 12 to 15 minutes.”

“These are, in short, the essential facts reported by Dr. Broca to the Academy of Sciences. Those are no longer isolated facts. A large number of surgeons from our hospitals had the honor of repeating it, and have successfully done so. Dr. Broca’s objective and that of his illustrious colleagues was, and should be, surgery related. We hope that hypnotism may have every advantage of the anesthetics, not showing their inconveniences. However, Medicine is not in our domain and to avoid moving beyond its boundaries, our Review should not consider the fact but under the physiological point of view.”

“After verifying Dr. Braid’s veracity about the essential point, one must certainly verify everything that may be related to such a singular state, called Hypnotism. The phenomena attributed to that state might be classified as:”

“Exaltation of sensitivity – The sense of smell is raised to a degree of sensitivity at least equal to that observed in animals of best sensitivity. Hearing also becomes far reaching. The tactile ability, particularly with respect to temperature, assumes an incredible subtleness.”

“Suggested feelings – Once the face, the body or limbs of the patient are placed in a given position, adequate to the expression of a particular feeling and soon the corresponding mental state is induced. Thus, having the hand of the subject placed on top of the head the subject spontaneously stretches, inclining the body backwards; the attitude is of pure pride. If at that point in time the subject’s head is bent forward, slightly bending the body and the limbs, pride is then replaced by the most profound humbleness. Slightly spreading the corners of the mouth as in a smile, the subject quickly shows happiness. Bad mood overcomes all that state immediately after the eyebrows are made to converge downwards.”

“Provoked ideas – Take the subject’s hand above the head; fold the fingers over the palm of the hand and the idea of climbing, swinging or pulling a rope is suggested. If, on the contrary, the fingers are folded but the arm is let down, the idea of lifting a weight is suggested. If the arm is stretched horizontally and the fist is made, the idea of boxing is suggested (the scene takes place in London).”

“Increase in muscular strength – If one wishes to suggest an extraordinary strength onto a group of muscles it is enough to suggest to the patient the idea of an action which requires such strength, ensuring the subject that the action can be easily performed, if the subject so wishes. Dr. Carpenter says: - We saw a patient hypnotized by Dr. Braid, showing a remarkable lack of muscular development, lifting a fourteen kilograms weight with his pinky, turning that weight around his head, certain that it was as light as a feather.” We stop for now with the indication of that program. Let the facts speak; the reflections will follow.

Spirit on one Side, Body on the Other

Dialogue with the Spirit of a Living Person
Our distinct colleague, the Count of R…C… sent us the letter below, dated November 23rd last:

“Mr. President:
I heard that doctors, enthusiasts of their art and willing to contribute with the progress of Science, thus becoming useful to humanity, have officially given their bodies in will, to be used by the scalpel of the anatomical theaters. The experiment that I witnessed of the evocation of a living person (session of the Society on October 14th, 1859) did not seem very instructive to me, since it dealt with something very personal: establishing the communication between a living father with the deceased daughter.

I thought that what the doctors did for the human body a member of the Society could well do for the soul, of a still living person, being at your disposal for a test of such a kind. You could perhaps obtain new clarifications with respect to the isolation of the body and the soul, by preparing the questions before hand, avoiding personal issues. Taking advantage of an illness that keeps me at home I herewith offer myself as a subject for investigation, if you wish to do so. Then, come next Friday and in the absence of any hold up, I will be ready at 9 pm so that you can evoke me… etc.” We took the offer from Mr. Count de R…C…, with as much enthusiasm as we thought that he would be at our disposal, helping with our investigations out of his own admission. On another hand, his education, his superior intelligence – which one must say in-passing that it did not preclude him from being an excellent spiritist – and the experience he had acquired in his journeys around the world as a Captain of the Imperial Navy, justified our expectations of a more judicious appreciation of his condition. The wait did not let us down. We then established two dialogues with him as follows, one on November 25th, the second on December 2nd, 1859.

Society, November 25th, 1859

1. Evocation – A. I am here.

2. At this moment are you aware of your desire to be evoked? – A. Perfectly.

3. Where are you here? – A. Between you and the medium.

4. Do you see us as well as when you attend our sessions in person? – A. More or less, but a bit vague. I am not totally asleep.

5. How can you be conscious of your individuality here now when your body is in bed? A. At this moment my body is just an accessory. It is me who is here.
OBSERVATION: It is me who is here is a remarkable answer. For him the body is not the essential part of his being. The essential part is the spirit that constitutes him, and his spirit and the body are two distinct things.

6. Can you move back and forth from here to the house at will and instantaneously? - A. Yes.

7. Going back home and returning here are you aware of the distance that is covered? Do you see the objects in your path? – A. I could but I neglect that since it would be of no interest.

8. Is your state now similar to that of a somnambulist? – A. Not entirely. My body sleeps, meaning that it is more or less inert. The somnambulist does not sleep. His organic faculties are modified but not eliminated.

9. The spirit of a living person when evoked, could that spirit prescribe medications, like that of a somnambulist? – A. If that spirit knows the medication or is in contact with another spirit that does know the medication, yes; on the contrary, no.

10. The recollection of your corporeal life, is that clearly present in your current memory? A. Very clear.

11. Could you mention one of your most important activities of the day? – A. I could but I will not do that. I am sorry for having proposed such a question (he had requested that such a question be framed, as a proof).

12. Is it as a spirit that you regret having requested such a question? – A. As a spirit.

13. Why do you regret that? – A. Because I understand better how fair it is, in the majority of the cases, that such revelations be made. 14. Can you describe your bedroom? – A. I certainly can; and also the porter’s.

15. Then, kindly describe one of them. – A. I said I could but it doesn’t mean that I want.

16. What is the disease that keeps you at home? – A. The gout

17. Is there a remedy for gout? If there is could you prescribe it considering that you would do a great service? – A. I could but I will not do that. The remedy would be worse than the disease.

18. Worse or not, could you prescribe it with the condition that it would not be used? – A. There are several, among them the colchicum.
OBSERVATION: Once he was awake the Count acknowledged to have never heard about the use of that plant as a specific medication for gout.

19. In your present state would you see a friend in harms’ way and could you go to help him? – A. I could. I would give him inspiration if he were able to hear that and even with more reason if he were a medium.

20. Considering that we evoked you based on your own desire, and that you placed yourself at our disposal for the investigation, kindly describe to us, in the best possible and comprehensible way, the state in which you find yourself now. – A. I am in the happiest and most satisfactory state that one can experience. Have you had a dream one day in which the warmth of the bed made you believe that you were smoothly swinging in air, or on the peak of a lukewarm wave, without any concern with the movements; unaware of your heavy and cumbersome limbs, moving or dragging around; In short, without any need to satisfy, not feeling the spur of hunger or thirst? I am in such a state near you, and I only gave you a tiny sample of what I feel.

21. Does your body suffer any physiological modification now due to the absence of the spirit? – A. No way. I am in the state that you call first dream, a deep and heavy sleep that we all experience, when we move away from the body.
OBSERVATION: The sleep, which was not complete at the beginning of the evocation, had been gradually established as a consequence of the detachment of the spirit, leaving the body in a profound resting state.

22. If your body were suddenly awake at the time when your spirit is here, what would happen? – A. What is sudden to the human being is too slow to the spirit, who has always time to be warned.

23. The happiness which you describe and that you enjoy in your free state, would that keep any relationship with the pleasant sensations experienced at the initial moments of asphyxia? Mr. S…, who involuntarily had the satisfaction of experiencing that, is addressing this question to you. – A. He is not entirely wrong. In the death by asphyxia there is an instant analogous to the one that he describes, with the difference that the spirit loses its lucidity, whereas here lucidity is considerably amplified.

24. Is your spirit connected to your body by any kind of link? – A. Yes, and I am perfectly aware of that.

25. What can you compare such a link to? – A. Nothing that you know. It would have the appearance of a phosphorescent light to you, in case you could see it, but which causes no sensation.

26. Does such a light affect you in the same way? Would that have the same shades that you see through the eyes? – A. Absolutely since the eyes operate as windows to the mind.

27. Do you hear the sounds with the same distinction? – A. More distinctly since I hear sounds which escape you.

28. How do you transmit your thought to the medium? – A. I act upon his hand, to give it direction, facilitated by an action on the brain.

29. Are you served by the words that the medium has in his brain or do you indicate the words that he writes. – A. One and the other, according to the conveniences.

29.a In case you were served by a medium who ignores your language and his language were foreign to you, like for example Chinese, how could you transmit your message? – A. That would be more difficult and perhaps impossible. At any rate it would only be possible with a flexibility and malleability which are difficult to find.

30. A spirit whose body was dead would experience the same difficulty to communicate through a medium that was completely strange to his language when alive? – A. Perhaps less, although it might always exist. I can assure you that depending on the case the spirit provides the medium with his expressions or employs theirs.

31. Does your presence here cause fatigue to your body? – A. Absolutely.

32. Does your body dream? – A. No. That is why it does not experience fatigue. The person that you talked about experienced sensations through the organs which were transmitted to the spirit. That is what caused fatigue. I experience nothing like that.
OBSERVATION: He refers to a person that was spoken about at the moment when in a similar situation she said that the body experienced fatigue, comparing the spirit to a captive balloon, whose jolts are transmitted to the supporting pole. The day after Count de R…C… said that he had a dream in which he was at the Society, between the medium and us. It is evidently a memory of the evocation. It is likely that he was not dreaming at the time of the question, since he responded negatively. It is also possible, and more likely, that as the dream is a recollection of the spirit’s activities, in reality it is not the body that dreams since the body does not think. He then responded negatively, not knowing that when awake his spirit would remember. If the body had dreamed while the spirit was absent the spirit would have had a double action. Well, he could not be simultaneously at the Society and at his house.

33. Is your spirit in the same state as it will be when you are dead? – A. More or less the same thing, with the exception of the link that attaches it to the body

34. Are you aware of your previous existences? – A. Vaguely. That is another difference that I forgot. After the complete disconnection which follows death, the recollections are much more precise. At this moment they are more complete than in the waking state but not sufficient for me to specify them in a more intelligible way.

35. In case your writings were shown to you when you wake up would you be aware of the answers that you have just given? – A. I could identify some of my thoughts but many others would not find any echo in my mind when awake.

36. Could you exert such a powerful influence over the body to the point of waking him up? – A. No.

37. Could you respond to a mental question? – A. Yes.

38. Do you see us in spirit or physically? – A. One and the other.

39. Could you visit your father’s brother who they say is in an island of the Oceania, and as a seaman precisely identify the position of the island? – A. I can’t do any of that.

40. What do you think now of your endless work and its objective? A. I think that I must continue the work, with the same objective. It is all I can say.
OBSERVATION: He had asked to have this question addressed to him, with respect to an important task he had initiated about the Navy.

41. We would be delighted if you wanted to address a few words to your colleagues, a kind of short speech. – A. Since I have the opportunity I take it to attest, based on my faith in the future of the soul, that the gravest mistake that the individual can make is to search for proofs and more proofs. This is at most forgiving in those people who initiate in the knowledge of Spiritism. Haven’t they repeated thousands of times that it is necessary to believe since one understands and loves justice and truth, and that if we satisfied one of those puerile questions, the one who intends to make them to be convinced would frame others on the day after and that you would irremediably waste a precious time, turning the spirits into foretellers? I understand it now much better than when awake and can give you a wise advice, for the time when you wish to obtain such results. Those who want to get involved with such manifestations much speak to the rapping spirits and to the turning since they have nothing better to do. Forgive me for the lecture but I need it as I need others and I am not upset for giving it to myself. Second session, December 2nd, 1859

42. Evocation. – A. I am here.

43. Are you deeply asleep? – A. Not much but that will still come.

44. In your particular case now, do you consider it to be useful to make the evocation in the name of God, as if you were the spirit of a dead person? – A. Why not? Do you believe that just because I am not dead God is indifferent to me?

45. If at the moment that you are here your body was pinched, not strongly enough to wake you up but sufficiently to be felt, would your spirit feel it? – A. My body would not feel it.

46. Would your spirit be aware of the fact? – A. The spirit wouldn’t have the slightest idea; but notice that you talk about a light sensation and without much importance both to the body and to the spirit.

47. With respect to light, you said that you feel it as if in the waking state, since your eyes are like windows through which light gets to the brain. We understand that regarding the light perceived by the body but at this moment it is not the body that sees. Do you still see through a specific spot or through the whole being? A. It is very difficult to explain. The spirit perceives the sensations without the intermediation of the organs and has no circumscribed spot to feel them.

48. I insist once more with the question relatively to the objects and space around you if they present the same colors as when you are awake. – A. To me, yes, since my organs do not deceive me. However, certain spirits would find large differences in all that. You, for example, perceive the sounds and colors in a very different way. 49. Do you feel the smells? – A. Also better than you do. 50. Do you establish a distinction between light and obscurity? – A. Distinction yes, but for me it is not the same as for you. I see perfectly well in the darkness. 51. Does your vision penetrate the opaque bodies? – A. Yes. 52. Could you go to another planet? – A. That depends. 53. Depends on what? – A. On the planet.

54. Which planet could you go to? – A. To those on the same level of evolution as Earth, or similar.

55. Do you see the other spirits? – A. Many and still.
OBSERVATION: Someone that knows him in the intimacy and that was present at the session said that such expression was very familiar. Thus, that person saw in this as in the general form of the language a proof of his identity.

56. Do you see them here? – A. Yes.

57. How do you confirm their presence? By a given form? – A. Through their form, that is, their perispirit.

58. Do you eventually see your children and can you talk to them? – A. I see and talk to them very frequently.

59. You said: At this moment the body is a simple accessory to me. It is me who is here. This me, is it bounded, limited; has it any form? In a word, how do you see yourself? – A. It is always the perispirit.

60. Then, the perispirit is a body to you? – A. There is no doubt about it.

61. Does your perispirit imitate the shape of your material body and does it seem to you that you are here with your body? – A. Yes to the first question, no to the second. I am perfectly aware that I am here with my luminous fluidic body only.

62. Could you punch me? – A. Yes, but you would feel nothing.

63. Could you do that in a perceptible way? – A. That is possible but I cannot do it here.

64. If, while you are here, your body died, what would you feel? – A. I would be there before that.

65. Would you be detached more promptly as if you had died under normal circumstances? – A. Very much! I wouldn’t go in but to close the door, after having left.

66. You said you have the gout. Don’t you agree with your doctor who is present here and seems to believe that you suffer neuralgic rheumatism? What is your opinion about it? – A. I think that as long as you are so well informed, that should be enough.

67. (The doctor) What is the basis of your belief in gout? – A. It is my opinion. I may be wrong, particularly if you are so sure about your diagnosis.

68. (The doctor) Could it be the case that there is a complication of gout and rheumatism? – A. Then we would be both right. We could only embrace one another.
OBSERVATION: The audience laughed at this answer.

69. When you see us laughing, does it make you laugh? – A. To the laughter. Can’t you hear me?

70. You said that the colchicum is an efficient medication against the gout. Where did you take such an idea from, if you did not know it when awake? – A. I used it in former times.

71. Then it was on another existence? – A. Yes, and it harmed me…

72. If you were asked an indiscrete question, would you feel embarrassed to answer it? – A. Oh! That is strong. Try me.

73. In your state, do you have complete free-will? – A. More than you do.
OBSERVATION: Experience has demonstrated in many occasions that the spirits separated from the body have their own will and only say what they want. Better understanding the reach of things they are still more sensible than when awake. When they say something is because they consider that to be useful.

74. Would you have the freedom of not having come to us when we evoked you? – A. Yes, with the risk of suffering the consequences of such attitude.

75. What would those consequences be? – A. If I refuse to be useful to my fellow human beings, particularly when I have perfect awareness of my actions, I am free but I am punished.

76. Which kind of punishment would you receive? – A. I would have to explain God’s code to you and this would take a long time.

77. If at this very moment someone insulted you, saying things that you would not accept if awake, which kind of feelings would you have? – A. Indifference.

78. Then you would not try to retaliate? – A. No.

79. Do you have any idea of the position you shall have when you are definitely among the spirits? – A. No. That is not allowed.

80. Do you believe that, in your present state, the spirit may predict the death of the body? – A. Sometimes, if I had to die suddenly, there would always be time to return to the body.

Family Advices

Your readers certainly remember the article published last September under the title A Spiritist Family. The following communications are very similar to those. In fact, these are advices given in a private meeting, by an eminently superior and benevolent spirit. They are distinguished by the kindness and sweetness of the style, by the profoundness of thoughts and also by nuances of extreme compassion, appropriate to the age and character of the persons to whom they were addressed. Mr. Rabache, a businessman from Bordeaux, who served as an intermediary, has kindly authorized their publication. We can only congratulate the mediums who received similar communications. It is a demonstration that they have happy sympathies in the invisible world.
Pechbusque Castle, November 1859


The guardian spirit of the family was asked if he could give a few advices to the members who were present. He responded:

Yes, may they have trust in God and seek enlightenment in the eternal and immutable truths taught by the book of nature. It contains the whole law of God and those who can read and understand only follow the true path of wisdom. May they never neglect anything that will be seen since everything has a teaching in itself and must elevate and approach the soul to God through reason. Try to distinguish the good from the evil in everything that may harm intelligence: the former is to be practiced; the latter is to be avoided. Before passing any judgment on anything may they turn their thoughts to God who will then guide them to the good path and WILL NEVER FAIL THEM!


Good evening my children. If you love me then strive to enlighten yourselves. Gather frequently with that thought and unite your thoughts. It is an excellent way since we only exchange things that we believe are good to you. We are ashamed of the bad things, thus they are kept in secret or they are only communicated to those who we wish to turn into accomplices. Good thoughts are distinguished from the bad ones because the former can be unceremoniously transmitted to everyone whereas the latter could not be communicated but to a few only. When a given thought crosses your mind, in order to assess its value, ask yourself if you can make it public without inconveniences and if it would not cause harm to anyone. If your conscience authorizes you don’t be afraid for your thought is good. Give good advices to one another and always think of the well-being of the one to whom you give the advice and not yours. You will be rewarded by the satisfaction that you will feel for being useful. The union of hearts is the most fecund source of happiness. If a large number of people are unhappy it is because they only seek happiness for themselves. Happiness escapes them precisely because they think to be able to find it in selfishness only. I say happiness and not fortune because up until now this has only served as support to injustice and the objective of life is justice. Well, if justice were practiced among human beings, the most fortunate one would be the one who had done the highest number of good deeds. Then, my children, if you want to become rich, do practice many good actions. Never mind the worldly things. It is not the satisfaction of flesh that one must seek but that of the soul. The former is ephemeral; the latter, eternal. It is enough for now. Mediate about these advices and try to practice them. Such is the path of salvation.


Yes, my children, here I am. Have trust in God, who never abandons those who do the good. What you consider wrong-doing frequently is so only with respect to your prejudices. Also, sometimes the real evil comes from a discouragement caused by a difficulty, which the calmness of spirit and thought would have avoided. Thus, think and as I have already told you, report everything to God. Whenever you experience any grief, far from giving in to sadness, on the contrary, resist and make all efforts to triumph, thinking that nothing is achieved without work and that very often success is followed by difficulties. Invoke the support of the benevolent spirits. As they teach you, they cannot do the good deeds in your place, nor obtain something to you from God, since each one must conquer perfection to which we are all destined, but they can inspire goodness in you, suggest a convenient attitude and help you with their presence. They don’t manifest ostensively but privately. Listen to the voice of your conscience, keeping in mind my preceding advices. Trust in God, be calm and have courage.


Good evening my children. Yes, it is necessary to continue the sessions, until a medium shows up replacing the one who is leaving us. His mission as an initiator among you has been accomplished. Continue what you have started, because you too shall one day serve to the propagation of truth, which at this very moment is proclaimed all over the world by the manifestations of the spirits. Be persuaded, my children, that what is generally understood as spirit on Earth is only spirit to you. After the separation of that spirit or soul from the dense body that surrounds it, as you see it, there is no more body because your material eyes can no longer see it, but it is still matter to those more elevated than that body. I will make a very imperfect comparison to you, my children, but which may give you an idea of the transformation that you improperly call death. Imagine a caterpillar that you see every day. Once the time is over for its existence in such a state, the caterpillar becomes the chrysalis; spending sometime in that state and then, when time is up, it leaves the cocoon behind, giving rise to the butterfly which flies away. Well, the caterpillar, by leaving behind her gross nature, represents human’s death. The butterfly represents the soul, which rises up. The caterpillar drags on the ground, the butterfly flies into the skies. It changed matter but it is still material. If the caterpillar could think, it would not see the butterfly; however, it would have left the rotten cocoon of the chrysalis. Thus, the body cannot see the soul, but the soul, surrounded by matter, is conscious of its existence and even the materialist sometimes feels it inside. Then, his pride precludes him from agreeing and he remains with his science without belief, not elevating, until the doubt arrives. Then, it is not the end, although there is a greater in-fight, but it is only a matter of time, because my friends don’t you forget, all children of God were created to achieve perfection. Fortunate are those who waste no time in their journey. Eternity is made of two periods: the trials, which could be called incubation, and the emergence or entry into the real life, that you call the happiness of the elected ones.


My dear children, I see with satisfaction that you begin to think about the advices I give you. I know that there is a lot to think about simultaneously, given the current development of your intelligences. However, I must take the present opportunity since in a short while it will no longer be available to me and it was necessary to excite your imagination, suggesting the means of moving on with the sessions until some of you may replace the current medium. I hope that these few sessions, which I urge you to consider carefully, may have been sufficient to awake in you the desire to acquire a deeper knowledge about this vast field of investigation. As a rule of thumb you should never try to simply satisfy a vain curiosity, but to seek enlightenment and improvement. It is useless to try to establish the difference between what I am going to teach you and what you already know. Every time you receive teachings ask yourself if it is fair and if it does correspond to the requirements of your conscience and equity. When the answer is positive don’t bother to find out if it is in agreement with what you have been told before. What does it matter? What is important is what is just, thoughtful and impartial. Anything that attends these conditions comes from God. Obey a good conscience; only do useful things; avoid everything that is useless, essentially not being a bad person, since doing something useless is already bad. Avoid scandals, even if in the path of your own betterment. There may be circumstances in which the simple observation of your changes may produce a negative effect. That is why, for example, someone who had been incarcerated in the darkness of the dungeons cannot afford sudden daylight without harming their eyes. Hence, may your progress never be a reason for investigation, unless advised by wisdom. May you improve continually, and may this only be seen when time is right. Those to whom I give this advice understand it, without the need for a more explicit explanation. Their consciences will tell them. Thus, courage and perseverance! These are the only rules of success.

OBSERVATION: The last advice could not have general application. It is evident that the spirit had a special objective, as he said it himself. Otherwise we could be mistaken with respect to the meaning and reach of his words.

Java Stones

Brussels, December 9th, 1859
“Mr. Director,

I read the report of Ida Pfeiffer in the Spiritist Review about the fallen stones of Java, in the presence of a Dutch high ranking officer, to whom I was closely connected in 1817; he had lent me his pistols and was my witness in my first duel. His name was Michiels, from Maastricht, who became a general in Java. The letter describing the fact added that the fallen stones, in the isolated house belonging to the Chéribon district, lasted not less than twelve days, and neither the General’s guard nor the general himself have discovered anything during the time he spent there. The stones, a kind of pumice stone, seemed to be created in the air, a few feet away from the ceiling. The general had several baskets filled up with them. The villagers would come for them, looking for amulets and remedies. The fact is very well known in Java since it is frequently repeated, particularly the siri spits. Several boys were stone-chased in the open field, but were not hit. One could say that these were mocking spirits who were having fun by scaring people. Evoke the spirit of general Michiels and he will perhaps explain the fact. Dr. Vanden Kerkhove, who lived in Java for a long time, has mentioned to me, as I do to you, that the Review is getting more and more interesting by the day, more moralizing and in high demand in Brussels.”
Yours, etc…

The well-known character of Mrs. Ida Pfeiffer and the trait of veracity of all of her reports leave no doubt as for the reality of the phenomena above, but one must understand the importance added to the fact by the letter sent by Mr. Jobard, and considering the education of the main witness in charge of verifying the phenomena, who would not have any interest in accrediting the fact if it were regarded as false. To begin with, the spongy like nature of that rain of stones could lead to the belief in a volcanic or atmospheric origin, leading the skeptical to say that superstition had taken the place of a natural phenomenon. If we only had the testimony of the Javanese such hypothesis would be founded and the stones, falling in the open field, would undoubtedly support such hypothesis.

However, general Michiels and Dr. Vanden Kerkhove were not Malang, and their statements certainly hold value. To this very strong argument it is necessary to add that the stones would not fall in the open air only, but in a room where, as it seems, they were formed a few feet from the ceiling. It is the General that states so. Well, we don’t believe that atmospheric debris has ever been seen formed in the closed environment of a room. Even by admitting the volcanic or meteorological cause the same could not be applied to the siri spiting, never spilled by volcanos, at least to our knowledge. Keeping this hypothesis aside, by the nature of the phenomena itself, the amount of substances that were formed remains to be known. The explanation can be found in our August 1859 issue about the “Furniture from beyond the grave”.

Toulouse, December 17th, 1859

“Dear Sir,

I have just read your response to Mr. Oscar Comettant, whose article I had also read. If that skeptical editor and gauche teaser was not convinced by the good arguments you gave him, he could at least acknowledge the civility of your style, totally absent in his prose. The vulgar stresses that he used to color the evocations seems to have come from the red-tailed spirit; the regrets with which he mentioned the 2 francs paid for the sonata deserved that the Society reimbursed him for the 2 francs. Have in mind, Mr. Allan Kardec, that I am too a very passionate spiritist to just let go an article in which I am cited and questioned without an answer. As for myself, I also wrote to Mr. Oscar Comettant. On the very day I got your journal, he received the following letter:


I had the pleasure of reading your feuilleton Varieties, from Friday. Since you question me, and as I am cited by name, allow me to make some observations with that regard, which you will accept as I have accepted your witty parentheses where you painted the report about the evocations of Mozart and Chopin. What is it that you want to mock with such a humorous article? Is it Spiritism? You will make a big mistake in believing that you can harm it. In France, people mock first, later they assess and confer the honor of the jokes to the truly serious and great things, with the freedom of doing so after the required analysis.

If Mr. Ledoyen is as greedy as you wish to make believe, he must appreciate your intention of ensuring the success of one of his most modest publications in an 11-column editorial. It is the first time that such an important article is written about Spiritism in a great journal. I see by this almost luridly article that Spiritism is already taken seriously by its enemies, and I tell you in confidence, that the spirits have said that they have used the enemies for the triumph of their cause. Thus, the best thing to do is to remain on guard if you do not wish to become an unintentional apostle.

You cannot see in Spiritism anything different from moral and commercial charlatanism. As for ourselves, future guests of Charenton, we found in Spiritism the solution to many problems that have puzzled humanity for many centuries, as follows: the thoughtful acknowledgment of God in all His material and spiritual works; the evident individuality and immortality of the soul, demonstrated by the manifestation of the spirits; the comprehension of God’s justice, studied in the multiple incarnations of the spirits, etc…,. Had one taken the burden of carrying out an in-depth study of these subjects and one could see that they are above all sarcasms and mockery. However much you take us by dreamers and hallucinated people, instead of the “eppur si muove” from Galileo, we say: Yet, God is there!
Please accept …

Brion Dorgeval First bass, Comic Opera,
Toulouse Theater (ex-employee of Mr. Carvalho)”

OBSERVATION: We are not aware if Mr. Oscar Comettant has published this answer or ours. Nevertheless, attacking without admitting defense is not a loyal fight.

“Brussels, December 23rd, 1859

My dear colleague,

I want to submit to you some ethnographic reflections about the world of the spirits, with the intention of reestablishing a much generalized opinion, very wrong in my view, regarding the state of the human being after his transition to the spiritual world.

People mistakenly think that an imbecile, an ignorant, a rude person, becomes immediately a genius, a wise person, a prophet, once their material envelope is left behind. It is a similar mistake to someone who would admit that a criminal will become an honest person when released from the shackles; a silly person becomes an expert or a fanatic turns into a rational person just because the frontier has been transposed.

Not at all! We take every moral accomplishment with us, the character, the knowledge, the vices and virtues. We do not carry what is related to the material world. The limping, the cross-eyed and the hunchbacked are no longer so, but the villains, the stingy and the superstitious, still are. We should not be impressed by the fact that we hear spirits asking for prayers; willing that others may do the peregrinations which they had promised and even that others find the money that they had hidden with the objective of giving it to the person to whom they wanted to give, pointing to that person correctly, as long as they are still alive.

In short, the spirit that had a desire, a plan, an opinion, a belief when on Earth, wants to see them come true. Therefore, Hahnemann exclaimed: “Courage my friends, my doctrine triumphs. What a satisfaction to my soul!”

As for Dr. Gall, you know what he thinks of your Science, as Lavater, Swedenborg and Fourier, who told me that his students had truncated his doctrine, willing to skip the phase of guarantee, which he congratulates me to carry over.

In short, all spirits who profess a religion, idolatry or a schism, out of conviction, persist on the same beliefs until theyare enlightened by the study and by reflection. That is the subject of my concerns at this point. It is evidently a logical spirit that dictates it because one hour ago my only thought was to go to bed and finish the excellent little book by Mrs. Henry Gaugain about the Bretons’ prejudices against the new inventions.

By keeping up with your studies you will recognize that the world beyond the grave is not a photographic image of this world, which as you know has spirits as perverse as the devil and as bad as the demons. It will come as no surprise that good people may be deceived of avoiding any dealings with these spirits. This precludes people from the presence of the good and great spirits, who are not so rare up there as they are down here, coming from all times and all places, willing to give good advice and to do good deeds.

On the other hand you know well how irritably and repulsively the bad ones respond to a forced appeal. Nevertheless, the greatest and rarest of them all, the one that comes only three times during the life time of a globe, the Divine Spirit, the Saint Spirit, he does not attend the evocations of the pneumatography mediums: he only comes when he wishes to do so – spiritus flat ubi vult – which does not mean that others are not sent before him to pave his way.

Hierarchy is a universal law – everything is like everything – as a matter of fact, similarly to what happens to us. False human respect is what mostly delays the progress of the good doctrines, hindered by persecution.

Magnetism would have triumphed long ago if instead of saying: Mr. X, Mr. N., if one had only given the name and address of the persons, with reference, as the English say. Instead, they ask: who is this hidden Mr. M? He is apparently a liar. How about this Mr. J? He is a scoundrel. What would one say about this Mr. F.? He is a faker, or even better, someone unworthy of any trust since he hides himself and he is masked so as to deceive and to do bad things. Now that the academies admit magnetism and somnambulism, cousin-brothers of Spiritism, it is necessary that their adepts be prepared to sign off in total agreement. The fear of what is going to be said is a coward and bad feeling. The action of testifying to what one has seen, to what one believes, is no longer considered a trait of courage. Thus you must advise your followers to do what I always do: sign off.


OBSERVATION: We agree with Mr. Jobard in all points. His initial observations about the state of the spirits are accurate. Regarding the second point, like him we wait for the moment when the fear for what is going to be said will not stop anybody. However, what else to expect? One must acknowledge human weakness. Some starts, and Mr. Jobard will hold the merit of having started. Rest assured that others will follow when they feel that they can expose their feet without the fear of being bitten. Time is needed for all that. Well, time goes faster than Mr. Jobard may think. The reservation we keep with respect to the publication of the names obeys reasons of convenience, for what we so far congratulate ourselves; but while we wait we attest a fast progress in the courage of opinion. We daily see people that, not long ago, would hardly declare themselves spiritists, openly doing it today in social gatherings, sustaining the thesis of their doctrine, with no concern whatsoever for the rude epithets with which they are awarded. It is a huge step. The rest will come next. Here is what I said, to begin with: a few years more and a new change will take place; very soon the same that happened to magnetism will also happen to Spiritism. Up until recently one would only acknowledge being a magnetizer if behind the walls of a closed room. Today it is an honorific title. When convinced that Spiritism does not burn, people will declare themselves spiritists with no more fear than those that say they are phrenologists, homeopaths, etc. We are living in a transient period and the transitions don’t ever take place suddenly.

Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, December 2nd, 1859
(Private Session)
The minutes of the November 25th session were read.
Letters received from Mr. L. Benardacky, from St. Petersburg and from Ms. Elisa Johnson, from London, who request to be admitted as regular members of the Society.

MULTIPLE COMMUNICATIONS: Reading of two communications carried out by Mr. Bouche, former Rector of the Academy, a writing medium, given by the spirit of the Duchess of Longueville, with respect to her presence as a spirit in Port-Royal-desChamps. These two communications are remarkable by their elevation of thoughts. They demonstrate that certain spirits have pleasure in revisiting the places where they lived, feeling delighted by the memories. No doubt that the more dematerialized, the less they give importance to the worldly things, but some remain still connected to them for a long time after death, and it seems that they continue their work in this world, or at least they demonstrate certain interest by that.


1st – Evocation of Mr. Count Desbassyns de Richemont, deceased in June 1859, who professed the spiritist ideas for over ten years. The evocation confirms the influence of these ideas on the release of the spirit after death.

2nd – Evocation of Sister Martha, deceased in 1824.

3rd – Second evocation of Count R…C…, member of the Society, in bed due to an illness, followed by questions addressed to him about the momentary separation of the spirit from the body, during the sleep (published in this number).

Friday, December 9th, 1859
(General Session)

Reading of the minutes of the December 2nd session.

Mr. de la Roche reports remarkable communications that took place at a house in Castelnaudary. The facts are described in a note which precedes the report of the evocation, to be published.


1st – Evocation of the king of Kanala (New Caledonia), already evoked on October 28th, then writing with some difficulty, promising to practice and return to write in a more intelligible way. He gives curious explanations about the utilized mode of improvement (to be published with the first evocation).

2nd – Evocation of the spirit of Castelnaudary. He manifests through signs of intense wrath, incapable of writing anything. Seven or eight pencils are broken, violently thrown onto the audience; the medium’s arm is brutally shaken. St. Louis provides interesting explanations about the condition and the nature of this spirit that, he says, is of the worst kind and in one of the most unfortunate situations (to be published with all other communications about the subject).

3rd – Four spontaneous communications are simultaneously obtained: the first from St. Vincent de Paul, through Mr. Roze; the second, from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, which is a continuation of the work initiated by the same spirit; the third from Mélanchthon, through Mr. Colin; the fourth from a spirit who called himself Mikael, protector of children, by Mrs. Boyer.
Friday, December 16th, 1859
(Private Session)
Minutes of the previous session were read.


Mr. Benardacky from St. Petersburg and Ms. Elisa Johnson, from London, introduced on December 2nd, are admitted as regular members.

REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION: Mr. Forbes, from London, Engineering Officer, and Mrs. Forbes, from Florence, send us letters requesting to be admitted as regular members of the Society. Report and decision adjourned to the December 30th session.

Six officials are designated to split the works of the general sessions until April 1st, without the need of designating one per session. In addition they will have the task of indicating any infraction of the regulations by the audience, then ignoring the requirements of the Society, so that their sponsoring members may be warned.

As proposed by Mr. Allan Kardec, the Society decides that the Bulletin of the sessions will be published in a supplement of the Review from now on, so that its publication does not interfere with the regular matters of the journal. As a consequence of that addition, each number will receive an addition of about four pages, whose costs will be covered by the Society.

Mr. Leourd proposes that when there are five sessions in one month, the fifth session should be of private character, which was adopted. The same member further proposes that when a new member is admitted they should be officially introduced to the other members of the Society, so that they would not come as strangers, which was also approved.

Mr. Thiry observes that many suffering spirits request the help of prayers in order to mitigate their pain, but since we can lose track of them, he proposes that their names be remembered in each session (adopted).


1st – A letter received from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, confirming in details the fact of the Java manifestations, described by Mrs. Pfeiffer and published in the December issue of the Review. He obtained them from the Dutch general himself, to whom he was associated, and being in charge of watching the house where those things happened, and consequently an eyewitness. Published in this number.

2nd – Reading of a communication of the spirit from Castelnaudary, obtained by Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, attendees of the last session. Circumstantial and interesting details of that spirit are provided and also about the events which took place in the referred house. Several other communications obtained about the subject matter will be added and published when ready.

3rd – Reading of some news about Mrs. Xavier, clairvoyant medium. That lady does not see the spirits at will but only when they spontaneously present themselves to her, while she is not in a somnambulistic or ecstatic state. Yet, at certain times she enters into a peculiar state, requiring calmness and reverence, to the point that when questioned about what she is seeing, such a state dissipates immediately and she no longer sees anything. In the meantime, as she keeps a complete memory of everything she can report it later. That is how she saw Sister Martha on the very day that she was evoked, not leaving space for any doubt regarding her identity. She also saw the spirit of Castelnaudary in the last session, dressing a ragged shirt, holding a dagger in his bloody hand, violently shaking the medium’s arm during his writing attempts, as well as each time that St. Louis apparently commanded him to write. He held a kind of stupid smile on his face. Then, when told about the prayers it seems that he did not understand in the beginning but soon after the explanation given by St. Louis, he fell on his knees. The king of Kanala showed up but with the head of a white man. He had blue eyes, mustache and white sideburns, black hands, steel bracelets, a blue outfit and the chest covered by a number of objects that she could not distinguish. “Such appearance, someone said, is due to the fact that before his latest existence he had been a French solider, during the time of Louis XV. It was a consequence of his relatively advanced state. He requested to return among his people, so that as a chief he could bring ideas of progress. His form and the half civilized, half savage appearance are supposed to show, in a different way, the forms that the spirit can give to the perispirit, with an educational objective and as an indication of the several states he had experienced.”

Mrs. Xavier also saw the evoked spirits coming, responding to the evocation and to the questions which had nothing negative in their objective, then following St. Louis orders, and leaving so that other spirits around could answer in turn, when the questions then assumed an insidious direction.

“May the greatest of good-faiths and honesty dictate the questions, and not a single dissimulated thought escape us” – added the spirit questioned by the lady’s husband. “Never try to achieve your objectives through tortuous paths for you shall infallibly miss them by doing so.”

She saw a fluidic crown around the medium’s head, as if blocking the access of uncalled spirits for the communication, since the answers should be sincere. However, once the crown was removed, she saw several intruders disputing the vacant place.

Finally, she saw the spirit of Count R… in the form of a luminous heart, upside-down, attached to a fluidic cord coming from outside. We were told that it was to teach us that the spirit could give the perispirit the appearance they wish. Then, it could have presented her with the inconvenience of meeting an incarnated sprit. Such inconvenience diminished or disappeared later.


1st – Evocation of Charlet.

2nd – Three spontaneous communications, received simultaneously: the first from St. Augustine, through Mr. Roze. It explains the mission of Christ and confirms a very important point explained by Arago, about the formation of the globe; the second from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, continuing the work already initiated; the third, from Joinville, signed in old orthographic style: Amy de Loys, by Ms. Huet.

Friday, December 23rd, 1859
(General Session)

Reading of the minutes and works of the December 16th session.


Letters received from Mr. Demange and from Mr. Soive, both Parisian traders, requesting to become regular members. Report and decision adjourned to the December 30th session.


1st – Reading of a private evocation, carried out by Mrs. B…, from the spirit that communicated spontaneously through her at the Society, using the name Paul Miffet, at the moment of his incarnation. This evocation, which presents an interesting picture of the reincarnation and the physical and moral situation of the spirit at the initial moments of the corporeal life, will be published.

2nd – Letter from Mr. Paul Netz, about the facts which determined the ownership of the ruins of the Vauvert castle, by Chartreux, a castle located in the neighborhood of the Paris Observatory, during the times of Louis IX. They say that diabolic scenes have taken place in that castle, then stopping when the monks were installed there. Once questioned about it, St. Louis declares that he knew about the story but that it was pure charlatanism.


1st – Several moral questions addressed to St. Louis about the state of suffering spirits. These will be published.

2nd – Evocation of John Brown.

3rd – Three spontaneous communications: the first by Mr. Roze and signed by the Spirit of Truth, with several advices to the Society; the second from Charlet, through Mr. Didier Junior, continuing the work; the third about the spirits who preside over the flowers, by Mrs. B… Allan Kardec


Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, December 30th, 1859
(Private Session)

Minutes of the December 23rd session were read.

The Society decides that in every private session, following the reading of the minutes, the list containing the names of participants of the preceding general session will be read, with an indication of the regular members who have introduced them, and that an exhortation shall be made to point out the inconveniences caused by persons strange to the Society. Hence the list with the names of the attendees of the previous session was read.

These are the newly admitted regular members, as from written request and verbal report:

1st – Mr. Forbes from London, Engineer officer, who was introduced on December 16th.

2nd – Mrs. Forbes, born Countess Passerini Corretesi, from Florence, introduced on December 16th *

3 rd – Mr. Soive, a businessman from Paris, introduced on December 23rd. ** 4th – Mr. Demange, a businessman from Paris, introduced on December 23rd. Reading of three new letters requesting admission. Report and decision adjourned to January 6th.


1st – Letter from Mr. Brion Dorgeval, with the answer sent to Mr. Oscar Comettant, regarding an article from the latter published in the Siècle (see January issue of the Review).

2nd – Letter received from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, with fair observations about the moral state of the spirits. He regrets the fact that the adepts of Spiritism are generally designated by their initials. He believes that more explicit indications would contribute to the progress of the Science. As a consequence he invites all adepts to sign their names, as he does himself (see the January issue).

This last observation from Mr. Jobard is strongly endorsed by a large number of members, who authorize to mention their names in all references related to them.

Mr. Allan Kardec states that the fear for what is going to be said diminishes daily and that there are only a few people these days that would be afraid of confessing their opinion about Spiritism. The bad taste epithets given to them become ridiculous common place, laughed at when so many people from the elites associate their names to the Doctrine, and one can already foresee the time when the force of opinion will impose silence to sarcasm. However, it is one thing to have the courage of opinion in conversations and another thing is to cast their names publicly. Among the persons who sustain the cause of Spiritism with more energy there are many who don’t like to have their names in evidence, for that very reason, rather than anything else. Such scruples, which don’t imply lack of courage, must be respected. When extraordinary facts take place anywhere it is understandable that it would not be very pleasant to the persons involved to become a target of public curiosity and bothered by the unwelcome. We should undoubtedly be grateful to those who are above such prejudices but we should not lightheartedly censor those who have very legitimate reasons not to expose themselves.


1st – Questions addressed to St. Louis about the spirits who preside over the flowers, regarding the communication received by Mrs. B… An interesting explanation will be published on the subject.

2nd – Other questions were framed about the spirit of the animals.

3rd – Two spontaneous and simultaneous communications: the first one by the Spirit of Truth, through Mr. Roze, with some advices to the Society; the second, by Fénelon, through Ms. Huet.

Friday, January 6th, 1860
(Private Session)

Minutes of the December 30th session were read. The following were admitted as regular members after written requests and verbal report:

1st – Mr. Ducastel, a property owner from Abbéville, introduced on December 30th.
2nd – Mrs. Deslandes, from Paris, introduced on December 30th. 3rd – Mrs. Rakowska, from Paris, introduced on December 30th. A request for admission was read. Letter received from Mr. Poinsignon, from Paris, congratulating the Society over the New Year’s celebration, and wishing it well for the propagation of Spiritism. A letter recently received from Mr. Demange, thanking for his admission. He ensures the Society about his active cooperation. Analysis of several issues related to the administrative business of the Society.


1st – News received about D. Péra, a prior from Armilly who died 30 years ago. A study shall be carried out about that.

2nd – Letter from Mr. Lussiez, from Troyes, with judicious reflections about the moralizing influence of Spiritism over the working classes.

3rd – Letter received from Mrs. P…, from Rouen, informing to have received remarkable communications, as a medium, in total agreement with The Spirits’ Book. Besides, the letter contains reflections which indicate a very healthy appreciation of the spiritist ideas from the part of the author.

4th – Letter received regarding Ms. Désirée Godu, a healing medium from Hennebon. It is a known fact that Ms. Godu’s work is that of devotion and pure philanthropy.


1st – Several questions addressed to St. Louis for clarification and development of earlier communications.

2nd – Ms. Dubois, medium and regular member of the Society, having received a communication from a spirit who calls himself Chateaubriand, requests clarification. Another spirit communicates with that very name, refusing identification in the name of God. Confesses his fraud, apologizes and gives curious information about his life. Then, the true Chateaubriand gives a brief and spontaneous communication, promising a more elaborated one in due course.

Friday, January 13th, 1860
(General Session)

Reading of the minutes from the January 6th, session.

Reading of three new requests for membership. Analysis and report adjourned to the January 20th session.


1st – Letter from Mr. Maurice, from Tell, Ardèche, reporting extraordinary facts which took place in a house in Fons, near Aubenas, and that somehow resemble those which happened in Java.

2nd – Letter from Mr. Albert Ferdinand, from Beziers, reporting three remarkable personal facts which demonstrate the physical action that the spirits may exert upon certain mediums.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Crozet, from Havre, a corresponding member of the Society, informing about a communication received jointly with Mr. Sprenger, from a mockery spirit. That spirit, a Navy captain deceased six months prior, explains with remarkable accuracy and lucidity the tricks of the “besigue” card game, indicating how the players may win or lose (to be published).

4th – The spirit of a dancer. Mr. and Mrs. Netz, members of the Society, since some time now receive communications from a spirit that shows up dancing constantly, that is, making a table dance, following the perfectly recognizable rhythm of a polka, a mazurka, a square dance, a waltz in two or three tempos, etc. He never wanted to write, only responding through raps. He even said through such a means that he was Peruvian, native Indian, deceased 56 years ago at the age of 35; that really enjoyed drinking “spirits” when alive, and who now attends public balls where he has a lot of fun. He never comes to communicate before 10 pm and only on certain days. He says that he communicates through Mrs. Netz but he cannot do it without the support of Mr. D…, a medium of physical effects, thus he needs both present at the same time. Therefore, Mr. D… had never attracted him to his house and Mrs. Netz cannot do it if she is alone.

5th – Reading of a spontaneous communication sent by Mr. Rabache, from Bordeaux, in continuation of those published under the title “Family advices”.

6th – Mrs. Forbes reads three spontaneous communications received by her husband about filial love, paternal love and patience. Those communications, remarkable by their high morality and simplicity of language, may be classified in the category of intimate advices.


1st – The spirit from Castelnaudary was evoked, who had already been evoked on December 9th. See the complete report under the title “Story of a naughty spirit”.

2nd – Evocation of the dancer spirit. He does not wish to write but raps the rhythm of several rhythms with the pencil, agitating the medium’s arm in synchronism. St. Louis gives some explanations about his character and confirms the preceding information.

3rd – Questions about the manifestations of Fons, near Aubenas. The answer is that there is something truthful about the facts, but they should not be accepted unconditionally and that we should prevent against exaggeration above all.

4th – Evocation of D. Péra, prior of Armilly. He provides important details about his situation and character.

5th – Two spontaneous communications: the first through Mr. Roze, from a spirit named Estelle Riquier who had led an unworthy life, failed her duties as a mother and wife; the second through Mr. Forbes, containing advices about rage.

Friday, January 20th, 1860
(Private Session)

Reading of the minutes of the January 13th session.

Following the written request and verbal reports, the following persons are admitted as regular members:

1st – Mr. Kratzoff, from Saint Petersburg, introduced on January 13th.

2nd – Mr. Julien, from Belfort, High-Rhine, introduced on January 13th.

3rd – Mr. Count Alexander Stenbock Fermor, from Saint Petersburg, introduced on January 6th.


1st – Reading of a spontaneous communication received by Mr. Pécheur, member of the Society.

2nd – New details about the dancer spirit. Mrs. Netz, writing medium, having questioned another spirit, received more information, among them the fact that he was very rich when alive; that he died in a hunting accident, when completely alone. Having questioned the dancer spirit about these facts and with the support of the other medium, she obtained identical answers through knocks. Behold, Mrs. Netz had not communicated the first written answers to the other medium. On another hand, she is not the one operating as a medium now. Besides, she had formulated the questions insidiously, possibly leading to adverse answers. Hence there was independence of thoughts from one side to the other, and the agreement of the answers is a characteristic fact. Another equally curious fact is that the dancer’s favorite medium one day was taken by involuntary movements in the streets, making him walk rhythmically. If he wanted to resist he could stop those movements but as long as he let go, his legs would follow the flair of a dancer. It was nothing much ostensive, sufficient to call other people’s attention. This leads to the understanding that spirits of different orders and not so much well meaning, like the spirit that just wanted to have fun, could produce more violent movements over certain human bodies, similar to those seen in the convulsive and jerky persons.

3rd – Report of a spontaneous communication from the spirit of a living person, made by Mr. G…, a writing medium, given to him personally. The spirit described circumstantial details completely ignored by the medium, whose accuracy was verified. Mr. G… did not know that person, having seen him only once during a visitation and never again. He only knew his family name. Well, the spirit also signed his name, perfectly correct. Such circumstance, added to other indications of time and place given by the spirit, constitute evidence of identity. Mr. Count de R… comments that such kind of communications may sometimes entail some indiscretion, asking if the person involved would be happy if aware of the conversation.

The following answers were given:

1 – If the communicating person came in spirit it was out of their own will, considering that Mr. G… was not thinking of him and did not call him;

2 – Once detached from the body the spirit has free-will, only responding to what they wish to;

3 – In such a state the spirit is more sensible than in the waking state, since the spirit sees the reach of things in a broader way.

If that spirit had seen any inconvenience in his words he would not have said that;

4th – Reading of a communication from Lyon, addressed to the Society, saying among other things:

“The transformation of humanity is prepared by the incarnation of better spirits on Earth, those who will form a new generation, dominated by the love of good; that the wicked people who keep their eyes closed to the light will reincarnate with a new phalanx of simple and ignorant spirits, sent by God to the works of formation of a new world, inferior to planet Earth. They will not be able to meet their brothers and sisters from Earth but only after hard work through which they will then reach their level, after this generation is passed, because the bad spirits will not have the right to witness such beautiful transformation.”

Mr. Theubet observes that the communication apparently blesses the principle of a backwards march, contrary to everything that has been taught.

A long and profound discussion is then established. It can be summarized as follows: The spirit may fall from the current position but not with respect to the acquired knowledge and virtues. The principle of non-retrogress must be understood from the moral and intellectual standpoint, that is, the spirit cannot lose what has already been acquired in intelligence and morality and would not return to the state of spiritual infancy. In other words, the spirit cannot become more ignorant or worse than before, fact that does not preclude the spirit from incarnating in a tougher and inferior position and among more ignorant spirits, if deserved. A very inferior spirit who would reincarnate among a civilized people would be out of place and would not be able to keep up with his class. Returning to the savage in a new existence such a spirit would only be recovering his own position, which could have been left a bit too early, but the ideas acquired during his passage among the enlightened people would not be lost. The same must happen to those individuals who are going to support the formation of a new world. Finding out of place in a better Earth they shall then move to a world compatible with their moral state.


1st – A black person from the ship Constant is evoked; he had already been evoked on September 30th, 1859. He gives new explanations about the circumstances that followed his death.

2nd – Three spontaneous communications: the first from Chateaubriand, through Mr. Roze; the second from Plato, through Mr. Colin; the third from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, in continuation of his work about the nature of the animals.

* The original shows December 23rd as the introduction date but the correct date is December 16th, according to the respective minutes (see the January 1860 issue) – (NT).

** The original shows December 16th as the introduction date but the correct is December 23rd, according to the respective minutes (see the January 1860 issue) – (NT).

Globule Spirits

The desire to see the spirits is a very natural thing and we know only a few people who would not like to have such a faculty. Unfortunately it is one of the scarcest, particularly the permanent one. The spontaneous apparitions are very frequent but accidental, and almost always motivated by a totally personal circumstance, based on the relationships that might have existed between the person that sees and the spirit that shows up. One thing is to serendipitously see a spirit and another is to see them habitually and under normal, ordinary conditions. Well, as a matter of fact, that is what constitutes the faculty of the clairvoyant mediums. It results from a special aptitude whose cause is still unknown, and that can be developed but which would be hopelessly provoked in case there is no natural predisposition. Thus, it is necessary to remain vigilant against the illusions which can be originated from the desire of having such a faculty, and which have given place to so many strange systems. We must fight the scaring theories since these have been the reason for the attacks to the manifestations, particularly when those theories demonstrate ignorance with respect to the facts, as much as we must try to destroy ideas which indicate more enthusiasm than thought, and that for this very reason do more harm than good by being exposed to ridicule.

The theory of the visions and apparitions is perfectly understood today. We have developed it in several articles particularly in the December 1858 and February and August 1859 issues of the Review and in our The Mediums’ Book, or experimental Spiritism. We shall not repeat it here but will remind a few essential points only, before coming to the analysis of the globule spirits system.

The spirits may be seen in several ways, being the human form the most common. Their apparition generally happens under a misty and diaphanous form, sometimes vague and not well defined. It often starts from a whitish spark whose boundaries are gradually delineated. On other occasions the lines are more accentuated and the tiniest details of the face are drawn with such an accuracy which allows their exact description. On those occasions a painter could portray them as easily as done with a living person. The attitude and looks are the same that the spirit had when alive. Since the spirit may give any appearance to the perispirit, which is the ethereal body, the spirit may show up under the appearance in which they are more easily recognizable. Therefore, although the spirit no longer carries any disease which they might have endured as a living person, the spirit may appear limping, limbless or hunchback if that is considered suitable for identification. As for their outfit these are generally made of some sort of floating tunics, at least that is the appearance of the superior spirits who keep nothing of the worldly things. However, the vulgar spirits, our acquaintances, almost always wear the type of clothes that they wore in the last period of their lives. They frequently show the typical traits of their social classes. The superior spirits always show a beautiful, noble and serene face whereas the inferior spirits have a vulgar physiognomy, a mirror which reflects the more or less ignoble passions that moved them. They sometimes even show traces of their crimes or sufferings. A remarkable thing is the fact that, exception made to some particular circumstances, the least defined areas are the inferior limbs while the head, arms and chest are always clearly outlined.

We said that the apparition has something of diaphanous, despite its distinctiveness. In some cases one can compare them to the image reflected on a mirror without tin, which does not preclude us from seeing the objects behind it. That is how the clairvoyants commonly see them. They see the spirits come and go, circulate around the living ones, giving the impression, at least the vulgar spirits, that they take active part into what happens around them, listening and showing interest for what is being discussed, depending on the subject. Sometimes they can be seen approaching people, whispering ideas, influencing them, consoling or showing happiness or sadness, depending on the result. In short, it is the replica or the reflex of the corporeal world, with its passions, vices or virtues, many virtues which our material nature would hardly allow us to understand. Such is this occult world that populates the space that surrounds us, in which we live unsuspectedly, as we live among the myriads of the microscopic world.

However, it can also be that the spirit takes an even more distinct shape with all traces of a solid human body, to the point of producing a complete illusion and make believe that one is before a corporeal being. Finally, the tangibility may become real, that is, such body may be touched; its resistance may be felt and even its temperature, as if from an animated body, despite the fact that it may disappear with the speed of light. Although the apparition of these beings, designated by the name agénères, is very rare, it is always accidental and of short duration. They could not become habitual guests of a house under such appearance.

It is a well-known fact that among the exceptional faculties irrefutably demonstrated by Mr. Home there was the appearance of tangible hands, which can be touched on one side and on the other those hands can hold, grab and even leave impressions on the skin. We say that the tangible apparitions are very rare but the ones which occurred lately confirm and explain those recorded by History, relatively to persons which showed up after death, showing the same appearance as their corporeal form. As a matter of fact, however extraordinary such phenomena may seem, the supernatural aspect disappears as long as the explanation is known and it is then clear that far from being a derogation of the natural laws, the apparitions are their application.

When the spirits take the human form it is impossible to be mistaken. That is not the case when they take other appearances. We will not discuss certain terrestrial images reflected by the atmosphere, which have fed the superstition of ignorant people, but of some other effects about which even educated people could be mistaken. That is precisely when we have to be vigilant against the illusion, avoiding exposing ourselves by taking some purely natural physical phenomena by spirits.

The air does not always present a perfect cleanness, and there are situations in which the molecular currents and agitation produced by heat are perfectly visible. The agglomeration of these particles forms small masses which seem to navigate in space, giving rise to the singular system of spirits in the form of globules. The cause of such appearance is in the air but it can also be in the eye. The vitreous humor has imperceptible spots which may have lost their transparency. These spots are like opaque bodies in suspension, following the liquid’s motions and undulation. They produce the effect of small discs in the air and at a distance, due to the phenomenon of refraction and amplification, varying from 1 to 10 millimeters in diameter. We saw people absorb those discs by familiar spirits that followed them everywhere, and they saw figures in the nuances of the optical formations, out of their own enthusiasm. A simple observation carried out by these persons will bring them back to the terrain of reality. Those discs or medallions, they say, not only follow them but track all their moves: they show up on the right, on the left, up and down, or stop, according to the motion of the head. Such coincidence proves by itself that the seat of the appearance is in us and not outside, further demonstrated by the fact that the wavy like movements are always within a certain angle; however, as they do not follow the sudden changes in the line of sight, it gives the impression that they have certain independence. The cause of that effect is very simple. The opaque or semi-opaque spots of the vitreous humor, primary cause of the phenomenon as we said, are kept in suspension, with a constant tendency to drop down. When there is an upward movement it is because they were required by the ascending motion of the eye; at that point if the eye stays put the disc is seen to slowly move downwards and then stop. It has extreme mobility since an imperceptible motion of the eye is sufficient to make it sweep the full angle of sight, in the region where the image is projected.

The same can be said about the sparks sometimes produced in more or less compact rays, by the contraction of the muscle of the eye, which are likely due to the phosphorescence or natural electricity of the iris, since these are generally limited to the circular circumference of the organ. Similar illusions cannot arise but from an incomplete observation. Those who have seriously studied the nature of the spirits by all means given by the practical science will understand how puerile these illusions are. If those airy globules were spirits we would have to acknowledge that they would be reduced to a purely mechanical role, considering that they are intelligent and free beings, a role which would be painfully boring to inferior spirits, let alone the idea that we have about the superior spirits.

The only signs that may really ensure the presence of the spirits are the intelligent ones. As long as the images which we have just mentioned above have not demonstrated independent, spontaneous movements, even if with a human form, we are only seeing physiological or optical phenomena. The same observation applies to all kinds of manifestations, particularly the noises, raps, and any uncommon motion of inert bodies, which can be produced by a thousand and one reasons. We repeat: while an effect is not intelligent on its own and independent from people’s intelligence, we must examine it twice before attributing it to the spirits.

Special Mediums

Experience daily demonstrates how large the variety of the mediumship faculty is. However, it also proves that the multiple nuances of that faculty are due to special and not yet defined gifts, abstraction made of the quality and knowledge of the manifesting spirit. The nature of the communication is always relative to the spirit’s nature, bearing the hallmark of their elevation or inferiority, their knowledge or ignorance. However, having equal merit from a hierarchical point of view, there is an incontestable tendency to dedicate to one thing, rather than the other. For example, the rapping spirits are almost never away from the physical manifestations and those who give intelligent manifestations are poets, musicians, painters, moralists, doctors, wise spirits, etc. We speak of a middle order of spirits, because when the spirits arrive at a certain level the skills merge in the unity of perfection. Nevertheless, besides the skills of the spirit, there is the medium who is more or less an adequate instrument to the spirit, more or less flexible, to whom the medium offers particular qualities which we cannot appreciate.

Let us make a comparison: a skillful musician has several violins in hand which are all good to the public but among which the seasoned artist sees a great difference; he detects nuances of subtle delicacy which lead him to pick some and reject others, nuances which he understands out of pure intuition and that he cannot define. The same happens to the mediums: among mediums of similar qualities regarding the mediumistic strength, the spirit will prefer this one to the other, according to the type of communication they want to give. Thus, for example, we see people writing remarkable poetry as mediums although under ordinary circumstances they could never write a single verse. Others who are poets, on the contrary only write prose, despite their wishes. The same applies to painting, music, etc. There are mediums that without having scientific knowledge have a very special skill to receive scientific communications; others to receive historical studies; others operate as interpreters to moralizing spirits. In short, whatever the flexibility of the medium, the communications that are more easily received have a particular characteristic. There are some that even stay close to a given circle of ideas and when they move away from that circle we then have incomplete, terse and sometimes false communications. In addition to the medium’s skills, the spirits still communicate more or less voluntarily through this or the other medium, according to their sympathies. Thus, despite the equality of skills, the same spirit will be much more elaborated through certain mediums, by the simple fact that it is more convenient to them.

It would therefore be a mistake to think that just because there is a medium that writes very easily that one can obtain good communications of all kinds through his mediumship. The first condition to obtain good communications is, no discussion there, to be sure about the source of the communication, that is, about the qualities of the spirit who transmit them, but it is not less necessary to be aware of the qualities of the instrument that is offered to the spirit. Hence, it is necessary to study the nature of the medium as one studies the nature of the spirit since these are the two essential elements to obtain satisfactory results. A third condition, representing an equally important role, is the intention, the intimate thought, the more or less worthy feeling of the person that interrogates the spirit. And that makes sense. A good communication can only proceed from a good spirit. In order to transmit such communication the spirit requires a good medium. Then a suitable objective is needed so that the spirit may wish to transmit it. The spirit that can read our thoughts, judges if the question deserves an answer and if the person who frames the question is worthy of receiving that answer. Otherwise the spirit will not waste any time by sowing good seeds on stones, and it is then that the joker spirits and the spirits of levity have fun, since they have no compromise with the truth and are not very courteous and generally show little scruples regarding the ends and the means.

From the above, it is clear that there must be spirits specially involved, by their likes or reason, with alleviating the sufferings of humanity, and that simultaneously there must be mediums that are more capable than others to operate as their intermediaries. Well, since those spirits act exclusively for the general well-being, they must seek certain moral qualities in their interpreters, besides the skills which may be considered physiological, among which are the highest devotion and altruism. Greed has been and will always be a reason for rejection from the good spirits and a cause of attraction to the others. Will common sense accept that the good spirits would engage into all sorts of machinations of material interest, being at the services of the first one to show up with the intention of exploiting them? The spirits do not want to be exploited, whoever they may be, and if some seem to agree, even anticipating certain mundane wishes, they almost always have the intention of carrying out a mystification which will make them laugh later, like someone who would laugh after having tricked very credulous people. As a matter of fact, it is useful that some people may burn their fingers so that they may learn that one should not make fun of serious things.

Such is the case that we must speak about, one of those privileged mediums that the healing spirits seem to have taken as their direct protégé. Ms. Désirée Godu, a resident of Hennebon, in Morbihan, who enjoys a truly remarkable faculty, in all aspects, that she utilizes with the keenest abnegation. We have already mentioned a few words in a report of the sessions of the Society, but the importance of the issue deserves a special article, that we will have the pleasure of dedicating to her in our next number. Keeping aside the interest on the study of every rare faculty, we shall always consider the promotion of goodness as our duty and it is only fair to those who do it.

Bibliography - Countess Mathilde de Canossa

This is the title of a legendary romance published in Rome in 1858, by Rev. Father Bresciani, from the Company of Jesus,* author of The Jew of Verona. The subject of the book is the story of the former Canossa family, in the style of Walter Scott. That is why the author dedicated the book to the current descendent from that renowned family, the Marquis Otavio de Canossa, potentate of Verona and valet of H.M. Emperor of Austria. The events take place in the middle ages. The witches and wizards represent great roles in the story and the demoniac scenes are described with such an accuracy which would make the Scottish romancers jealous. The author seems less accurate to us in his appreciation of the modern spiritist phenomena of the talking tables, of magnetism and somnambulism. Well, here is what can be read in its Chapter X, page 170:

“More than one of my readers, and probably the majority of them, could be surprised by seeing all these devilish apparatuses in the preceding chapters, all the exorcism, witchcraft, hallucinations, and fantastic outbreaks which would fit well in the late night stories and wet-nurse tales.”

“Who would still believe these days in necromancers, witches, enchantments, fascination, potions, and dealings with the devil? Would you be willing to return to the fairy tales from Martin del Rio,** the gauche superstitions of the people and the ghetto ladies, from legends which give the shivers to the chubby peasants who fear the headless mule and keep the chicken boys awake, in the name of the werewolf? Really, my friend, this is the time to get rid of these futilities. That is somehow the language that I seem to hear.”

“I will respond to that before neglecting old beliefs, everyone must question their own conscience, frankly asking if one is not at least as much credulous as any of one’s predecessors. Let us make no mistake: what is the meaning of this swarm of magnetizers, mediums, dancing, speaking and prophetic tables; somnambulists who see through the walls, reading through their elbows, who see before them something that is done twenty, thirty and forty miles away; who read and write without knowing the alphabet; that not knowing a single word in medicine, describe pathological cases, indicating their causes and prescribing the medication, in the right dose, with all Greek-Arabic terms of the scientific vocabulary? What are those interrogatories of spirits; those answers of dead and buried people; those prophecies of future events? Who evokes those shadows? Who makes them speak? Who allows them to see a non-existent future? Who leads them to blaspheme against God, against the saints from heavens, against the sacraments of the Church?”

“Now brave people, speak up! Why these distorted and nervous looks? – Ah! You shall end up telling me, who knows! Mysteries of nature, unknown laws, power of lucidity, occult sense of the human body! Subtleness of the magnetic fluid, of the nervous influx, of the optical and acoustic waves; secret virtues excited by electricity or magnetism in the brain, blood, muscle fibers, in all vital components; supreme power and strength of will and imagination.”

“My friends, these are foolish things, meaningless words, empty phrases, ambiguous deviations, enigmas which you don’t understand yourselves. The whole difference between us and our predecessors is that to deny one mystery we forge a hundred of others. While a cat was a cat, and devil the devil to those good people, we have the pretension of accrediting nature with powers that nature does not have and cannot have.”

“Our elders, wiser and more sincere, would straight forwardly say that there were supernatural events and very honestly associated them to the devil. However, less familiar than we are with the natural phenomena, they have sometimes and undoubtedly taken for a prodigious effect when they are in the natural order of things, whereas our contemporary, much more enlightened, cannot see in a good number of charlatanism from the magnetizers mysterious effect of the secret laws of nature, and the really diabolic events as nothing more than magic tricks, more or less subtle.”

“However, the better Christians of the good old times knew very well that the bad spirits, evoked through certain signs, conjurations, certain pacts, would show up, answer questions, hallucinating imagination, impressing people in a thousand ways, and particularly doing as much harm as possible to those who would speak to them. You must then confess, in good faith, that even in our days, and in a larger number than before, we have our necromancers, charmers and witches, with the difference that our ancestors were horrified by all that witchcraft; that these were secretly practiced in the darkness of the caves, in the forests, and that many would regret and then confess, seeking penance. In our days, instead, they are openly practiced in the gorgeous theaters of gold and lights, before curiosity, in the presence of young ladies, children and their mothers, without any scruple, thus frequently making fun of the superstitions of the middle ages.”

“Believe me. Human beings have wished to deal with the devil at all times, and that astute spirit conforms to all transformations, although people would not send him back to the abyss, feeding some sort of commerce. In the former centuries of idolatry he was with the oracles and foretellers; he would appear under the form of a dove, magpie, rooster, snake, and even sang fatidic songs. In the middle ages he used to show up pedantically to the barbarians, under terrible disguises and after monstrous conjurations.”

“If sometimes he would diminish himself to the point of finding dwelling in someone’s hair, in little flasks, in potions drunk by the lovers and given by the witches, he would still inspire great horror. Today, instead, he is given to civilizing the century. He enjoys the elegant world, the lively soirees, frequently sleeping over with the somnambulists, using the planchettes to write. In reality, isn’t he kind? He is careful not to scare anyone; he dresses like the Americans, the English, the Parisians, the Germans; he is really kind, with his beard and fine Italian mustache; he is the real deal of the theaters and it would be really awkward if he did not present an irreproachable distinction. Behold! He has become such a good apostle that he talks politely to that lady who still goes to the mass and if she was told: “- Watch out! There are things which are not natural and could not be natural. There is something of treacherous in it. The good Christians do not get into that!” – She would laugh at you and respond with an air of superiority: “- What the hell! All that is very natural; I am Christian too but not stupid.”

“Meanwhile, given a proper occasion, he will magnetize your twenty year old daughter, and out of her magnetic intuition, make her foretell distant facts and secrets of the future.”

“I leave you to that and to think if that naughty devil is not laughing his head off at that good Christian!”

We leave to the readers the task of assessing the judgment passed by Father Bresciani. You will, like us, uselessly look for authoritative arguments against the spiritist ideas or any demonstration of untruthfulness of those ideas. He no doubt thinks that those ideas deserve no refutation and that a breath is sufficient to destroy them. However, it seems to us that similarly to most adversaries, he arrives to a consequence in opposition to his expectations, since he does not unequivocally demonstrate that those things are not possible. Considering that Father Bresciani is a man of undisputed talent and superior instruction we think that since his objective was to combat the spirits, he should have gathered the most lethal weapons against them, from what we conclude that if he does not say much against them the fact is that he has nothing else to say; that if he does not give proofs it is because he has none to oppose to those ideas, otherwise he would not have left them in his back pocket.

In all that argumentation, the mostly ridiculed are not the spirits but the devil himself, who is treated a bit too much gentlemanly, and not like something that is taken seriously. We are then forced to believe, before such a polished style, that the author does not believe in the devil more than in spirits. However, if he is the only agent of all manifestations, as intended, then it is necessary to acknowledge that he represents a more entertaining than frightening role, being much more capable of exciting curiosity than fear. As a matter of fact, up until now this is the result of everything that has been said and written against Spiritism. Thus, it has done us more service than harm.

According to the majority of the critics, the fact of the manifestations has no relevance. It is a short living mania, a game, and the author does not seem to have faced it in a more serious way. If that is the case, why bother? Let it be and another pastime will be in fashion tomorrow, and Spiritism will experience the same that happened to the Potichomania: the duration of two seasons. By throwing stones at it one gives the impression that it is feared because one only tries to knock down something that gives reason for fear; if it is an utopia, an illusion, why then fighting the windmills? It is true, they say, that the devil sometimes mingles with these things, but then there would be no need for so many authors, like the one above, painting the devil with such pinkish colors, and leading the ladies to be willing to get to know him.

Has Father Bresciani thoroughly examined the subject? Has he pondered the reach of all of his words? Kindly allow us the doubt. When he says: “What are those answers of dead and buried people? Who allows them to see a non-existent future?” Our question is if it was a Christian or a materialist the person who wrote similar things. Even a materialist would speak of the dead with more respect. – “Who leads them to blaspheme against God?” – Where are those blasphemies? The author, attributing everything to the devil, has certainly supposed those blasphemies or he would otherwise know that the most unlimited trust in God’s benevolence is the foundation of Spiritism; that everything that is done in Spiritism is done so in the name of God; that even the most perverse spirits speak of God with fear and respect and the good ones do so with reverence and love. Where is the blasphemy? – However, how should we interpret these words: “…we have the pretension of accrediting nature with powers that nature does not have and cannot have!” – Our more sensible elders would treat them simply as devilish tricks. Thus it is wiser to attribute the natural phenomena to the devil than to God. While we proclaim the infinite power of the Creator, Father Bresciani gives limit to them; nature, which summarizes the Divine work, does not have and cannot have other powers beyond those that we know. As for those which we ignore it is wiser to attribute them to the devil that would then be more powerful than God. One needs to ask on which side is the blasphemy or the greater respect to the Supreme Being. Finally, the devil takes all forms. Isn’t he very kind? He dresses like the Americans, the English, the Parisians; he is really kind with his beard and fine Italian mustaches and it would be really awkward not to recognizing in him an almost irreproachable distinction. We don’t know if the Italian gentlemen will be flattered for being taken by naughty devils. Who are those nice ladies that turn the kind devils into an attraction and that before the charitable warning that there may be something treacherous in all this they say:
“What the hell! I am not that stupid!”

If it is a natural flagrant, we then ask in which world, “l’entier ou le demi monde”,*** those ladies use such beautiful expressions? We regret the fact that the author had not obtained his knowledge about Spiritism from more serious sources, for he would not speak so lightheartedly. While more peremptory arguments are not opposed to Spiritism, its followers may then sleep in peace.

* One volume, in-8, translated from the Italian – J. B. Pélagaud & Co., Rue des Saints Pères, 57 – Paris, price 3.5 fr
** Del Rio was a Jesuit scholar born in Anvers, 1551 and deceased in 1608. The author refers to his work Disquisitiones Magicoe.
*** Expression created by Dumas meaning the underground world (demi-monde), the outlawed world – Kardec employs a wordplay when counter l’entier (the whole world) to le demi (the mid world or underground world) – (RT)

Story of a Naughty Spirit

Society, December 9th, 1859 –
First session

Mr. de la Roche, regular member, communicates the following fact of his personal knowledge:

Strange noises and several manifestations took place in a small house near Castelnaudary, leading people to believe that it was haunted by a bad genie. Hence, in 1848 it was exorcized and a large number of images of saints were placed inside the house. Since then, Dr. D…, who wanted to live in the house had some renovations done and requested that the images be removed. He died in that house a few years later, of a sudden death. His son who still lives there or at least who was there up to not long ago, had his face slapped by an invisible hand when entering a bedroom. Since he knew that he was completely alone in the house, he had no doubt that it had come from an occult power. He no longer wishes to stay there and wants to move out for good. There is a story that goes around in the region which says that a terrible crime was committed in that house.

Once questioned about the possibility of evoking the author of that slap, St. Louis responded positively. The spirit was then evoked, showing signs of violence. The medium was taken by great agitation, breaking seven or eight pencils, throwing some onto the audience, tearing off a piece of paper on which he had furiously doodled meaningless characters.

All efforts to calm him down resulted useless. Since he was requested to respond to the questions he wrote with difficulty an almost undecipherable no.

1. (to St. Louis) – Could you kindly give us some information about that spirit, since he cannot or he does not wish to give it himself? – A. It is a spirit of the worst class, a kind of monster. We made him come here but we cannot force him to write, despite everything that we told him. He has his free-will, which has been badly used.

2. Has he died long ago? – A. Look for information. He was the one who committed the crime whose legend goes around in the region.

3. Who was he when alive? – A. You shall find out yourself.

4. Is he the one haunting the house these days? – A. No doubt since that is how I had him coming here.

5. Then the exorcisms have not expelled him? – A. No way.

6. Has he had any participation in the subtle death of Mr. D…? – A. Yes.

7. How come? – A. Through fear.

8. Was he the one who slapped Mr. D… son’s face? – A. Yes.

9. Could he have done the same on some of us? – A. No doubt. He wishes he could.

10. Why hasn’t he done so? – A. He was not allowed.

11. Would there be a means of dislodging him from that house? How? – A. If they want to disentangle from the obsession of similar spirits it is easy, by praying for them. That is what is always forgotten. People prefer to scare them away with formulas of exorcism which greatly entertains them.

12. Passing the idea of praying for this spirit to those involved, and us praying as well, would it then be possible to dislodge him? – A. Yes. However, notice that I said pray and not having someone else praying.

13. Is this spirit susceptible to improvement? – A. Why not? Aren’t they all, this one like the others? Yet, one must be prepared to face difficulties. However perverse the spirit may be, the retribution of evilness by goodness will end up touching him. Let us pray in principle and then evoke him after a month. You will notice the changes which will take place.

14. This is an unfortunate and suffering spirit. Could you describe the kind of sufferings that he endures? – A. He is persuaded that he shall be in his present condition forever. He constantly sees himself at the very moment when he committed the crime. Any other memory has been erased and any communication with another spirit has been banned. When he is on Earth he can only be at that house and when he is in space he only has darkness and loneliness.

15. In which world did he live before his last incarnation? What was his race? – A. He had an existence among the most ferocious and savage tribes, and before that he came from a planet inferior to Earth.

16. In case he reincarnates, which category of individuals will he be around? – A. That will depend on him and on his regrets.

17. In his next corporeal life could he become a righteous man? – A. That would be difficult; regardless of his efforts, it will be hard to avoid a tempestuous life.

OBSERVATION: Mrs. X…, a clairvoyant medium attending the session, saw that spirit at the moment when he was asked to write: he shook the medium’s arm; his looks were terrifying; he was wearing a shirt covered in blood and held a dagger in his hand. Mr. and Mrs. F… who were present as observers, since they were not members yet, carried out the recommendation in favor of the suffering spirit since the first evening, praying for him. Multiple communications were obtained from him and from his victims. We present them below in the order that they were received, together with the ones obtained at the Society about the same subject. In addition to the interest of this dramatic story there is a teaching which will escape nobody. Second session, at the house of Mr. F…

18. (to the familiar spirit) – Can you tell us something about the spirit of Castelnaudary? – A. Evoke him.

19. Is he evil? – A. You shall see.

20. What should we do? – A. Don’t talk to him if you have nothing to say.

21. If we talk to him to say that we are sorry for his suffering, will that do any good to him? – A. Compassion is always good to the unfortunate ones.

22. Evocation of the spirit of Castelnaudary. – A. What do you want from me?

23. We called you in order to be useful to you. – A. Oh! Your compassion is good to me because I suffer… Oh! How much I suffer! ... May God have mercy on me! … Forgive me… Forgive me…

24. Will our prayers be beneficial to you? – A. Yes. Pray, pray.

25. It is okay then! We will pray for you. – A. Thank you! At least you do not curse me.

26. Why didn’t you want to write at the Society when you were invited in? – A. Oh! Malediction!

27. Malediction for whom? – A. For me who ruthlessly atone for the crimes in which my free-will only had a small participation.

OBSERVATION: By saying that his free-will had a small participation in his crimes he wants to attenuate them, as it was verified later.

28. Will you be forgiven if you repent? – A. Oh! Never!

29. Don’t be desperate. – A. Eternal sufferings, such is my destiny.

30. What is it that makes you suffer? – A. What is most horrific! You cannot understand.

31. Have they prayed in your favor since last night? – A. Yes, but I suffer even more.

32. How come? – A. How do I know? OBSERVATION: This circumstance was explained later.

33. Should anything be done regarding the house where you installed yourself? – A. No! No! Say no more about that…. Forgive me God! I have suffered enough! 34. Do you have to stay there? – A. That is my penalty.

35. Will that be so as you may have your crimes permanently before your eyes? – A. That is the case

36. Don’t be desperate. Everything may be forgiven after repentance. – A. No! There is no forgiveness for Cain.

37. Then you killed your brother? – A. We are all brothers.

38. Why did you want to do harm to Mr. D…? – A. Enough! Please, that is enough! 39. Good-bye then. Have faith on God’s mercy! – A. Pray! Third session

40. Evocation – A. I am near you.

41. Do you begin to have hope? – A. Yes, I have a lot of regret.

42. What was your name? – A. You shall know later.

43. For how long have you been suffering? – A. For 200 years.

44. When have you committed your crime? – A. In 1608.

45. Can you repeat the dates to confirm them? – A. It is useless. Once is enough. Good-bye, I will talk to you tomorrow. A force drags me!

Fourth session

46. Evocation – A. Thanks Hugo! (Mr. F… first name)

47. Would you like to speak about what happened in Castelnaudary? – A. No. You make me suffer when you speak about it. It is not generous of you.

48. You know well that if we speak about it, it is with the objective of clarifying you regarding your condition and not to make it worse. Then, speak and have no fear. How could you allow yourself to commit such a crime? – A. A moment of madness.

49. Was there any premeditation? – A. No.

50. This cannot be true. Your sufferings demonstrate that you are guiltier than you say. You know that only through regret you can mitigate your fate and not through lies. Come on! Be honest. – A. Well then! If it is needed, then be it!

51. Was it a man or a woman that you killed? – A. A man.

52. How did you kill Mr. D…? – A. I showed up to him, visibly. My appearance is so horrifying that the simple sight killed him.

53. Did you do that on purpose? – A. Yes.

54. Why? – A. He wanted to challenge me and I would do it again if I were tried.

55. If I was supposed to live in that house would you do me any harm? – A. Oh! No. Certainly not! You have pity on me and wish me well.

56. Has Mr. D… died instantly? – A. No. He was taken by fear but only died two hours later.

57. Why have you only slapped Mr. D… son? – A. Having killed two men was more than enough. Fifth session, at the Society on December 16th, 1859

58. Questions addressed to St. Louis – The spirit who has communicated with Mr. and Mrs. F… is really that of Castelnaudary? – A. Yes.

59. How could he communicate with them so promptly? – A. He didn’t have any knowledge about the Society yet. He was not sorry and repentance means everything.

60. Is the information given by him about the crime correct? – A. It is up to you to verify that and to get along with him.

61. He said that the crime was committed in 1608 and that he died in 1659. Hence he is in that state for 200 years. – A. That will be explained to you later.

62. Could you explain his type of penalty? – A. It is atrocious to him. As you know, he was condemned to stay at the place of the crime, unable to divert his thoughts to anything else but the crime, always before him, and he considers himself condemned eternally to such a torture.

63. Is he immersed in darkness? – A. Darkness when he wants to move away from the place of exile.

64. What is the most terrible kind of punishment that a spirit can endure in such a case? – A. It is not possible to describe the moral tortures as punishment of certain crimes. Even the one who suffers them would have difficulties to explain. But the most horrible is the certainty of condemnation without an appeal.

65. He has been in such a condition for two centuries. Does he assess time as he did when alive, that is, time seems to last longer or shorter? – A. It seems longer to him. There is no sleep.

66. We were told that there is no time to the spirit and that a century is a spot in eternity to them. Shouldn’t that be the same to all? – A. Certainly not. It is like that only to the spirits who have arrived at a high elevation but to the inferior spirits time is sometimes longer, especially when they suffer.

67. This spirit is severely punished for his crime. Well, you told us that before that existence he had lived among barbarians. He must have done things then at least as atrocious as his latest crime. He was punished in the same way? – A. He was less punished because he was more ignorant and did not understand as much the reach of things.

OBSERVATION: All observations confirm this fact, strictly according to God’s justice, that the penalties are proportional not to the nature of the fault but to the level of intelligence of the guilty one and the ability to understand the harm that has been done. Hence, an apparently not so serious fault could be more severely punished on a civilized person than a barbarian act by a savage.

68. Is the state of this spirit what is ordinarily called “damned”? – A. Certainly, and there are cases even more terrible. The sufferings are far from being the same to everyone, even on similar crimes, since they vary depending if the spirit is more or less accessible to regret. For him the house where he committed the crime is his hell; others carry it on themselves, tormented by the passions which cannot be satisfied.

OBSERVATION: In fact we have seen some greedy spirits suffering before the sight of gold which became a mere illusion to them; proud spirits tormented by the envy of seeing others awarded by an honor which should be theirs; people who held positions of command on Earth, humiliated by the invisible power embarrassing them to obey and by the vision of their subordinates who no longer bow before them; atheists suffering the anguishes of uncertainty, finding themselves completely isolated in the enormity of space, not finding a single being to clarify them. In the world of the spirits if there is joy in all virtues, there are penalties to all faults and those which are not reached by humans’ law will be by those of God.

69. Despite his inferiority this spirit feels the good effect of prayer. We have seen the same with other spirits equally perverse and of a brute nature. How come the more enlightened spirits, of a more developed intelligence, show complete absence of good feelings; they laugh at most sacred things; In short, nothing touches them and they never give up on their cynicism? – A. The prayer has effect only on a remorseful spirit. The spirit that is rebellious against God, just out of pride, and persists on his deviations, still making them worse like the unfortunate spirits, to them prayer cannot do and will not be able to do anything, but only when a ray of regret manifests in them. The inefficacy of prayer is a punishment to them. The prayer only relieves those who are not totally hardened.

70. When we see a spirit inaccessible to the effects of prayer, is there a reason for us to abstain from praying for him? – A. No, not at all, for sooner or later he will overcome his rudeness and wake up to healthier thoughts. Sixth session – at the house of Mr. F…

71. Evocation – A. I am here.

72. Then, now you can leave Castelnaudary at will? – A. I am allowed because I am taking your good advices.

73. Do you feel any relief? – A. I begin to have hope.

74. If we could see you how would your appearance be? – A. You would see me with a shirt and without the dagger.

75. Why would you no longer have the dagger? What have you done to that? – A. I curse it. God spares me from such a vision.

76. If Mr. D… Jr. was to return to the house, would you still cause him any harm? – A. No because I am regretful.

77. And if he still wanted to challenge you? – A. Oh! Don’t ask me that. I could not control myself. This would be beyond my strengths… I am just a wretched one.

78. Mr. D… Jr.’s prayers would be more beneficial than the others to you? – A. Yes, since it was him that I hurt the most.

79. That is it then, we will continue to do whatever we can for you. – A. Thank you. At last I found charitable souls in you.

Seventh session

80. Evocation of the murdered man. – A. I am here. 81. What was your name in life? – A. My name was Pierre Dupont

82. What did you do for living? – A. I was a butcher in Castelnaudary, where my brother murdered me on May 6th, 1608; by Charles Dupont, my elder brother, with a dagger, in the middle of the night.

83. What was the cause of the crime? – A. My brother thought that I was courting a woman that he was fond of and that I saw often, but he was mistaken since I had never given any thought to that.

84. How did he kill you? – A. I was asleep. He cut my throat and then my heart. I woke up, tried to fight but succumbed.

85. Have you forgiven him? – A. Yes, at the time of his death, 200 years ago.

86. How old was he when he died? – A. He was 80 years old.

87. He was not punished when alive? – A. No.

88. Who was accused of your death? – A. Nobody. Over those confusing times no one would give attention to these things. It would be useless.

89. What happened to the woman? – A. Soon after she was killed by my brother, in my house.

90. Why did he kill her? – A. Broken heart. He had married her before my death. Eighth session

91. Why he does not speak about the murder of that woman? – A. Because my death is the worst to him.

92. Evocation of the murdered woman. – A. I am here.

93. What was your name in those days? – A. Marguerite Aeder, Mrs. Dupont.

94. For how long were you married? – A. For five years.

95. Pierre told us that his brother was suspicious of criminal relationship between the two of you. Is that true? – A. There was no criminal relationship between Pierre and I. Don’t you believe in that.

96. How long after the death of his brother Charles murdered you? – A. Two years later.

97. What was his motive? – A. Jealousy and his intention of keeping my money.

98. Could you describe the circumstances of the crime? – A. He grabbed me and hit me in the head with his butcher’s knife, at my place of work.

99. How come he was not prosecuted? – A. What for? In those dismal days it was all chaos.

100. Had Charles’ jealousy any foundation? – A. Yes, but that did not authorize him to commit such a crime since we are all sinners in this world.

101. For how long had you been married when Pierre died? – A. For three years.

102. Could you tell us the exact date of your death? – A. Yes, May 3rd, 1610.

103. What was thought of Pierre’s death? – A. It was made believe that it was murder after robbery.

OBSERVATION: Whatever may be the authenticity of the reported facts, which seem difficult to control, there is a remarkable thing: the precision and accuracy of the dates and all events. Such a circumstance is in itself a curious subject for study, if we take into account the fact that the three spirits were evoked at different times and show no contradiction. What seemed to confirm their words is the fact that the main offender in the case, evoked by another medium, gave identical answers.

Ninth session

104. Evocation of Mr. D… - A. I am here.

105. We would like to ask you about some details of the circumstances of your death. Could you give us that? – A. In good will.

106. Did you know that a spirit haunted the house you were living in? – A. Yes, but I wanted to challenge him and I was wrong. It would have been better if I had prayed for him.

OBSERVATION: One can see from this that the means generally employed by us to get rid of the unwelcome spirits are not the most efficient. Our threats excite them more than intimidate. Benevolence and commiseration have more power than the use of coercive means, which irritate them, or the use of formulas which are laughed at.

107. How did that spirit appear to you? – A. When I came home he was visible, staring at me. I could not escape. He became my horror and I expired under the horrifying sight of that spirit which I had neglected and to whom I had shown so little charity.

108. Couldn’t you cry for help? – A. Impossible. My time had come and that is how I should die.

109. What was his appearance? – A. A furious spirit, ready to devour me.

110. Was your death painful? – A. Terribly.

111. Did you die suddenly? – A. No. It was two hours later.

112. What were your thoughts when you felt dying? – A. I could not think; I was taken by an indescribable horror.

113. Was the apparition visible till the end? – A. Yes, it did not leave my poor spirit for a single moment.

114. When your poor spirit was freed, were you aware of the cause of your death? – A. No. It was the end. It was only later that I understood.

115. Could you tell us the date of your death? – A. Yes, it was August 9th, 1853 (the precise date has not been verified yet but it seems more or less accurate). Tenth session, at the Society on January 13th, 1860 When this spirit was evoked on December 9th, St. Louis gave the advice of having him evoked again after one month, in order to assess the progress which might have happened in that interval. It has already been possible to verify, through the communications of Mr. and Mrs. F…, the changes in his thoughts, thanks to the influence of prayers and the good advices. After a little bit more than a month after his first evocation he was evoked again at the Society, on January 13th.

116. Evocation. – A. I am here.

117. Do you remember been called here about a month ago? – A. How could I forget?

118. Why couldn’t you write on that occasion? – A. I didn’t want to.

119. Why didn’t you? – A. Ignorance and rudeness.

120. Have your ideas changed since then? – A. A lot. Several among you have been compassionate and prayed for me.

121. Do you confirm all the information given by you and your victims? – A. If I did not confirm them it would be the same as saying that it was not me who provided them… and it was me.

122. Can you foresee the end of your punishment? – A. Oh! Not yet, but knowing that they will not last forever, thanks to your intervention, it is already much more than I deserve.

123. Describe your situation before our first evocation. Please understand that we ask that as a means of our instruction and not as an item of curiosity. – A. I have already told you that I wasn’t aware of anything and just had the ability of moving in space where everything was darkness and solitude. I could not give you an idea of the meaning of all that because I have never understood it myself. As long as I was elevated in the air it was all black and empty around me; I don’t know what that was. Today I experience much more remorse but, as the communications demonstrate to you, I am no longer forced to stay in that lethal house; I am allowed to wander around Earth and try to learn from my observations. Now I understand better the enormity of my mistakes. If I suffer less on one side, on the other side the tortures increase through remorse, but at least I have hope now.

124. If you had to take a corporeal existence what would your choice be? – A. I have not seen enough, nor given enough thought to know.

125. Do you see your victims? – A. Oh! May God keep me!

OBSERVATION: It has always been said that the presence of the victims is one of the torments of the offender. This spirit had not seen them yet because he was in isolation and in darkness, which was a punishment in itself, but he fears their presence and that is perhaps a complement to his punishment.

126. During your long isolation, say, your captivity, did you feel any remorse? – A. Not in the least and that is why I suffered so much. I only began to feel it, despite my will, when the circumstances for my evocation were provoked, to which I owe the beginning of my liberation. Thank you all who had mercy on me and enlightened me.

OBSERVATION: This evocation was not casual. Since it was supposed to be useful to that unfortunate creature, the spirits who cared for him noticing that he was beginning to understand the enormity of his crimes, judged that the time had come to provide him with efficient help, and then created the favorable circumstances. It is an occurrence that we have seen repeated often. On a related matter, we were asked what would have become of him if we could not have been able to evoke him, as well as all other suffering spirits that cannot be evoked either, and of whom nobody thinks. The answer is that God’s avenues for the salvation of the beings are countless. Evocation may be a means of supporting it but certainly it is not the only one. God forgets nobody. As a matter of fact, the collective prayers may also have influence upon spirits who are accessible to regret.

Spontaneous Communications

Estelle Riquier

Society, January 13th, 1860

I am consumed by boredom, grief, and despair. Guilty wife, cruel mother, I abandoned the sacred joys of my family; the matrimonial dwelling beautified by the presence of two little angels from heavens. Dragged by the paths of addiction, by a limitless egotism, pride and vanity, a woman with no heart, I conspired against the sacred love of the one who God and people had given me as the support of my life. He hopelessly sought the refuge of death against my coward abandonment and dishonor.

Christ forgave the adulterous woman and the regretful Magdalene. The adulterous woman had loved and Magdalene repented. But I, miserable one, I sold dearly a false love which I had never felt. I sowed pleasure and did not harvest but neglect. The horrible misery and cruel hunger brought an end to a hateful life… and I did not regret! And I, miserable and infamous, oh! How often have I employed my influence as a spirit, leading poor women to the vice, women that I saw virtuous and in good health, enjoying the happiness which I had neglected? Will God ever forgive me? Perhaps, if the disgust inspired in you doesn’t prevent you from praying for the unfortunate Estelle Riquier.

OBSERVATION: The following questions were addressed to this uncalled spirit, and unknown to the audience.

1. When have you died? – A. Fifty years ago.

2. Where did you live? – A. In Paris.

3. What was your husband’s social echelon? – A. Middle class.

4. How old were you when you died? – A. I was 32.

5. How have you come spontaneously to communicate with us? – A. It was allowed for your instruction and to serve as an example.

6. Did you have any education? – Yes.

7. We hope that God will take into account the honesty of your confession and your regret. We wish God may be merciful to you and send good spirits to clarify you regarding the means of repairing your past. – A. Oh! Thank you, thank you! May God hear you!

OBSERVATION: Several people informed us that they consider a duty to pray for the suffering spirits that we have indicated and who ask for help. We wish these charitable thoughts may spread among our readers. Some received the spontaneous visit of the spirits to whom they addressed their good wishes, who came to thank them.

Present Time

Society, January 20th, 1860

You are guided by the true Genius of Christianity, as I told you. Christ himself presides over every work in progress, opening up the era of renovation and betterment predicted by your spiritual guides. In fact, if you look to the contemporary events, beyond the spiritist manifestations, you will undoubtedly recognize the precursor signs inexorably demonstrating that the time has come.

Communications are established among all peoples and the material barriers are knocked down. The moral obstacles opposed to their union; the political and religious prejudices will quickly fade away and the kingdom of fraternity will then be definitely established and everlasting. Behold, - something incredible to us - the sovereigns themselves, as if guided by invisible hand, from now on are taking the initiative of the reforms; and the reforms which spontaneously come from the top are faster and more long-lived than those which forcibly come from the bottom. Despite the prejudices of childhood and education, and the cult of the past, I have foreseen the current times. I am happy for that and even more so for having come to tell you: “Courage brothers! Work for you and your family’s future. Work for your personal improvement, before anything else, and you will enjoy in your new existence a happiness which is as much difficult to imagine as it is to me to explain it to you.

The Bells

Obtained by Mr. Pécher Society, January 13th, 1860

Can you tell me why have I always liked the sound of bells? The reason is that the soul of a person who thinks or suffers always tries to withdraw when feeling that mute happiness which awakes in us the vague memories of a past existence. That sound is a translation of Christ’s words that have been vibrating in the air for eighteen centuries. It is the voice of hope. How many hearts has it comforted! How much strength has it given to the believing humanity! The divine voice has terrified those people who were great in their times. They were scared of that because the truth that they had subdued made them tremble. Christ showed that to everyone. They killed the Christ but not the idea. His sacred word had been understood. It was immortal and yet how often has your heart been taken by doubt! How often has the individual accused God of unfairness! He exclaimed: My God, what have I done? Has disgrace followed me since birth? Am I then destined to follow this avenue which breaks my heart? There seems to be a fatality chained to my feet. I feel the strength failing me. I will break this life. At this point in time God shines a ray of hope onto your heart. A friendly hand removes the blindfold of materialism from your eyes and a voice from heavens tells you: Look at that bright light in the horizon. It is a sacred fire from God. That flame must illuminate and purify the world. It must make that light penetrate human’s heart and from there break the darkness that covers his eyes. Some people pretended to have brought you light only to produce a mist which lost you in the straight path. Don’t be blind, you to whom God shows the light. It is Spiritism that allows you to lift the tip of the veil which covered your past. Look at what you were and think. Bow before our Creator’s justice. Glorify God for giving you the courage to persist in your chosen trials. Christ said: “…for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Such an absolutely spiritist thought contains the mystery of your sufferings. May hope in God’s benevolence give you courage and faith! Always listen to that voice which vibrates in your hearts. It is up to you to understand with wisdom and elevate your soul with fraternal thoughts. May the wealthy reach out to the unfortunate ones, since the wealth was not given for their personal pleasures, but to be God’s helper and God shall have you reporting to him the use you gave to that richness. Your virtues are the only wealth acknowledged by God; the only one which you shall carry when leaving this world. Let the false scholars talk, those who call you crazy. It may well be that tomorrow they will request your prayers since God will judge them.

From your daughter, who loves you and prays for you.

Family Advices

(Continuation – read at the Society on January 20th, 1860 – see January issue of the Review)

My dear children, in my preceding instructions I advised you with calmness and courage; however, not all of you show them as you should. You must consider that apologies do not mitigate pain. On the contrary, it tends to increase it. A good advice, a good word, a smile, a simple gesture gives strength and courage. A drop of tear softens the heart instead of hardening it. Cry, if your heart drives you to that but may it happen in solitude and not in the presence of those who need all of your energy or strength which a single tear or a sigh of sadness may diminish and weaken. We all need encouragement and nothing better than a friendly voice, a benevolent look, and a word from the heart. When I advised you to get together it was not to gather your tears and sufferings; it was not to drive you to the prayers which only demonstrate good intention but to unite your thoughts, your collective endeavors; so that you could mutually advise one another, and as a group you must try to triumph over the obstacles instead of sharing your sadness. A beggar will ask God for his subsistence in vain since it shall not fall from heavens. He must work and however little he may get that will have a greater value than all prayers. Useful work is the most pleasing prayer to God, whatever the work is. I repeat: the prayer only demonstrates a good intention, a good feeling; however it only produces a moral effect, because it is all moral. It is excellent as a consolation to the soul because the soul that sincerely prays finds relief to their moral sufferings. Outside of these effects and those which come from the prayers, as I have explained to you on other instructions, you must wait for nothing, since you will meet deception. Then, follow exactly my advices. Do not be content in asking God to help you. You must help yourselves and that is how you will demonstrate the authenticity of your prayers. In fact, it would be too easy to just ask for something in your prayers to have it granted. It would be the greatest stimulus to laziness and to the neglect of the good deeds. I could elaborate even further about it but it would be too much for you. Your level of advancement does not accommodate it. Think about this instruction, as about the preceding ones, for those are intended to occupy your minds for a long time. They have the embryonic teachings of everything which you shall learn in the future. Follow my previous advices.

Allan Kardec


Bulletin of the Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, January 27th, 1860
(General Session)

Minutes of the January 20th session read and approved. A request for admission was received. Its reading, analysis and approval were postponed to the next private session.


1st – Letter from Mr. Hinderson Mackenzie, from London, member of the Royal Antiques Society, with very interesting details about the use of metallic or crystal balls, as a means of obtaining spiritist communications. This is what he uses with the support of a special clairvoyant medium, according to the advices of one of his friends, who has used this method for thirty-five years, with the most complete and conclusive experiences. The medium sees the answers to the questions on a kind of mirror surface, producing welldeveloped communications, occasionally obtained so quickly that it is hard to follow him.

2nd – Reading of an article from the Siècle of January 22nd, from which the following passage is extracted: “The tables spoke, turned and danced well before the American cult which pretends to have originated them. That ball dance of chairs was already famous in Rome, in the first centuries of our era, and here is how Tertulian expressed it in Chapter XXIII of the Apologetic, when talking about the mediums of his time: “If the magicians are supposed to make ghosts appear, evoke the soul of the dead, and force children’s mouth to act like oracles; if these charlatans imitate a large number of miracles which, as it seems, are due to the circles and connections established among individuals; if they provoke sleep, if they make conjurations, if they command liar spirits and demons, the tables and chairs that prophesize are a common fact, etc.”

Regarding that, it is necessary to notice that modern Spiritists have never pretended to have invented or discovered the manifestations. On the contrary, they constantly reinforce the antiquity and universality of the spiritist phenomena and that very antiquity is an argument in favor of the Doctrine, demonstrating that its principle is in nature and that it is not a product of a systematic combination. Those who intend to impose such idea onto the Doctrine demonstrate that they speak without the knowledge of its fundamentals, otherwise they would know that modern Spiritism is based on the undisputable fact that it is present in all times and among all peoples.


1st – Questions raised about the phenomena of the metallic or crystal balls as a means of obtaining communications. The answer is: “The theory of such phenomenon cannot be explained yet; we need some previous knowledge to understand that, which will come on their own time and will be the result of future observations. That shall happen in due time.”

2nd – New evocation of Urbain Grandier, who confirms and complements certain historical facts and that in addition provides explanations which come to support what have already been said about planet Saturn.

3rd – Two spontaneous essays obtained simultaneously: the first from Abelard, by Mr. Roze; the second from John, the Baptist, by Mr. Colin.

Next, and since it was requested that an unfortunate spirit who had asked for help through prayers would come to communicate spontaneously, one of the mediums wrote the following: “Bless your heart for having accepted to pray in favor of this evoked useless and unclean spirit, who is still and so shamefully attached to his miserable wealth. You receive the sincere thanks of Father Crépin.”

Friday, February 3rd, 1860
(Private Session)

The minutes of the January 27th session were approved. Reading of the names of the observers who attended the last general assembly. No inconvenience was noted due to their presence.

Dr. Gotti, director of the Homeopathic Institute of Genoa (Piedmont), is accepted as a corresponding member. Reading of two new requests for admission, postponed to the next session.


1st – Mr. Allan Kardec announces that a lady from the countryside who is a subscriber of the Review, sent him the amount of ten thousand francs to be utilized in favor of Spiritism. She received an unexpected inheritance which she never counted on thus she wishes that it be shared by the Spiritist Doctrine to whom she owes supreme consolations and her learning about the true conditions of happiness in this life and in the next. She says in her letter: “You made me understand Spiritism, showing me its true objective. Only Spiritism could triumph over the doubts and uncertainties which were a source of indescribable anxiety to me. I used to take life lightheartedly, cursing the stones in my path. I now see clearly around me and before me. The horizon has widened and I march firmly, confident in the future, not bothering with the thorns on the way. I wish that this meager offering can help you to share with others the blessed light which made me so happy. Use it as you will. I don’t want a receipt or any expense report. The only thing I require is the strictest anonymity.”

Mr. Allan Kardec adds: “I shall respect the veil of modesty covering this person and will endeavor to correspond to her generous intentions. I cannot see a better way of using such a donation but in providing the Society with the necessary means of installation to give it more favorable conditions to its works.”

A member voices his opinion that he is sorry for this person’s anonymity since the Society cannot pay her back with tributes of gratitude.

Mr. Allan Kardec replies that since the donation has no other specific application other then Spiritism in general, he will take care of it, in the name of all serious followers of Spiritism. He insists in the qualification of “serious followers”, considering when one cannot put their name to that, who cannot understand its elevated moral consequences, only seeing in Spiritism the subject of phenomena and experimentation, and even less to take advantage of that or leading others to do as well.

2nd – Mr. President entrusted the office of the Society with a sealed letter sent by Dr. Vignal, a regular member, which can only be opened at the end of March next.

3rd – Mr. Netz sends an issue of the periodical Illustration, reporting an apparition. The fact will be the object of a special study.


1st – An observation about visions on certain bodies, like glasses, crystal or metallic balls, and etc., discussed in the last session, was presented. Mr. Allan Kardec thinks that the expression “magic mirror” commonly given to such objects must be carefully avoided. He proposes that they should be called “psychic mirrors”. In the opinion of several members of the assembly, the name “psychographic mirrors” would correspond better to the nature of the phenomenon.

2nd – Dr. Vignal, who offered to be the subject of study about the spirits of living persons, is evoked. He answers the questions with perfect lucidity. Two other spirits, the one of Castelnaudary and that of Dr. Cauviere, communicate simultaneously through another medium, resulting in a very instructive exchange of observations. At the end the doctors provide an essay each, showing their renowned and elevated capacity (publication follows).

3rd – Two other spontaneous essays: the first one from Mr. Francisco de Sales, by Mrs. Mallet; the second by Mr. Colin, signed by Moses, Plato and later Julian.

Friday, February 10th, 1860
(General Session)

The minutes of the February 3rd session were approved.

A letter with a request for admission was received; the issue is to be handled in the next private session.


The following note is transmitted by Mr. Soive, requesting that an evocation be carried out if considered useful: “A certain Mr. T…, 35 years old, residing at the Boulevard of the Hospital, was pursued by the persistent thought of having involuntarily killed a friend during a quarrel. Despite everything that was done to persuade him, showing his living friend to him, he thought that it was a ghost. Then, while tormented by the remorse of an imaginary crime, he killed himself by asphyxiation”

The evocation of Mr. T… will be done, time allowing.


1st – Five spontaneous and simultaneous essays: the first through Mr. Roze, signed by Lammenais; the second by Ms. Eugenie, signed by Staël; the third by Mr. Colin, signed by Fourier; the fourth by Ms. Huet, from a spirit who says that will give his name later, announcing a series of communications; the fifth trough Mr. Didier Junior, signed by Charlet.

2nd – After reading Fourier’s essay, the president makes an observation to those persons strange to the Society, and who may not know its procedures, about the fact that this communication, in principle, seems to require comments; that among the manifesting spirits there are those of all levels; that their communications reflect their personal ideas, which are not always entirely just. Following the advice given to the Society, those communications are received as an expression of individual opinions, keeping the Society of its own prerogative of judging them, submitting them to the control of logic and reason. The understanding is that the Society does not take as the final word that everything coming from the spirits is of the essence. The spirit is revealed by the communication, if good or bad, of Science or ignorance. The communications are objects of study to the Society which accepts what is good and rejects what is bad.

3rd – Evocation of Ms. Indermuhle, from Berne, deaf-mute from birth, who is alive and thirty two years old. The evocation is of great interest from a scientific as well as moral point of view, given the sagacity and accuracy of the answers, indicating an advanced spirit.

4th – Evocation of Mr. T… who was mentioned earlier. He gives signs of great agitation, breaking several pencils before sketching a few lines, showing difficulty. The confusion of his mind is evident; he initially insisted on the fact that he had killed his friend; he ends up agreeing that it was a persistent thought, adding however that if he did not kill he had felt like doing it, and if he did not do it, it was for lack of courage only. St. Louis gives some explanations about the situation of that spirit and the consequences of his suicide. This evocation shall be repeated later, when the spirit is more separated from the body.

Friday, February 17th, 1860
(Private Session)

The minutes of the February 10th session were read and approved.

The following persons were admitted as regular members, after a written request and favorable opinion: Mrs. de Regnez, from Paris; Mr. Indermuhle de Wytenbach, from Berne; Mrs. Lubrat, from Paris.

Two new requests for membership were read, decision postponed to the next private session.

Mr. Allan Kardec transmits the following to the Society, regarding the donation:

“If the lady benefactor does not request an expense report regarding the use of the donated funds, I must not allow on my end that the use of those funds not be submitted to a control. That amount will account for the first contribution to a special fund which shall have nothing in common with my personal businesses, being the object of a separate bookkeeping, named Spiritism Fund. This fund will be augmented in the future by funds from other sources, and it will be exclusively destined to the needs of the Doctrine and the development of the spiritist studies. One of my first actions will be the creation of a special library, thus providing for what the Society currently lacks for its normal operation, as I have already said.

Hence, I have asked several colleagues to take over the control of the funds, attesting on the due dates which will be determined, the application of those funds. The committee will be formed by Mr. Solichon, Mr. Thiry, Mr. Levent, Mr. Mialhe, Mr. Krafzoff and Mrs. Parisse.”

The communications received in the previous session were read. The Society then dealt with several other administrative matters.

The Pre-Adamites

A letter that we have received contains the following passage:

“It must be forcibly admitted that the teaching of the spirits is absolutely founded on Christ’s moral and even much more developed than that found in the Gospels, since you show the application of what is sometimes just found as general principles. Regarding the existence of the spirits and their relationship with the human beings, to me it is not cause of any doubt. I would be convinced just by the testimony of the fathers of the Church, if I did not have the proof of my own experience. Hence, I do not raise any objection with that respect. The same cannot be said to certain points of your Doctrine, evidently contrary to the text of the Scriptures. At this point in time I shall limit myself to a single question relative to the first human being. You say that Adam was neither the only one nor the first to have inhabited Earth. In that case one would have to admit that the Bible is mistaken, since the starting point would be controversial. Notice the consequence of all that! I confess that such thought has made me confused. However, since I support the truth before anything else and faith has nothing to gain if based on a mistake, I ask you to kindly provide some clarification that, if your free time allows. And if you can bring peace to my conscience I will duly appreciate it.”


The issue of Adam as the first man and the origin of humanity is not the only one where religious beliefs have to change. There was a time when Earth’s movements seemed so much opposed to the Scriptures that the simple theory served as an excuse to almost all forms of persecution, and yet Joshua did not hinder the Earth from turning by stopping the Sun. Earth turns, despite the anathemas, and today nobody denies that without hurting logic and reason.

By excavating the archives of Earth, Science has acknowledged the timeline for the appearance of the living creatures on Earth’s surface. The observation leaves space to no doubt with respect to the organic species which belong to each period, and that order is in agreement with what is found in the book of Genesis, with the difference that instead of having miraculously left God’s hand in a few hours, the works were carried out always following God’s wishes but according to the forces of the natural laws, in a few million years. Will that diminish God or make God less powerful? Will God’s works be less sublime for not having been instantaneous? No, absolutely not. It would be necessary to have a very petty idea of God in order to not recognize God’s omnipotence in the eternal laws established by God to govern the worlds.

As Moses did, science places human beings at the last moment of creation of the living beings, but Moses places the universal floods in the year 1654 of the world, while Geology tells us that the great cataclysm happened before humans, since there is no trace of human’s presence in the primitive layers of Earth up to that time, or even of other animals of the same category from a physical stand point. Yet, nothing demonstrates that it would be impossible. Several discoveries have already brought doubt about it. It is then possible that at any time there could be certainty about such pre-existence of the human race. It is still to be determined if the geological cataclysm whose traces are found everywhere is the same as Noah’s flood. Well, the law of formation of fossil layers would not allow them to be mixed up since the first one goes back perhaps a hundred thousand years. From the moment when traces of human’s presence are found before the great catastrophe it will then be demonstrated that Adam was not the first man, or that his creation is lost in the darkness of the ages. Against evidence there is no possible argument. The theologians should then accept the fact as done with the movements of Earth and the six periods of creation. In reality the existence of humans before the geological floods is still hypothetical but that is of less importance. Supposing that humans had appeared on Earth for the first time 4,000 years before Christ, and that 1,650 years later the whole human race was destroyed, with the exception of only one person, it means that the inhabitation of Earth can only date from Noah’s time, that is 2,350 years before our time. Now, when the Hebrews immigrated to Egypt in the XVIII century AC they found a well-inhabited country with a very advanced civilization. History proves that India and other regions were also flourishing in those days. Hence it would be necessary that between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries AC, that is, in a period of 600 years, not only the descendants of a single man could have inhabited all known and immense regions of those days, supposing that the others were not, but also that in such a short interval of time, the whole human race could have been elevated from the most absolute ignorance of the primitive state to the highest degree of intellectual development, in opposition to every anthropological laws. On another hand, everything is explained once the pre-existence of humans is accepted; Noah’s flood as a partial catastrophe, confused with the geological cataclysm, and Adam who had lived 6,000 years ago as having populated an uninhabited region. Again, nothing could prevail against the evidence of facts. Thus it would be sensible not to take a position too lightly, against doctrines which sooner or later, and as many others have, may show a lack of reason and then lay blame on those who combat them. Far from losing out, is when religious ideas aggrandize with Science. It is the way of not giving rise to skepticism, by showing a vulnerable side.

What would become of religion if it remained engrained against evidence; if it persisted with the anathema against all who would not accept the text of the Scriptures? The result of that would be the impossibility to be a Catholic without believing in the movement of the Sun, in the six days of creation and 6,000 years of Earth. One can only wonder about what would be the remaining number of Catholics these days. Will you also proscribe those who do not take the letter of the text regarding the allegory of the tree and its fruit, Adam’s rib, the serpent, etc.? Religion shall always be strong by marching shoulder to shoulder with Science, for it shall be connected to the enlightened layer of the population. That is the only way of denying the prejudice of superficial people that makes religion to be considered an antagonist of progress. If at any time – should God disallow that – religion would repel the evidence of facts and would then send serious people away, provoking a schism, since nothing can prevail against evidence.

Therefore the high Theology, which counts on the support of knowledgeable people, admits reasonable interpretation to several controversial points. It is only regrettable the fact that those interpretations are reserved to the privileged, continuing to teach by the book in schools. The result is that those books initially accepted by the children, are later repelled when they arrive at the age of reason. Since they don’t have anything else for compensation, they just reject everything, adding up to the number of absolute skepticism. Much to the contrary, you must give children only what reason can admit later, and the developing reason will only strengthen that on the pre-established foundations. We believe that we do a real service to the true interest of religion by speaking like that. Religion shall always be respected if it is in agreement with reality and when not turned into allegories whose truthfulness cannot be accepted by common sense.

A Healing Medium

Ms. Désirée Godu, from Hennebon (Morbihan)

We refer our readers to the previous month’s article about the special mediums. The explanations that will be given below about Ms. Désirée Godu will be better understood – her faculty has a seal of remarkable specialty.

About eight years ago she went successively through all phases of mediumship. In the beginning she was a powerful medium of physical effects, then she turned into clairvoyant, hearing, speaking, writing medium and finally all of her faculties concentrated on healing people, which seems to be her mission and that she accomplishes with a boundless devotion. Let us see below the comments from Mr. Pierre, a professor from Lorient, who shares these details with us, responding to the questions that we addressed to him.

“Ms. Désirée Godu is twenty five years old, belonging to a distinct and respectable family in Lorient. Her father is a former officer of the military, a Knight of the Legion of Honor, and her mother a patient and laborious lady, who helps her daughter the best she can in her painstaking but sublime mission. For about six years the patriarchal family has been giving away alms of prescribed medication, and sometimes everything necessary to the treatment of the poor as well as the rich who seek their help. Their relationship with the spirits started at the time of the turning tables. During that time she lived in Loirent and for months the only subject of conversation in town was the wonders operated by Ms. Godu with the tables, always complacent and kind under her hands. It was a privilege to be admitted into the sessions with the table in her house and they would hardly accept anyone. Always simple and modest she never sought the spotlight. Slander however, did not spare her, as expected. Christ himself was mocked although he only did and taught good things. Is it surprising that there are Pharisees when there are men who still don’t believe anything? That is the fate of whoever shows any superiority, of being exposed to the attacks of mediocre jealousy and envy. It doesn’t take them much to knock down anyone who raises their head above the crowds, not even the poison of calumny. The debunked hypocrite never forgives but God is just and the more the righteous man is mistreated, the brightest his rehabilitation is and the most humiliating is the shame of his enemies. Posterity will avenge them.”

“While waiting for her true mission which is said would begin in two years, her guardian spirit proposed to heal all kinds of diseases, which she accepted. He now uses her own organs to communicate, instead of rapping on the table, and often against her will. When the spirit speaks, her tone of voice is no longer the same, her lips barely moving.”

“Ms. Godu went through regular schooling but the main part of her education could not have been given by human beings. When she agreed to become a healing medium the spirit followed a methodic process of instruction and the only thing that she could see were hands. A mysterious spirit would then lay books, pictures and drawings before her eyes, explaining the functionality of the whole human body, the properties of plants, the effects of electricity, etc. She is not a somnambulist. She is never put to sleep. She is very awake and able to penetrate the illness of her patients with her eyes. The spirit indicates the medication that she generally prepares and applies, treating the most revolting wounds with the dedication of a charitable sister. They began by giving her the composition of certain preparations which healed skin rash and wounds of lesser importance and in a few days, aiming at slowly adapting her to all the dreadful and repulsive miseries which would come before her eyes, putting her finesse and kindness to the toughest tests. Do not imagine her as a suffering, weak person. She enjoys “mens sana in corpore sano” in all its plenitude.

Far from having someone else to treat the patients directly, she is the one that puts her hands on all, and she is suffice to do all, thanks to her resolute constitution. She knows how to inspire endless hope onto the patients. Her heart finds consolation to all ailments and her hands provide medicine to all sufferings. She is naturally outgoing and happy. Her joyfulness is contagious like her faith that instantly act upon her patients. I saw many people leaving her place with tears in their eyes, tears of thoughtful admiration, appreciation and joy. The house is never empty on Thursdays, open market day, and every Sunday from six am to five or six pm. Work is a prayer to her and she does that consciously. Before treating the ill she used to spend entire days sewing clothes to the poor and newly born, employing ingenious ways of ensuring that the donations would get to their destination anonymously so that the left hand never knew what the right hand did. She got a large number of authentic certificates from priests, authorities and celebrities, attesting her cures which in other times would be considered miraculous.” 

We know that there is no exaggeration in the report above by the testimony of trustworthy people, giving us the satisfaction of pointing out to the use made by Ms. Godu of an exceptional faculty given to her. We hope that the praises which we have the pleasure of reproducing here will not affect her modesty, which doubles the worth of her good deeds, and that she will not listen to the suggestions of pride. Pride is the major obstacle to a large number of mediums and we have seen many whose transcending gifts were annihilated or perverted, as soon as they listened to that tempting devil. The best intentions cannot hinder its traps, and it is precisely against the good ones that pride charges its weapons, since prides takes satisfaction by showing who is stronger. Pride sneaks in with such skills that the heart is frequently and unsuspectedly full of that. Thus, pride is the last defect that we confess to ourselves, similarly to those fatal diseases which one carries in a latent state, whose real seriousness misleads the person up to the last moment. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of it. As long as the medium has a gift, however little importance it may have, the medium is sought, praised, flattered. This becomes a terrible touchstone to the medium, for the medium ends up by feeling indispensable if the person is not profoundly simple and modest. That is disgraceful to the medium, particularly if persuaded that he or she only communicates with good spirits. The medium can hardly acknowledge that he was deceived thus he often writes or hears his own condemnation or censorship, not believing that he is the target of such a thing. Well, it is precisely that blindness which holds the medium hostage. The deceiving spirits take advantage of that to fascinate, dominate, and subjugate the medium more and more, to the point of making him accept the falsest things as truthful. That is how the precious gift received from God is lost, a gift only given to the benefit of their brothers and sisters, because the good spirits leave as soon as someone prefers to listen to the bad ones. Someone that has chosen to be highlighted shall be so by the force of things and the spirits will know well how to rescue them from obscurity, if that is useful, whereas there will frequently be only disappointments to the one who is tormented by the need of having everybody talking about him. From what we know about the character of Ms. Godu it gives us a firm assurance that she is above these little weaknesses, and that she will never compromise the mission that has been assigned to her, as many others have done so far.

Spontaneous Physical Manifestations - The Baker of Dieppe

The phenomenon through which the spirits may manifest their presence has a twofold nature, namely the physical and the intelligent manifestations. Through the former, the spirits attest their action upon matter. Through the latter, they reveal a more or less superior mind, according to their degree of depuration. One and the other may be spontaneous or provoked. Those who are provoked when impelled by want and obtained with the support of persons bestowed with special gifts, such as the mediums. They are spontaneous when they occur naturally, without any participation of free-will and frequently in the absence of any knowledge or spiritist belief. Belonging to this classification are certain phenomena that cannot be explained by ordinary physical causes; however we must not rush, as said before, in attributing to the spirits everything that is uncommon and not well understood. It is never too much to insist on this point so that we are on guard against the effects of the imagination, and often fear.

When an extraordinary phenomenon is produced – we repeat – the first thought must be that it has a natural cause since it is the most frequent and most likely. That applies to mainly noises and certain movements of objects. In such cases it is necessary to seek the cause and it is more than likely we find that it was something very simple and common.

Furthermore, we say that the true and only real sign of intervention of the spirits is the intentional and intelligent characteristic of the produced effects, when the impossibility of a human intervention is thoroughly demonstrated. In such cases, following the axiom that every effect has a cause, and that every intelligent effect must have an intelligent cause, it becomes clear that if the cause is not in the ordinary agents of the material effects, it shall then be beyond those agents; that if the acting intelligence is not human, it must be outside the domains of humanity.

• Then there are extra human intelligences?
• It seems likely. If certain things are not and cannot be the work of human beings, then they must be the work of someone else. Well, if that someone else is not a human being, it seems that it must necessarily be outside humanity; if we cannot see it then it must be invisible. It is decisive reasoning which is easier to understand than that of Mr. de la Palisse.
• Then, what are those intelligences? Angels or demons? And as invisible entities, can they act upon visible matter?
• That is what is perfectly known to those who study the Spiritist Science, which like the other sciences one cannot understand in a blink of an eye and cannot be summarized in a few lines.

We will counter such a question with this one only: How can your thoughts, which are immaterial, move your body, which that is material, at will? We believe that they will not be puzzled by this problem and if they reject the explanation given by Spiritism to such a common question it means that they have something more logical to offer. However, so far we don’t know that explanation.

Let us move on to the facts that have motivated those observations.

Several newspapers, like the Opinion Nationale from February 14th last, and the Journal de Rouen, from the 12th of the same month, report the following fact, according to the Vigie de Dieppe.

The Journal de Rouen reports the following:

“The La Vigie de Dieppe reproduces the following letter from its correspondent in Grandes-Ventes. We have already mentioned part of the facts described today in our Friday issue, but the emotion caused by those extraordinary events in our column lead us to reveal new details contained in the correspondence.”

“Today we laugh at the more or less fantastic stories of the good old times and in our days the pretense witches don’t enjoy much respect. They are not more accepted in Grandes-Ventes than elsewhere. However, our old popular prejudices still have some adepts among those villagers. The truly extraordinary event which we have just witnessed comes just in time to strengthen their superstitious belief.”

“Yesterday, in the morning, Mr. Gouber, one baker from our village, his father who works for him and a young trainee who is about sixteen to seventeen years old, were starting their daily routine when they noticed that several objects had spontaneously left their original places to be thrown into the dough blending machine. Thus, they had to remove pieces of coal, a couple of weights, a pipe and a candle from the dough. Despite their astonishment they carried on with their duties, to the point of having kneaded the dough when suddenly a large piece of about two kilograms escaped from the young helper’s hand and was thrown a few meters away. This was the prelude and a kind of signal to a strange disturbance. It was about nine o’clock and up until noon it was positively impossible to stay near the oven area and the wine cellar next to it. Everything was turned, knocked down, broken. The bread, which was thrown away with the trays, was completely lost. More than thirty wine bottles were broken, and while the crank of the water-well turned on its own at high speed, the ember, the shovels, the trestle and the weights jumped in the air, executing the most diabolic evolutions.”

“At noon the noise stopped gradually and a few hours later, when everything was back to normal and the objects were placed back into their places, the owner was then able to reestablish his work routine.”

“Such an event has caused Mr. Goubert a loss of at least one hundred francs.”

The Opinion Nationale adds the following to those facts:

“On reproducing such a singular story we would be causing harm to our readers had we invited them to be on guard against the supernatural facts which were reported. There you have, we know well, a story which is not from our times and which may shock some of the wise readers of the Vigie, but however verisimilar it may look, it is not less truthful, and hundreds of people may attest its accuracy if needed.”

We confess to not understand well the thoughts of the reporter who seems to contradict himself. On another hand he tells the readers to be on guard against the supernatural facts reported in the letter, ending by saying “however verisimilar it may look, it is not less truthful, and hundreds of people may attest its accuracy if needed.” It has to be either true or false. If it is false then there is nothing else to say but if it is true, as attested by the “Opinion Nationale”, the fact reveals something very serious to be taken lightheartedly. Let us keep aside the issue of spirits and let us see a physical phenomenon only. Isn’t that extraordinary enough to deserve the attention of serious observers? Then, may the scientists get to work and rummage through the archives of science to provide us with a reasonable and undeniable explanation, showing the causes of the events. If they cannot, we must agree that they don’t know all the secrets of nature. Furthermore, if only Spiritism provides the solution then it is necessary to choose between the theory that explains and the other one which explains nothing.

When events of such a nature are reported our first approach, even before questioning about its reality, is to examine if they are possible or not, according to what we know from the theory of the physical manifestations. We mention some, demonstrating their absolute impossibility, notably the story told in the February 1859 issue of the Review, extracted from the Journal des Debats, under the title “My friend Hermann”, to which certain points of Spiritism might have given an appearance of likelihood. From that point of view, the phenomena that took place with the baker of Dieppe have nothing of more extraordinary than many others which were perfectly verified and whose complete solution is provided by the Spiritist Science. Hence, if the facts were not true, to our eyes they would still be possible.

We asked one of our reliable correspondents from Dieppe to investigate the reality of the facts. Here is his answer:

“Today I can give you all the information you want since I received it from a trustworthy source. The report from the “Vigie” is the exact truth. It is useless to report all the facts. It seems that some individuals of science came from far away to learn about the events that they couldn’t explain unless using the principles of the Spiritist Science. As for our peasants, they are confused. Some say that it is the work of witchcraft. Others say that the cause is the fact that the cemetery has changed places and constructions were built on top of it. The experts, known by their own as those who know everything, particularly if in the military, ended up by saying: For God’s sake! I don’t know how it can be. It is useless to tell you that they attribute a large portion of the events to the devil. In order to explain all those events to the people it would be necessary to try to initiate them into the true Spiritist Science. It would be the only means of eradicating from them the belief in witches and in all superstitions that will still be the greatest obstacle to their moralization for a long time to come.”

We will finish with one final observation.

We have heard from some people that they did not want to have anything to do with Spiritism for fear of attracting the spirits, thus provoking manifestations of the kind that we have just reported.

We don’t know Mr. Goubert, the baker, but we believe that we are able to ensure that neither he nor his son and helper have ever gotten involved with the spirits. It is actually remarkable to notice that the spontaneous manifestations preferably take place among people that have no idea about Spiritism, an evident proof that the spirits come without an invitation. We will also say: the profound knowledge of this Science is the best way of preventing us from the inopportune spirits, since it shows the only rational means of keeping them away.

Our correspondent is perfectly right by saying that Spiritism is a remedy against superstition. In fact, isn’t that superstitious to believe that those strange phenomena are due to the change of a cemetery location? Superstition does not consist on the belief in a fact, when verified, but on the irrational cause attributed to the fact. Superstition is present above all in the belief in the pretense means of foretelling, in the effect of certain rituals, in the virtue of the talismans, in the cabalistic days and times, etc… things whose ridicule are demonstrated by Spiritism.

Studies about the Spirits of Living Persons

Dr. Vignal

Dr. Vignal, a regular member of the Society, offered to be the subject of study regarding the evocation of the spirit of a living person, as it was carried out with Count R… He was evoked in the session of February 3rd, 1860.

1. (To St. Louis) – Can we evoke Dr. Vignal? – A. No problem, since he is prepared.

2. Evocation. – A. I am here. I attest it in the name of God, what I would not do if responding by someone else.

3. Although alive, do you think it is necessary that the evocation be done in the name of God? – A. Doesn’t God exist to the living ones as much as to the dead?

4. Can you see us as clearly as when you attend our sessions? – A. A little bit more clearly.

5. Where are you located in here? – A. Where my action is naturally required: to the right, a little bit behind the medium.

6. Were you aware of the distance covered in order to come from Sully to our place? Did you see the path when you travelled? – A. Not more than the vehicle that brought me.

7. Can we offer you a chair? – A. You are very kind. I am not as tired as you are.

8. How do you verify your individuality here? – A. Like the others. OBSERVATION: He refers to what has been already said in similar cases, that is, the spirit verifies its individuality through the perispirit which represents the body.

9. However, we would appreciate if you gave the explanation yourself. – A. What you ask is a repetition.

10. Since you do not wish to repeat what has already been said is that because you think in the same way? – A. That is clear enough.

11. Your perispirit is then a kind of limited and bounded body to you? – A. That is evident. It is not necessary to say.

12. Can you see your body sleeping? – A. Not from here. I saw it when I left. I felt like laughing.

13. How is the relationship established between your body in Sully and your spirit here? – A. As I told you, through the fluidic cord.

14. Would you describe, in the best possible way so that we understand, how you see yourself, apart from your body? – A. That is very easy. I see myself as in the waking state or even better, since the comparison is fairer, I see myself like we see ourselves in our dreams. I have my body but I am aware that it is organized in a different and lighter way when compared to the other. I don’t feel the weight or the force of gravity which bonds me to Earth when I am awake. In other words, and as I told you, I am not tired.

15. Do the shades of light appear to you in the same way as in the normal state? – A. No. Light gets the addition of a tone that is not perceptible by your dense senses. However, you must not conclude that the colors perceived by the optical nerve are different to me. Red is red and so far. Having said that some objects that I did not see in darkness during my waking state I can see now, as they are luminous in their own right. That is how total darkness absolutely does not exist to the spirit although it is possible to establish a difference between what is clear and what is not clear to you.

16. Is your vision unrestricted or limited to the focused object? – A. Neither one thing nor the other. I absolutely don’t know the kind of changes that may take place to a spirit who is entirely free. As for myself, I know that the material objects are seen in their interior; that my vision goes through them. However, I cannot see all over the place and from a distance.

17. Would you like to be submitted to an experiment, as a trial, not based on curiosity but to our own instruction? – A. Absolutely not. That is strictly forbidden to me.

18. The idea was to have you reading the question that comes to my hand and responding, without my verbal interrogation. – A. I could but I repeat it is forbidden to me.

19. How can you be aware of what is prohibited to you? – A. Through the transmission of thoughts from the spirit who forbids me.

20. Here is the question then: Can you see yourself in a mirror? – A. No. What do you see in the mirror? The reflection of a material object. I am not material. I can only produce the reflection through the operation that makes the perispirit visible.

21. As a consequence, the spirit which assumes the condition of an agénère, for example, could it be seen in a mirror? – A. Certainly.

22. At this point in time could you assess the healthy or unhealthy condition of a person as well as you would in your normal state? – A. With more confidence.

23. Could you give a consultation, if someone requested? – A. I could but I don’t want to compete with the somnambulists and the benevolent spirits that guide them. When I am dead perhaps I shall not refuse that.

24. Is your current state identical to your state after your death? – A. No. I will have certain perceptions which are much more accurate. Don’t forget that I am still attached to matter.

25. Could your body die while you are here, without you knowing? – A. No. We die this way every day.

26. That is understandable with respect to a natural death, always preceded by some symptoms but what if someone hits you and instantly kills you, how would you know? – A. I would be ready to receive the blow, before the arm would come down.

27. What is the need that your spirit would have to return to the body if there is nothing else that can be done? – A. It is a very wise law, which without it, when we are out of the body, we are often reluctant to return to it and that would be made as an excuse for suicide… hypocritically.

28. Suppose your spirit was not here but at home, wandering around while the body slept. Would you be able to see everything that was going on? – A. Yes.

29. In that case, suppose that someone was doing something bad, like a relative or a stranger. Could you be a witness of the fact? – A. No doubt; but not always free to oppose that action. However, it does happen more frequently than you think.

30. Which type of impression would this bad action have on you? Would that affect you as much as if you were a living witness? – A. Sometimes more, sometimes less, according to the circumstances.

31. Would you feel the desire for revenge? – A. Not to revenge but to impede the action.

OBSERVATION: It results from what has just been said, and as a matter of fact, it is a consequence of what we already know, that the spirit of a living person that is asleep knows perfectly well what goes on around them. Anybody who intended to take advantage of the sleep to practice a bad action against that person is mistaken when believing that the action is unseen. Even the sleeping person’s obliviousness after waking up should not be counted on once the person may have kept a very strong intuition of the event, sometimes inspiring suspicion. The dreams of presentiment are nothing else but more or less accurate memories of what was seen during the sleep. Again, we have one more of the moral consequences of Spiritism; given the conviction of this phenomenon may perhaps be a barrier for many people. Here is a fact that supports that truth. One day a person receives a rude and anonymous letter. All efforts were employed to find out who the sender was. One must admit that the enigma was solved during the sleep since the very next day, after waking up and not having even dreamed, all thoughts were directed to someone who was not even under suspicion and after verification the fact was confirmed.

32. Let us go back to your sensations and perceptions. How do you see things, through what? – A. Through my whole being.

33. Do you hear sounds, and where? – A. It is the same thing since perception is transmitted to the spirit through its imperfect organs and it must be clear to you that when the spirit is free, it has numerous perceptions that you cannot understand.

34. (Someone rings a bell) – Did you hear the sound perfectly well? – A. Better than you do.

35. If you were made to hear music that was out of tune, would that cause the same impression on you as in your waking state? – A. I did not say that sensations are analogous. There is a difference but the perception is much more thorough.

36. Do you perceive odors? – A. No doubt, in the same manner as with the other senses.

OBSERVATION: It could then be said that the matter which surrounds the spirit operates like a buffer which dampens the sharpness of perception. Once separated from matter the spirit has the perception without intermediaries, being able to detect nuances which escape someone who received them through means which are denser than the perispirit. It then follows that the unfortunate spirits may experience pains that, although not physical from our stand point, are more pungent than the corporeal pains and that the happy spirits may feel pleasures which are incomprehensible to our sensations.

37. If you had savory dishes before your eyes, would you feel tempted to eat them? – A. The desire would be a distraction.

38. Suppose that your body is hungry while you are here. What would be the effect of seeing those foods, have on you? – A. This would make me leave to satisfy an irresistible need.

39. Could you tell us how you feel when you leave your body to come here or when you leave us and return to your body? How do you perceive that? – A. That would be very difficult. I come in as I leave, without noticing, or better saying, not aware of how the phenomenon occurs. However, don’t believe that when the spirit enters the body it is imprisoned like in a room. The spirit constantly irradiates to the outside in such a way that one can say that the spirit is more frequently outside than inside. It is only the union which is more intimate and the links are tighter.

40. Do you see other spirits? – A. Those who want to be seen by me.

41. How do you see them? – A. Like I see myself.

42. Do you see them here, around us? – A. In a crowd.

43. Evocation of Charles Dupont (the spirit of Castelnaudary) – A. I am here and attend to your request.

44. Are you more relaxed today as compared to the last time you were called? – A. Yes. I am advancing on a good path.

45. Do you now understand that your penalties shall not last forever? – A. Yes.

46. Do you foresee the end of your suffering? – A. No. For my punishment, God does not allow me to see the end of that.

47. (To Dr. Vignal) Do you see the spirit that has just responded to us? – A. Yes. It is not a nice vision.

48. Can you describe him? – A. I see him as he showed up before with the difference that he no longer holds the dagger or has blood on him; his looks show more sadness than the ferocious brutalization of his first apparition.

49. When awake are you aware of the image that was portrayed of that spirit? – A. Yes, and I am also more informed.

50. When you see a spirit how do you know that his body is dead or alive? – A. By the fluidic cord.

51. How do you assess the morale condition of that spirit? – A. His morale has been sad; but he is improving.

52. (To Charles Dupont) – You hear what is said about you. That must encourage you to persevere in the path of progress that you have already entered. – A. Thank you. That is what I try to do.

53. Do you see the spirit of the doctor who we were talking to? – A. Yes.

54. How do you see him? – A. I see him with an envelope less transparent than the other spirits.

55. How can you say that he is still alive? – A. The common spirits have no apparent form. This one has a human form; he is surrounded by a misty like matter that reproduces his earthly human form. The spirits of the dead no longer have that envelope, once they are free.

56. (To Dr. Vignal) – If we evoke a mad person, how would you recognize it? – A. I would not recognize if his madness were recent since it would not have had an influence upon the spirit; however, if the spirit had been alienated for a long time, matter could have a certain influence on him, thus I would see some signs which would allow me to recognize as I do when awake.

57. Can you describe to us the causes of madness? – A. These are simply an alteration, a perversion of the organs, which no longer perceive things in a regular way, transmitting false sensations, thus leading the spirit to act against his own will.

OBSERVATION: It does frequently happen that certain persons, whose spirits are perfectly healthy, show in their limbs and in other parts of the body certain involuntary movements, independent of their will, like the so called nervous twitches. It is easy to understand that if those alterations took place in the brain instead of arms or face, the transmission of the thought would suffer its influence. The impossibility of driving or controlling such emissions constitutes madness.

58. After the last answer by Dr. Vignal, the medium who served as interpreter to Charles Dupont wrote spontaneously: - Those spirits of mad persons are recognized among us because they move around, in all directions, without a firm idea, not even of God or prayers. They need time to settle in. Signed: Cauvière Since nobody thought of calling this spirit, Mr. Belliol asked if he would be the spirit of Dr. Cauvière from Marseille, who had been his professor. – A. Yes, it is me, deceased one and a half years ago.

OBSERVATION: Mr. Belliol recognized Dr. Cauvière’s signature. Later it was possible to compare it with an original signature, attesting the perfect identity between the two.

59. (To Mr. Cauvière) – Why have you honored us with your unexpected visit? – A. It is not the first time that I have come here. Today I found a favorable occasion to communicate with you and so I did.

60. Do you see your colleague Dr. Vignal who is here as a spirit? – A. Yes, I see him.

61. How would you know that he is still alive? – A. Due to his wrapping body which is less transparent than ours.

62. This answer agrees with the one that has just been given by Charles Dupont and that seemed to have gone beyond his intelligence. Was it you who answered? – A. I could influence him since I was here.

63. What is your state as a spirit? – A. I have not reincarnated yet but I am advanced as a spirit although I was far from the belief in what you call Spiritualism on Earth. It was necessary to get educated where I am here. However, my intelligence, which has been improved by the study promptly, enlightened me.

64. In case you agree we will ask you a question prepared to Dr. Vignal, requesting the answer from each one of you, with the help of your individual interpreters. How do you see now the difference between the spirit of the animals and humans? Dr. Vignal’s answer: It is not much easier for me to perceive that than in my waking state. My current thought is that the spirit sleeps in the animal, like it is morally numb, and that it painfully wakes up in a human being. Mr. Cauvière’s answer: The spirit of a human being is called to a greater task of perfection than that of the animals. The difference is substantial since there is only instinctive existence in the latter ones. Later that instinct may perfect.

65. Can such betterment get to the point of a human spirit? – A. It can but after having passed through many existences as animal on Earth as well as in other planets.

66. Can you kindly, both of you, write a spontaneous essay to us, about a subject of your choice?

Mr. Cauvière’s Essay

Dear good friends, I am so happy for being able to speak a little bit with you that I wish to give you an advice, not particularly you who are believers but those whose faith is still faltering or those who have no faith and reject it. It is true that I cannot see all my living comrades here, and who would not believe me. Nevertheless I would tell them that when alive I stubbornly rejected the truth, although I felt it in my inner most being. The majority of them do as I did: through a false self-love they don’t want to agree with what they sometimes experience. They are mistaken because indecision makes us suffer on Earth, particularly when the time comes to leave it behind. Thus, get instructed! Have good faith! You shall be happier in your world as in the world where I am now. If you truly wish, I shall come other times to talk to you.

Dr. Vignal’s Essay

What is the benefit of Astronomy and why does it matter the time taken by a bullet to travel from Earth to the Sun? That is how very dignified persons think, people who do not see in Science any other application but that of industry or their self-serving wealth. However, without Astronomy, how could you adopt the remarkable system which we are developing now, instead of any other introduced by ignorant and jealous spirits? If Earth was, like it was formerly thought, the central point of the Universe; if the numerous suns which populate space were not but simply shiny dots hanging on a crystal dome, which arguments would you have to make you admit the past and future of the spirit? Astronomy, on the contrary, comes to demonstrate that the planetary life around our Sun is reflected back into everything that composes the nebula that encompasses our world; that all these planets are organized differently from each other and consequently life condition is not the same on each of them. You are then led to ask if God creates instantaneously and the spirit which must animate each body; what would be the reason then for its creation here and not elsewhere, on Earth and not in another world, in this particular condition and not in another! Thus, a stern logic leads you to admit the plurality of the worlds, the pre-existence of the soul and the reincarnation as expressions of the greatest truth. Astronomy is then useful since it gives you the necessary conditions to receive the sublime truths that shall unfold to you by the inexorable progress of Spiritism and Science. Helped by industry, Astronomy is meant to lead you to the discovery of other wonders beyond those that you only had a glimpse so far. From now on Astronomy and Theology are sisters and shall march hand in hand.

Vignal, by Arago

Ms. Indermuhle

Born deaf-mute, currently 32 years old, living in Berne (Session of February 10th, 1860)

1. (To St. Louis) – Can we establish communication with the spirit of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. Yes, you can.

2. Evocation. – A. I am here and I say so in the name of God.

3. (To St. Louis) – Can you tell us if the spirit who responds is actually that of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. I can positively assure you. Are you so advanced and believe that if it were another spirit responding it would be more embarrassing? The affirmation demonstrates that she is here. It is up to you to ensure a good communication by the nature and objective of your questions.

3a. (To Ms. Indermuhle) * – Do you really know where you are now? – A. I know perfectly well. Do you think I was not informed about it?

4. How can you respond to us here if your body is in Switzerland? – A. Because it is not the body that responds. As a matter of fact, and as you know, my body is absolutely incapable of doing that.

5. What is your body doing right now? – A. It is asleep.

6. Is your body healthy? – A. Yes, very healthy. OBSERVATION: Ms. Indermuhle’s brother who was attending the session confirmed that she was really healthy.

7. How long did it take you to get here from Switzerland? – A. A time that you cannot perceive.

8. Where you aware of the directions taken to come here? – A. No.

9. Are you surprised for being here in this meeting? – A. My first answer demonstrates the opposite.

10. What would happen if your body woke up while you are here? – A. I would be there.

11. Is there any link between your spirit that is here and your body there? – A. Yes, without it how could I be informed that I should return?

12. Do you see us clearly? – A. Yes, perfectly well.

13. Do you understand that you can see us but we cannot see you? – A. Yes, no doubt.

14. Can you hear the sound that I produce now by knocking? – A. I am not deaf here.

15. How could you know since you cannot compare with a memory from when you are awake? – A. I was not born yesterday.

OBSERVATION: The memory of the sensation of noise comes from existences in which she was not deaf. The answer is perfectly logical.

16. Would the sound of music give you pleasure? – A. The more pleasure the longer it lasts. Sing something for me.

17. We are sorry for not being able to do it now and for not having here an instrument to give you such a pleasure. It seems to us however that since your spirit separates from the body every day during your sleep, it must be transported to places where you can hear music. – A. That rarely happens to me.

18. How can you respond in French since you are German and you ignore our language? – A. Thought has no language. I transmit it to the medium’s guide who then translates it to the language that he is familiar with.

19. Who is the guide that you are talking about? – A. The familiar spirit of the medium. That is how you can receive communications from foreign spirits and that is how the spirits speak all languages.

OBSERVATION: Thus, the answers would often reach us only from third parties. The interrogated spirit transmits their thought to the familiar spirit, this one to the medium and the medium translates it, speaking or writing. Now, since the medium may be assisted by spirits more or less good, this explains why in several occasions the thought of the interrogated spirit may be altered. Hence, St. Louis said that the presence of the evoked spirit is not always enough to ensure the integrity of the answers. It is up to us to analyze and judge if they are logical and in agreement with the level of the spirit. As a matter of fact, according to Ms. Indermuhle, this triple channel would only happen with foreign spirits.

20. What is the origin of the illness that has affected you? – A. A voluntary cause.

21. Why on Earth would all six siblings be equally affected? – A. For the same reason as I am.

22. Then, it was voluntarily that you all chose the same trial? We believe that such a gathering in the same family must happen as a trial to the parents. Is that a good reason? – A. It is close to the truth.

23. Do you see your brother here? – A. What a question!

24. Are you happy for seeing him? – A. Same answer.

OBSERVATION: It is a known fact that the spirits don’t like to repeat themselves. Our language is so slow to them that they avoid anything that seems useless. This is a peculiarity that characterizes the serious spirits. The lighthearted, mocking, obsessing and pseudo-wise spirits are generally talkative and verbose. Like those people with no foundation, they speak and say nothing; the words replace the thoughts that they believe by imposing phrases with redundant words and an obscure style.

25. Would you like to tell him anything? – A. May he receive my most sincere appreciation for his good thoughts in bringing me here where I am now, fortunately in touch with good spirits, although some are not so worthy. I have learned a lot and shall not forget what I owe him.

* The number 3 appears repeated in the original - NT

Bibliography Siamora, the Druid Lady or Spiritism in the XV Century *

By Clément de la Chave

The spiritist ideas fill the works of a large number of former and current writers, and many contemporaries would be surprised if we demonstrated to them, from their own writings, that they are spiritists without knowing it. Spiritism can then find arguments in its own adversaries that seem to have been involuntarily led to provide Spiritism with armaments. Thus, holy as well as profane writers present an open field in which there is plenty to be sowed and harvested. That is what we intend to do one day.

We shall then see if the critics will still consider it to be appropriate to send the daring celebrity names in literature, arts, sciences, philosophy and theology to the asylums. The author of the little book that we are speaking about is not one of those who can be named spiritist without knowing it. On the contrary, he is a serious and educated follower, who took the burden of summarizing the fundamental truths of the Doctrine in a less arid than scholarly way, with the added attractiveness of a semi-historical romance.

In fact, we find the dauphin in the book that later became Louis XI and some characters of his time, with a taste of the costumes of those days. Siamora, last child of the former Druid Lady, preserved the traditions of her ancestors’ cult, but illuminated by the truths of Christianity. In an article in the April 1858 issue of The Spiritist Review we saw the level reached by the Gallic priests with respect to the spiritist philosophy. Hence, there is no contradiction when such ideas come from the mouth of their descendent. On the contrary, it is the evidence of a little known truth and the current author deserves recognition from the modern spiritists. We can evaluate that through the citations below. In a moment of ecstasy the young novice Edda speaks with Siamora in the following terms: “My familiar angel shows up to me in the form of my good angel. He offers himself to guide me through the painful paths of this world. Human beings, he says, are bad only because they ignore their spiritual nature; because they reject this subtle agent, this divine stream that God had spread around for their happiness in creation, making them equal and brothers. Human beings are then able to heal, appealing to this subtle agent of creation, extracting from that a powerful help.” 

“It is at the time of death that each person comes before to me! How sad! What a sorrow! What a bitter despair! Those perverse creatures love no more. Siamora! Each person carries his or her virtues and vices to the grave. Heavy or lightly loaded with their faults, the soul elevates more or less since they have kept much or just a little of that subtle agent, love, the substance of God that attracts similar substances and repels those which derive from a contrary principle, depending on the empathies.”

“The soul of a bad man remains errant down here, blowing its pestilent essence onto everyone. It contains the joy of evil and the pride of vices. We call that devil; he is called astray brother in heaven. Nevertheless, from every compassionate heart, Siamora, a gentle mist rises and despite his own will, the devil’s soul is saturated by that; it thus renovates, getting rid of its corruption… That soul then starts to perceive the idea of God which was not possible before. Since the soul carries the exact image of the body, although spiritual, it then joins the other ones, impregnated by the vices and imperfections, and the soul becomes denser and cannot see.”

“In that invisible world above ours, Siamora, where I struggle to stand, a shiny cloud hazes my eyes. Thousands of souls, celestial spirits, come and go. They move up and down, like snowflakes, spread around and run all over the place, dragged by the impulsive force of the winds. From their spiritual essence the angels come down to us, saying peaceful words to some, insinuating the divine belief in others; inspiring the search for science in this one; stimulating in someone else the instinct of goodness and beauty, and the one who has been taken over by the taste for great and noble things has already been touched by God’s finger. Every person has his mentor, his council, and his magnet. The rope of salvation has been thrown to everyone. It is up to us to grab it.” 

“That bad man, or even better, that devil-soul, whose eyes begin to open to the contact of pure air, goes on crying for his crime and begging to have it expiated by his suffering. Alone and helpless, what will he do? A charitable angel approaches and says: awry brother, come to life with me. Here is hell, the place of suffering where each one of us regenerates. Come. I shall support you. Let us do some good so that the balance of good and bad is over for you, now let us lean towards the good side.”

“That is how, Siamora, the moment of death comes to all people. I see them elevating more or less in heaven, reentering life, suffering again, depurating, dying and elevating again in heaven, incessantly. They don’t reach the dwelling of the only God yet but only through long lasting pilgrimages in other worlds, much more wonderful and perfect than this one, they shall forcibly depurate and get there.”

* One vol. In-18, price 2 francs, Vannier bookseller and publisher, Rue Notre Dame-desVictoires, 52 – 1860.

Spontaneous Essays - The Genie of the Flowers

The Genie of the Flowers

(Session on December 23rd, 1859 – medium Mrs. de Boyer)

I am Hettani, one of the spirits who supervises the formation of flowers, the diversity of their perfumes. It is I, or I should say, it is us since we are many thousands of spirits that decorate the fields and gardens; who give the horticulturist the taste for flowers. We could not teach the mutilation that they sometimes employ but we teach them to vary the perfumes, making even more beautiful what is already so pleasing. However, it is mainly the flowers that bloom naturally that have all of our attention; they are our favorite ones, since everything that is alone needs help, and that’s why we take care of them better.

We are also in charge of spreading their perfumes. We take to the exile a memory of his homeland by bringing to his prison the aroma of the flowers that ornamented his patrimonial garden. To someone truly in love, we take the perfume of the flowers offered by his bride; To the ones that cry, a remembrance of those who are no longer blossoming on their graves, the roses and violets that recall their virtues. Who among you does not owe us such kind emotions?

Who has not shivered yet before the contact with a beloved aroma? I suppose you are surprised by hearing that there are spirits dedicated to all this. However, it is absolutely true. We have never and perhaps shall never incarnate among you. Yet, some have been human but not many among the spirits of the elements. Our mission is nothing on your planet Earth. We progress like you do but it is particularly in the superior planets that we are happy. In Jupiter our flowers issue harmonious sounds and we build the airy dwellings that hummingbird nests are the only ones which may give you a slight comparison. I will give you a description of some of those flowers for the first time, flowers which are not only magnificent but sublime and worthy of housing superior spirits. Good bye. May a perfume of charity animate you! The virtues themselves have their perfume.

Questions about the Genie of the Flowers

(Society, December 30rd, 1859 session – medium Mr. Roze)

1. (To St. Louis) – The other day we had a spontaneous communication from a spirit who said to preside over the flowers and their perfumes. Are there really spirits that can be seen as genies of the flowers? – A. Such expression is poetic and well applied to the case, but in reality it would be false. Make no mistake; the spirit only presides over the work assigned by God in the whole creation. That is how you should understand that communication.

2. That spirit is called Hettani. How come a name was given if the spirit had never incarnated? – A. It is a fiction. The spirit does not preside in particular over the formation of flowers. The elemental spirit, before moving on to the animal series, focuses their fluidic action onto vegetal creation. Such spirit has not incarnated yet; they only act under the direction of more elevated intelligences that have already lived enough to acquire the necessary knowledge for their mission. It was one of those that communicated.

He gave you a poetic mix of actions from two classes of spirits who act upon the vegetal creation.

3. Since that spirit had not lived yet, even in the animal life, how can it be so poetic? – A. Read again. OBSERVATION: See the observation made after question 24, in the article about Ms. Indermuhle.

4. Thus, the spirit that communicated is not the one who animates the flower? – A. No, no. I clearly told you that: He guides.

5. Has the spirit that talked to us been incarnated? – A. Yes he did.

6. The spirit which gives life to plants and flowers, does that spirit think and does it have its own self awareness? – A. They neither think nor have instinct.

Happiness (Stael)

(Society, February 10th 1860 session – medium Ms. Eugenie)

What is the objective of each individual on Earth? It is happiness, at any price. What is it that determines a different route to everyone? Each one of us expects to find happiness in a place or on something that is particularly pleasing: some look for glory, others richness and others still seek distinction. The majority looks for fortune that is the most powerful means of getting everything else in our days. Fortune is a pedestal to everything. Nevertheless, how many see such aspiration of happiness fulfilled? Very few do. Ask each of those who get there if they have achieved the proposed objective. Are they happy? Everyone will respond that not yet since all desires grow in proportion to those that have been satisfied. If there are so many people interested in Spiritism today it is because they have seen the illusion in everything else and try Spiritism like they have tried wealth and glory before. If God has placed such a great need for happiness in our hearts it is because it must exist somewhere. Yes, trust God, but know that everything that comes from God must be divine like God and the so much expected happiness must not be material. Come to us, all of you who suffer. Come to us, all of you who need hope because when you lack everything else on Earth, we have here more than you need.

Desperate mothers, crying over a tomb, come here! The angel, for whom you cry, shall speak with you, will protect and inspire resignation in you, soothing the penalties that you must withstand on Earth. All of you, who have insatiable need for knowledge, come to us since we are the only ones capable of feeding your spirit. Come and we will find the proper relief to every pain. However abandoned you may seem to be, there are spirits who love you and are ready to demonstrate so. I speak for all of them. I wish for you to come, to be advised by us, for I am certain that you shall leave with hope in your heart.

Note: One moment later the spirit wrote again, and spontaneously:

More than once there is a smile on the lips of certain listeners, which may escape the medium but does not escape the spirits. However, have no fear. Those who laugh the most are the ones who will believe more later on. We forgive you because you may regret your irony one day. I am sure, ladies, if there was a loved one who you lost near you, to vivify their memory your smile of incredulity would change to a sigh and you would become happy or anxious. Take your time. Your day will come and your heart that is your most sensitive cord shall touch you. I know that.

The Spirits’ Book, Second Edition

Entirely restructured and considerably augmented WARNING ABOUT THIS SECOND EDITION I n the first edition of this book we announced a supplemental part. It should be composed by all questions not yet incorporated in the first edition or originated by posterior events and new studies. However, since these questions are related to the parts already treated, forming their development, their isolated publication would not show continuity. We preferred to wait for the reprint of the book to gather everything, taking the opportunity to give a more methodic order to the distribution of the subjects, eliminating everything that had double meaning. This reprint may thus be considered a new book once the principles did not suffer any alteration except some corrections that are more additions and clarifications than true modifications in reality. Such compliance with the issued principles, despite the diversity of the sources from where they were obtained, is an important fact for the establishment of the Spiritist Science. Our own correspondence demonstrates that total identical communications have been obtained in several places, if not in the form, at least in the content; well before the publication of the book, came the confirmations and then the organization of them. On its side History demonstrates that the majority of these principles were professed by the most eminent people of former and modern times, who have sanctioned them.

To the Readers of The Review Unsigned Letters

We sometimes receive letters signed by “one of your subscribers”, “one of your readers”, “one of your followers”, etc. without any other denomination. The majority contains reports of facts, spiritist communications or questions requiring answers or even with a request for the evocation of certain persons. We believe it to be our duty to warn the readers, subscribers or non-subscribers that every non-authenticated letter is like a non-received letter to us and as such, no attention is given to them. We have great reservation in our reports with respect to the publication of people’s names because we understand the difficulty of certain positions. This is the reason why we only cite those who give us authorization. But that is not the case regarding these communications. They remain in the basket up until the time they can be read, since our works are multiplied daily, not allowing us to bother with something that might not be serious.

Allan Kardec


Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, February 24th, 1860
(General Session)


1st – Letter from Dieppe confirming all points of the spontaneous manifestations which took place in the house of a baker from Grandes-Ventes, near Dieppe, and reported in La Vigie (published in our March issue);

2nd – Letter from Mr. M. from Teil d’Ardèche, providing new information about manifestations which took place at Fons Castle, near Aubenas;

3rd – Letter from Baron Tscherkassoff, containing circumstantial and authentic details about a very extraordinary fact of spontaneous manifestation by a rapping spirit, which took place at the beginning of the century, with a manufacturer in St. Petersburg (to be published below);

4th – A report was given of an event of tangible apparition, having all the characteristics of an agénère (temporarily materialized spirit), which occurred last January 15th, in the village of Brix, near Valognes. The fact was transmitted to Mr. Ledoyen by someone acquainted with him and that verified its accuracy (published below);

5th – A text was read about a Muslim tradition regarding prophet Esdras, extracted from the “Moniteur” on February 15th 1860, based on a fact of mediumship.


1st – Spontaneous essay by Charlet, received by Mr. Didier Junior, confirming the work already initiated;

2nd – Evocation of Mr. Jules-Louis C…, deceased on January 30th last, in the Val-de-Grâce hospital, as a consequence of a cancer which had destroyed part of his face and jaw;

This evocation was carried out following the wishes of one of his friends who was attending the session and another person who was a family friend. It is educational, above all, regarding the changes in our way of thinking after death, since Mr. C… was openly materialistic when alive.

3rd – St. Louis is asked if it would be possible to call the spirit that manifested in the house of the baker of Dieppe. He responds that he cannot, for reasons that would be understood later.

Friday, March 2nd, 1860
(Private Session)

Several administrative matters are analyzed and discussed.

Study and appreciation of several spiritist communications obtained at the Society and outside of the sessions.

Once asked to provide a spontaneous essay, St. Louis writes the following through Ms. Huet:

“Here I am my friends, ready to give you my advices as I have been doing so far. Beware of the bad spirits who may mingle among you, seeking to disseminate disunion. Unfortunately those who wish to become useful for the accomplishment of a task always find obstacles. They don’t find a generous person but someone willing to achieve a given intent. Have no fear. You shall triumph over all obstacles through patience and a firm attitude against voices that want to impose themselves. Regarding the multiple communications attributed to me, these are sometimes from another spirit that uses my name. I give few communications outside of the Society that I have taken under my sponsorship. I do appreciate these meetings, particularly devoted to me. It is only here that I like to give warnings and advices. Thus, beware of other spirits that sometimes use my name. May peace and union be among you! This is my wish in the name of God who created good. St. Louis

A member of the Society makes the following observation: “How come an inferior spirit may take over the name of a superior spirit without the latter’s consent? This can only happen with an evil intent. Then, why would the good spirits allow it to happen? If they cannot oppose that, does it mean that they are less powerful than the evil ones?

This was answered as follows: There is something more powerful than the good spirits: God. God may allow the bad spirits to manifest in order to help them to advance, and even more, to test our patience, our faith, our confidence, our resolve to resist to temptation, and above all to exercise our perspicacity in distinguishing between the true and false. It is up to us to have the will of keeping them away, proving to them that we are not toys in their hands. If they have authority over us, that is only due to our own weakness. Pride, jealousy and all human evil passions constitute their strength, giving them domination. We know out of experience that their obsession ends when they don’t succeed and tire of trying. Then, it is up to us to show them that they are wasting their time. If God wishes to test us, then no spirit can oppose that. Thus, the obsession of malevolent or mischievous spirits neither stems from their power nor from the weakness of the good ones, but from a will that is above them all. The greater the fight, the more merit we have, if we win.

Friday, March 9th, 1860
(Private Session)

The project containing proposed changes to the regulations of the Society are to be introduced as such.

Mr. Allan Kardec presents the following observations with that respect:

“Considerations about the objective and character of the Society
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Some people seem mistaken with respect to the true objective and character of the Society; allow me to remind you of that, in a few words.

The objective of the Society is clearly defined in its own title and in the preamble of the existing bylaws; that objective is essentially, and one may say, exclusively, the study of the Spiritist Science. What we want, before anything else, is not to convince ourselves, since we are already convinced, but to get instructed and learn what we still don’t know. In order to get there we need to position ourselves in the most favorable way; since those studies require calmness and reverence we want to avoid anything that may cause disruption. Such is the consideration that must prevail in the appreciation of the measures that we adopt.

Starting from that principle, the Society then is in no way a vehicle of propaganda. There is no doubt that each one of us wishes the dissemination of the ideas that are considered useful; in order to achieve that each one contributes in the circle of their relationships and according to their own capacities. Yet it would be false to believe that it is necessary to gather in society, and even more false to believe that the Society is the pillar without which Spiritism would be in jeopardy.

Since the Society is regularly established, it proceeds with more order and method than if marching serendipitously; but, besides all that, the Society is not more preponderant than thousands of free societies or private gatherings that do take place in France and abroad. Still once more, what it wants is instruction; that is why it does not admit in its heart but serious persons, animated by the same desire, considering that the antagonism of principles is a cause of disturbance. I mean a systematic antagonism about the fundamental basis, since the Society would not be able to put away the discussion of details without contradicting itself. If it has adopted certain general principles it is not due to a narrow spirit of exclusivism; the Society has seen it all, studied and compared it all, and only after all that that an opinion was formed based on experience and reason; only future can tell if the Society is right or wrong.

Meanwhile it seeks no supremacy and only those who don’t know the Society may suppose a ridicule pretension of absorbing all adepts of Spiritism or to be positioned as the universal regulator. If it did not exist, each one of us could learn independently, and instead of one meeting only we could perhaps have ten or twenty, that is the whole difference. We don’t impose our ideas to anyone; those who adopt them, it is because they find them fair; those who come to us believe that there is an opportunity to learn here but this is not like affiliation, since we neither form a sect nor a party; we gather for the study of Spiritism like others do for the study of Phrenology, History and other Sciences; and as our gatherings are not based on any material interest, we don’t mind that others are formed right beside us; truly, it would be the same as attributing us with very petty, narrow and puerile ideas if thought that we would see them with jealous eyes, and those who wanted to create rivalries would be showing for that very reason how little they understand the true spirit of the Doctrine; we would regret one thing only: that they don’t know us well enough to suppose that we are accessible to the ignoble feeling of envy. It is understandable that mercenary and rival companies which may be harmed by competition see each other with suspicious eyes; however, if these gatherings only aim at, as they should, an exclusively moral interest, if there is no commercial consideration intermingled with them, I then ask how they can be harmed by multiplicity. Some will certainly say that if there is no material interest on one side, there is self-love on the other, the desire to destroy the neighbor’s moral credit; but such a drive would be even more ignoble. If that were the case – certainly contrary to God’s wishes – we would only have to feel sorry for those moved by such thoughts. Do you want to overtake your neighbor? Do better than him; that is a noble and dignified fight, when it is not stained by envy and jealousy.

That is, ladies and gentlemen, an essential point which should not be out of sight, that we neither form a sect nor a society of propaganda, or a corporation with a common interest; if we ceased existing, Spiritism would suffer no damage and other twenty societies would be formed from our remains. One must understand that the roots of Spiritism are not in our Society but in the whole world. There is something more powerful than them, more influential than all societies: it is the Doctrine which reaches the heart and reason of those who understand it; and particularly of those who practice it.

These principles, ladies and gentlemen, tell us the true character of our regulations, which have nothing in common with the bylaws of a corporation; there is no contract bonding one to the others; outside our sessions we have no reciprocal obligation but to behave as educated people. Those who don’t find in these meetings what they expected to find have total freedom to leave, and I would not even conceive the idea of having them around since what we do here is not suitable to them. It would not be logical that they would come here to waste their time.

In every meeting one needs rules to maintain the good order; our regulation is then nothing but a word of order with the objective of establishing the organization of our sessions, keeping the relationship among the attendees civil and adequate, necessary to preside over every assembly of people of good manners, abstraction made of the conditions which are inherent to the specialty of our activities, since we don’t deal exclusively with human beings but also with the spirits that, as you know, are not all good spirits and that one must be on guard against the falsehood of some. Among them there are some very astute ones who can even push us towards a dangerous avenue, just for the hatred of good; it is up to us to exercise prudence and perspicacity to frustrate them, a fact that forces us to take special precautions.

Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, the way by which the Society was formed. I used to receive in my house people in “petit comité” (small groups); as that number grew, people said: a larger place is in order. In order to have a larger place it will be necessary to pay for it and we then had to share the costs. It was also said: one needs order with the séances; we cannot admit the first one who shows up; then we need rules; and that is the whole story of the Society. It is very simple, as you see. The idea of founding an institution had not crossed anybody’s mind, or the occupation with any other business outside the studies, and I even declare very formally that if in any case the Society wanted to go beyond that objective I would not follow it.

What I have done, others are equally free to do the same on their side and at will, following their own tastes, ideas and particular viewpoints; and these different groups may understand each other perfectly well and coexist like good neighbors. As it is physically impossible to gather all adepts of Spiritism in the same place, unless a public area was used for the assemblies, those different groups must be fractions of a larger whole but not rival sects; and a given group, if becoming too large, may be subdivided like the swarms of bees. These groups already exist in large numbers and multiply every day. Well, it is precisely against such multiplicity that the ill faith of the enemies of Spiritism shall breakdown, for the obstacles would have the unavoidable effect, and by the force of things, of multiplying the private gatherings. By that, one must acknowledge that there is among certain groups a kind of rivalry, or even antagonism; what is the cause of that? Oh my god! That cause is in human fragility, in the spirit of pride that one wishes to impose; it is above all in the still incomplete knowledge of the true principles of Spiritism. Each one defending their principles like the Greek cities defended their gods in the former times who, one must recognize, were no one else but the more or less good spirits. Those dissidences only exist because there are people ready to judge before they have seen the whole picture or who judge from the standpoint of their restrict personalities; they shall fade away as many have already done so, while the Science is being formulated; truth is definitely one and it shall come out of the impartial assessment of the different opinions. Under the expectation that light will shine upon all points, who shall be the judge? Reason, you will say; but when two persons contradict one another, each one invokes their reason; what will be the superior reason to decide between those two reasons?

Without discussing the more or less pompous language, a form which the imposter and pseudo-clever spirits know well how to use in order to seduce by appearances, we start from the principle that good spirits give only good advices, those of union and concord; that their language is always simple, modest and full of benevolence, exempt of acrimony, arrogance and presumption, in short, that everything in them breathes the purest charity. Charity - that is the true criterion to judge the spirits and to judge oneself. Whoever finds a germ of rancor against their brother or sister when digging up their most inner soul, even a simple bad wish, may say to oneself that a bad spirit is soliciting them, since the maxim of Christ is forgotten: “you will be forgiven as you have forgiven.”

Thus, if there is rivalry between two spiritist groups the truly good spirits could not take the side of the one who had said anathema against the other since a sensible person could never believe that envy, rancor, malevolence, in short, every feeling against charity could stem from a pure source. Look and find the side in which there is more practical charity and not in words and you shall recognize effortlessly on which side the good spirits are, and consequently from whom one is more likely to expect the truth.

Such considerations, ladies and gentlemen, far from keeping us away from our subject, they place us on the right terrain. The regulations, seen from that perspective, totally lose their character of contract, assuming a much more modest one, that of simple disciplinary rule.

Every meeting, whatever their objective, must forearm against an obstacle which is the disordered characters that seem to have been born to spread disturbance and fissure everywhere; disorder and contradiction are their element. The spiritist sessions, more than the others, must fear them since the best communications are only obtained in calmness and reverence, incompatible with their presence and that of the sympathetic spirits that they bring along.

In summary, we must strive to remove all causes of disorder and interruption; keeping good relationships among us, which the sincere spiritists should give the example, more than others; we must oppose to any movement of the Society away from its objective, by not dealing with questions which are not in its scope, or paying the price to degenerate into an arena of personalism and controversy. Furthermore, we need to look for simplification in our procedures, facilitating the execution of the works. The more complicated the procedures the more we will have causes for disturbance; relaxation will come in by the sheer force of things and from relaxation to anarchy is only one step away.”

Friday, March 16th, 1860
(Private Session)

Regulations are discussed and modified.

Friday, March 23rd, 1860
(Private Session)

The persons are indicated and the whole Committee nominated.


Two spontaneous essays were obtained, the first one from the spirit of Charlet, through Mr. Didier Jr.; the second through Mrs. Boyer, from a spirit who said to have been forced to come, accused for having tried to break the harmony, spreading disruption, provoking envy and rivalry among those who should be united. The spirit acknowledges his guilt on some of the charges. Such spontaneous confession, he says, is part of the punishment imposed on him.

Formation of Earth Theory of Planetary Incrustation

Our wise comrade from Brussels, Mr. Jobard, sends the text below regarding our article about the pre-adamites, published in last month’s issue of the Review:

“Allow me some thoughts about the creation of the world, with the objective of rehabilitating the Bible to our eyes and to the eyes of the free thinkers. God created the world in six days, four thousand years before the Christian era. That is what is contested by the geologists, based on the study of fossils and on the thousands of incontestable indications of antiquity that throw Earth’s origin to thousands of millions of years back. Nevertheless, the Scriptures tell the truth and so do the geologists, and it is a simple peasant that shows the agreement, teaching us that our Earth is nothing but an incrusted planet, very modern, composed of materials very ancient.”

“After the elevation of the unknown planet, reaching maturity or harmony with what was around in the place that we occupy today; Earth’s soul received a command to gather its satellites in order to form the current globe, according to the rules which governed everything. Only four of those globes consented with the proposed formation; only the Moon insisted in its autonomy, as the globes also have their free-will. In order to proceed with such a fusion, Earth’s soul stroked those globes with an attractive magnetic ray, thus bringing the vegetable, animal and hominid components of the community into a cataleptic state. The sole witness of that operation was Earth’s soul and the great celestial messengers who helped in that enormous endeavor, opening their globes and sharing their innards. Once the fusion was achieved the waters flowed over the voids left by the absence of the Moon, from whom one was supposed to expect a better appreciation of its interests.”

“The atmospheres blended and the awakening, or the resurrection of the germs from the cataleptic state, started. The human being was the last one to be retrieved from his hypnotic state, finding himself surrounded by luxuriant vegetation of the terrestrial paradise and the animals which peacefully grazed around him. Would you believe that all this could have happened in six days, considering such powerful workers to whom God had assigned the task! Planet Asia brought us the yellow race, the oldest civilization; planet Africa the black race; planet Europa the white race and planet America the red race. The Moon would certainly have brought us the green or blue race.”

“Thus, certain animals from which only the remains are found would have never lived here in our current Earth but would have been dislocated from their aged worlds. The fossils that are found in climates where they could not have survived certainly lived in different zones in their original globes. Those remains are found on our Poles while in their planets they would have lived around the Equator. Besides, those huge masses whose existence we cannot conceive in the air, used to live on the bottom of the oceans under the pressure of a medium that facilitated their locomotion. Future studies of the seas will bring us other remains, other germs which will wake up from their long lethargy, showing us unknown species of plants, animals and autochthones, contemporary of the floods, and you will be surprised by discovering new islands in the middle of the oceans populated by plants and animals which cannot come from anywhere, nor can they be transported by the winds or by the waves.”

“Our Science which contests the Bible will end up by restituting its merit as it was forced to do regarding the rotation of Earth, since it is not the Bible that is in error but those who do not understand it. Here is the proof:”

“Joshua stopped the sun by saying: Sun, stand still…! Well, it is still since then because you will find nowhere that he had ordered the Sun to move again; and since the defeat of the Amalekites, if night succeeds day, it is necessary that Earth moves. Then it is not Galileo but the inquisitors who must be reprimanded for not having taken the Bible literally.”

“The existence of the biblical unicorn was also denied and two have just been killed in the Tibetan mountains. The apparition of the spectrum of Saul was denied and thank God you are about to convince the skeptical. Let us always remember this warning from the Scriptures: “Noli esse incredulous sicut equus et mulus, quibus non est intellectus”.

“Kind and respectful regards to the author of the Ethnology of the Spiritual World.” Jobard 

The theory of Earth’s formation by the incrustation of several planetary bodies was already given on several occasions by certain spirits and through mediums who did not know one another. We do not support that doctrine, which we must confess, has not been sufficiently studied yet so that we can speak about it, but we recognize that it deserves a certain examination. The ideas that it suggests are nothing but hypothesis until more positive findings may come to confirm or deny them. Meanwhile it is a milestone which can lead to great discoveries, guiding our researches and scientists who may perhaps one day find in them the solution to many problems.

Nevertheless, certain critics will say: “Don’t you trust the spirits? Do you have doubts about their assertions? Since they are intelligences no longer attached to matter, can they not remove all doubts of Science and shed light where there is darkness?”

This is a serious issue that is related to the foundation of Spiritism and that we cannot solve at this point without repeating what we have already said with that regard. We shall only add a few words in order to justify our reservations. To begin with, we will respond by saying that we would very easily become people of lessor knowledge if we limited ourselves to only enquiry the spirits in order to know everything that is unknown to us now. God wishes that we acquire knowledge through work and God has not assigned the spirits with the task of bringing us that preprocessed knowledge, favoring our idleness. Next, one must consider that humanity, like the individuals, has its infancy, adolescence, youth and maturity. Since the spirits have been assigned by God to instruct human beings, they must then provide teachings that facilitate the development of human beings’ intelligence. They will not say everything to everyone, and before sowing they expect the terrain to be ready for the seeds so that they can bear fruits. That is why certain truths which we are told today were not taught to our parents, who also questioned the spirits; furthermore, that is why truths for which are not mature yet will only be taught to those who will come after us. Our mistake is to consider ourselves to be on the summit when in reality we are only half way through.

Let us say in passing that the spirits have two ways of instructing human beings. They can do it by communicating directly with human beings, a fact that has always happened at all times, as demonstrated by sacred as well as profane history, and they can also incarnate among human beings to accomplish missions of progress. Such are those righteous individuals and geniuses that show up from time to time, like lighthouses to humanity, making it advance a few steps. Observe what happens when those individuals come before the time is right for the propagation of the ideas that they want to spread: they go ignored in life but their teachings remain. These are stored in the world’s archives, like the precious grain that is spared, reaching the ground the day when it can fructify.

From the above it is understandable that if the time were not right to disseminate certain ideas we would then hopelessly interrogate the spirits. They cannot say but that which they are permitted. There is however another reason that everyone who has some experience with the spiritual world understands well.

It is not good enough to be a spirit in order to reach the universal science; otherwise death would make us almost equal to God. As a matter of fact, simple common sense refuses to accept that the spirit of a savage, of an ignorant or evil person, when separated from the body, would be on the same level as that of the virtuous individual. That would not be rational. Hence, there are advanced spirits and others more or less delayed, who still need to pass through several stages, go through numerous filters before leaving behind all their imperfections. As a consequence, all varieties of moral and intelligence existing among human beings are also found in the spiritual world, and some others. Now, experience demonstrates that the bad ones communicate as much as the good ones. Those who are openly bad are easily identified but there are also the pseudo-wise ones, the false wise, the presumptuous, the systematic and the hypocrites. These are the most dangerous ones since they bear a serious appearance, of wisdom and science, towards which they always proclaim the most absurd things amidst some truths and good teachings. They are not afraid of using respectable names in order to better deceive. Separate the true from the false; discover the occult deception out of a cascade of beautiful words; unmask the imposters, that is, without a doubt, one of the greatest difficulties of the Spiritist Science. A long experience is required in order to overcome that; get to know every trap used by the low class spirits; exercise a lot of prudence; see things with the most undisturbed cold blood and particularly abstain yourself from the blinding enthusiasm. With time, experience and a little bit of finesse one can easily figure them out, even under the coverage of the most pretentious language.

Unfortunate, however, is the medium that judges them infallible, deluded by the communications that they receive. The dominant spirit may fascinate them to the point of leading them to believe to be sublime something that is sometimes absurd and obvious to everyone else but them.

Let us return to the subject. The theory of the formation of Earth by incrustation is not the only one given by the spirits. In which one should we believe? This demonstrates that outside the moral world, which cannot have two interpretations, one must not accept scientific theories from the spirits, unless with great reservation, because and once more they do not have the mission of bringing us the final Science; they are far from knowing everything, particularly with respect to the beginning of things; finally, it is necessary to suspect the systematic ideas, that some among them want to make prevail and to which they have no scruples in associating a divine origin. Examining those communications cold-bloodedly and especially without prevention; pondering all words with maturity, we easily find out the signs of a suspicious origin, incompatible with the character of the spirit with whom we supposedly speak.

These are sometimes such clear scientific heresies that one would need to be blind or very ignorant to miss them. Well, how can one admit that a superior spirit may make such absurd mistakes? Other times these are trivial expressions of ridicule, puerile forms, and a thousand other signals which betray the inferiority of the spirit to anyone who is not fascinated.

What sensible person could ever believe that a doctrine contrary to the most positive findings of science could be originated from a wise spirit, even when bearing the name Arago? How can one believe in the goodness of a spirit who gave advices that were contrary to charity and benevolence, even when signed by an apostle of beneficence? In addition, it is a profanity to mix venerable names with communications which show evident traces of inferiority. The more respected the names, the more they must be taken carefully and the more one must be aware of the risks of being deceived by mystification.

In summary, the important criterion taught by the spirits is logic. God gave us reason and the capacity to judge so it can serve us. The good spirits recommend it to us and we can use it to give proof of their superiority. The others take great care. They want to be given credit for their words, for they know they stand to lose if there is serious examination.

As seen, we have many reasons for not accepting lightheartedly every theory given by the spirits. When a theory shows up, we position ourselves in the role of the observer. We make abstraction of the spiritist origin, not allowing ourselves to be obfuscated by the light of pompous names. We examine that theory as if coming from a simple mortal and see if it is rational, if it encompasses everything, if it solves all challenges. That is how we proceeded with the doctrine of the reincarnation, which was not promptly adopted by us, although coming from the spirits, but only after we had acknowledged that such theory, and only that theory, could solve what no other doctrine could have ever done before, and abstraction made of all material proofs which are daily given to us and many others about that theory. Hence, never mind the contradictors, even if these are spirits. As long as the theory is logic, according to God’s justice; than nothing else more satisfactory can be presented to us, we will not bother with that more than we would with those who state that the Earth does not turn around the Sun – because there are spirits that defend this idea and consider themselves shrewd – or those who say that human beings came from another world, perfectly formed, riding the back of a winged elephant.

We agree even less with the point of view about the formation and particularly the population of Earth. That is why, since the beginning, we said that for us the issue was not sufficiently clarified, as seen from a purely scientific point of view. We just say that, at first glance, the theory of incrustation did not seem completely unfounded and, not supporting or denying it, we say that this is a subject for examination. In fact, once the physiological characters of the diverse human races are studied, it is not possible to attribute them with a common origin, because the black race is not a bastardization of the white race. Yet, adopting the Biblical text, which yields all human beings descending from Noah’s family, two thousand and four hundred years before the Christian era, one would have to admit not only that such family populated the whole Asia, Europe and Africa in a few centuries but that they had become black. We know well the kind of influence that the climate and habits may have upon the human body. A scorching Sun darkens the skin but it has never been seen, even under the most intense tropical conditions, white families procreating black children, without crossing races. Hence, it seems evident to us that the primitive races on Earth came from different origins. What is the principle? That is the question, and up until there is material proof, one is not allowed to make more than assumptions about the subject. Therefore, it is up to the individuals of Science to identify those which are more in agreement with the facts already attested by Science. Without examining how the welding and fusion of several planetary bodies was possible for the formation of our globe, we must recognize that it is not impossible and then this could explain the simultaneous presence of heterogeneous races, so much different in their habits and languages, that each part of the globe would have carried their germs or embryos; and that perhaps, who knows, the already formed individuals. Under such assumption, the white race would have come from a different world than the one which would have brought the black race. In all cases the fusion would not have taken place without a general cataclysm, yielding the survival of a few individuals only. Thus, according to this theory, our globe would be very old for its constituent parts, and very new for its agglomeration. As seen, this theory does not contradict the geological periods that would date back to an undetermined period, prior to the fusion. Nevertheless, and whatever Mr. Jobard says, if things took place in such a way, it seems difficult that such events had happened and particularly that the equilibrium of such a chaos could have taken place in six days of 24 hours. The motion of the inert matter is submitted to eternal laws that cannot be breached by miracles.

One must still explain the meaning of Earth’s soul since nobody can attribute some sort of will to matter. The spirits have always said that some of them have special assignments. Agents and God’s ministers manage, according to their degree of elevation, events of physical as well as moral nature. Thus, since some of them watch over individuals, of whom they become familiar spirits or protectors, others take under their sponsorship groups of individuals, communities, cities, peoples and even globes. Earth’s soul must then be understood as the spirit called upon by its mission of managing her and making her advance. The governing spirit of a world must necessarily be of a superior order, and the more elevated the more advanced that world is.

If we insisted on several points that could seem strange to the subject, it was precisely due to the fact that they are related to an eminently controversial scientific issue. It must be strongly stated to those who judge things without knowing them that Spiritism, is far from taking everything that comes from the invisible world as an article of faith and that, contrary to what they intend to say, Spiritism is not founded on blind belief, but on reason.

If all adepts of Spiritism do not keep the same circumspection, it is not the Science’s fault but of those who do not endeavor to study it further. Likewise, it would not be more logical to pass judgment based on the exaggeration of a few individuals than to condemn religion based on the opinion of a few fanatics.

Letters from Dr. Morhéry about Ms. Désirée Godu

We spoke about the remarkable faculty of Ms. Désirée Godu as a healing medium and we could have cited authentic witnesses that we have in our possession. However, here is a testimony of incontestable reach. It is not one of those attestations that are provided somehow lightheartedly. It is the result of serious observations by a knowledgeable man, eminently capable of assessing things from both points of view of Science and Spiritism. Dr. Morhéry sent us the two following letters, whose publication the readers will appreciate.
“Plessis-Bloudet, near Loudéac (Côtes-du-Nord)

“Mr. Allan Kardec,

“Although overloaded right now by my regular activities, as a corresponding member of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies I see it as my duty to inform you about an unexpected event which is certainly of interest to all our colleagues.”

“You have praised Ms. Désirée Godu, from Hennebon, in the last issues of your Review. You said that after she had been a clairvoyant, hearing and writing medium, the young lady had become a healing medium in the past few years. That is how she came to me, requesting my support as a medical doctor, to demonstrate the efficacy of her medication, which I believe it could be called spiritist. In the beginning I thought that her motives where the threats against her and the obstacles created to her medical practice for the fact that she was not certified. She told me, however, that her guiding spirit, working with her for six years, had advised her to do so, as a necessary condition from the point of view of Spiritism. In any case I found it to be my duty and in the interest of humanity to accept her generous proposal, but I had doubts if she would accomplish that. Although not knowing her in person or even having never seen her, I learned that the devout young lady had never wanted to be away from her family but in one exceptional circumstance at the age of 17, in order to accomplish an important mission. I was nicely surprised when I saw her coming to my house led by her mother who left the next day, leaving her with profound sadness. Such sadness, however, was mitigated by the courage of her resignation. Ms. Godu has been living with my family for 10 days already, and she has become the focus of much joy, despite her nerve-racking occupation. “Since her arrival I have already attested 75 cases of several diseases, against which the medical resources had failed in most of them. We have amaurosis fugax, severe ophthalmic disorders, paralysis and all that reject to any treatment, scrofulous, the scabby, cataracts and terminal cancer, all cases that are duly registered; the nature of the disease is established by me, she indicates the dressings, and all procedures are followed as in a regular clinical treatment room.”

“Time was not enough for my peremptory pronunciation about the healings operated by Ms. Godu. However, I can already affirm that I am impressed by the revolutionary results that she obtains with the application of her ointments whose effects vary to the infinity through an action which I could not explain, based on the ordinary rules of Science. I also saw with pleasure that she would cure fevers without the use of any chemicals or balms, by simple infusion of flowers or leaves of several plants.”

“I particularly follow with great interest her treatment of a third degree cancer. This cancer has been identified and unsuccessfully treated by several colleagues, as always, and it is the focus of great concern by Ms. Godu, who is very preoccupied by it. I sincerely wish that her efforts be rewarded with success and that she can heal that indigent which she treats with zeal beyond praise. If she does, then other success cases are naturally expected and she will be doing a huge service to humanity, curing such a terrible and atrocious disease.”

“I know that several comrades may be laughing at my own expectations. Why bother if those hopes come true! I have already been criticized for helping a person whose intentions are not contested but whose healing skills are denied by the majority since she was not formally trained in the academia.”

“I shall respond to that by saying that it was not the Faculty which discovered the vaccine but simple shepherds; it was not the Faculty that found the bark of Peru but the native Indians of that country. The Faculty attests the facts, groups and classifies them, forming the precious basis of teaching, but it does not exclusively produce them. Some silly people, and unfortunately there are some here as everywhere else, judge themselves witty, calling Ms. Godu a witch. She is certainly a very kind and useful witch for she neither inspires fear nor the desire to have her sent to burn at the stake.”

“To the others who see her as an instrument of the devil I will respond by boldly saying: if the devil comes to Earth to cure the incurable, the abandoned and indigent, one must then conclude that the devil has finally converted and deserves our thanks. Besides, I doubt very much that among those who speak of her in such a way, there are many who would not prefer to be cured by her hands instead of dying in the hands of the doctors. Let us then be open to goodness from whatever source it may come and let us not attribute its merit to the devil without authentic proofs. It is more rational and according to the good moral to attribute the good to God and just say grace. I believe that you and all other colleagues will share my point of view. As a matter of fact, whether or not this becomes a reality, there will always remain something for Science. I am not a man who forgets certain employed means which are neglected these days. They say that Medicine has made enormous progress. Yes, it has done so to Science but not to the art of healing. We learn a lot and forget a lot too. The human spirit is like the ocean: it cannot encompass everything; when a beach is taken another one is left behind. I will come back to this subject and let you know about this curious experience. I give serious attention to this. If she triumphs, it will be a brilliant manifestation, against which it will be impossible to fight, because nothing stops those who suffer and seek cure. I am determined to fight whatever is necessary with that objective, including ridicule which is so much feared in France.”

“I take the opportunity to send you my inaugural thesis. If you take the burden of reading it you will easily understand how much I was prepared to accept Spiritism. That thesis was defended when Medicine had been taken by the most profound materialism. It was a protest against such a current which dragged us towards organic Medicine and mineral Pharmacology, so much abused. How much health had not been devastated by the abusive use of mineral substances that in case of reaction amplifies the disease and in case of improvement it still leaves traces in our organism!”
Yours sincerely,

March 20th, 1860


In my last letter I indicated that Ms. Désirée Godu had come to practice her healing skills before me. This is to bring you some more news.”

“I started my observations with a large number of patients since February 25th, almost all of them indigent and incapable of finding adequate treatment. Some have diseases of little importance but the majority suffers from illnesses which would resist the ordinary means of treatment. I have logged 152 cases of several disorders since February 25th. Unfortunately in our land, and particularly the indigent and sick, follow their own caprices and have no patience to follow a stable and methodical treatment. As soon as they experience some improvement they consider themselves cured and do nothing else. This sometimes happens to my own patients and it should necessarily happen to Ms. Godu’s too.”

“As I said before, I don’t want to pre-judge or affirm anything, except the results attested by experience. Later I shall report the whole thing and point out the most remarkable observations. However, I already want to express my admiration for seeing cures which were obtained outside conventional practices.”

“I saw three intermittent, resistant fevers, cured without the use of cinchona, one of which had resisted to all means employed by me.”

“Ms. Godu also cured three cases of paranitium and two sub-aponeurotic inflammations of the hand in a few days. That really impressed me.”

“I can also attest, the not yet complete cure but already advanced treatment of one of our most intelligent workers, Pierre Le Boudec, from Saint-Hérve, who has been deaf since he was 18. He was as astonished as I was when after three days of treatment he could hear the birds singing and the voice of his children. I saw him this morning and all indications are that he will soon be completely cured.”

“The one who attracts most attention among our patients is a so called Mr. Bigo, a worker from Saint-Caradec, who has cancer in his lower lip for two years now. The cancer achieved its last degree. His inferior lip is partially destroyed; the gum and the sublingual glandules are cancerous and the bone of his inferior jaw is also affected by the disease. His condition was desperate when he came to the house. His pain was excruciating. He hasn’t been able to sleep for the past six months. Surgery was not recommended given the advanced stage of the disease. A cure seemed impossible to me and I frankly declared it to Ms. Godu, warning her about an inevitable defeat. My opinion did not change the prognosis. I still cannot believe in the cure of such an advanced cancer. However, I must declare that since the application of the first ointment, the patient experiences some relief and since that day, February 25th, he sleeps and eats well; he is confident again; the wound has visibly changed in appearance and if that pattern continues, despite my personal opinion, I am forced to expect a cure. If that comes true, it will be the greatest phenomenon of cure which one could attest. It is necessary to wait and be patient, like Mr. Bigot. Ms. Godu addresses him with special care. Sometimes she changes the bandages every half hour. He is her favorite destitute.”

“There is nothing else to say. I could report rumors and gossips, and comments about witchcraft, but since foolishness is inherent to humanity, I don’t bother trying to cure it.”
With my respect,

OBSERVATION: As it can be seen from the two letters above, Mr. Morhéry was not led by enthusiasm. He observes things cold-bloodedly, and as an enlightened man, without illusions. He shows extreme good faith, leaving aside his medical pride. He is not afraid of confessing that nature may not need him, inspiring an uneducated young lady with the means of healing, that he had not found in the Faculty or in his own brain, and not feeling humiliated by that. His knowledge about Spiritism teaches him that it is possible, without breaching the laws of nature. He understands it, since such a faculty is a simple phenomenon more developed in Ms. Godu than in others. One can say that this young lady is to the art of healing as Joan of Arc was to the the art of military. Well-informed about the two essential points – Spiritism as the source, Medicine as the control – Mr. Morhéry puts aside his self-love and any personal feelings, positioning himself in the best place to judge impartially, and we congratulate Ms. Godu for her resolution in choosing him to be her sponsor. The readers will certainly appreciate the fact that we will keep them informed about future observations.


The Manufacturer of St. Petersburg

His countryman Baron Gabriel Tscherkassoff, who lives in Cannes and who attests to its authenticity, transmitted the following facts of a spontaneous manifestation to our colleague, Mr. Kratzoff, from St. Petersburg. As a matter of fact, it seems that the facts are very well known and were a sensation in its day.

“In the beginning of the century there was a rich artisan in St. Petersburg that employed a large number of workers in his workshops. I can’t remember his name but I believe he was English. He was a rightful, decent, humane person, not only enjoying the good returns of his products but also ensuring the moral as well as physical well being of his workers who, in turn, offered the example of good behavior and an almost fraternal agreement. According to Russian costumes, still existent in our days, food and lodging were covered by the employer, where they occupied the upper floors and the attic of the same house. One morning several workers could not find their clothes after waking up, clothes they had set beside their beds before going to sleep. Nobody thought of robbery. They unsuccessfully questioned one another, suspecting that the most malicious ones could be tricking the group. Finally, thanks to their searches, all missing objects were found in the cellar, in the fireplaces and even on top of the roof. The boss warned everyone since nobody would confess wrongdoing. On the contrary, everyone protested innocence.”

“Some time later the same thing happened again. There was new recommendations, new protests. It gradually began to happen every night and the owner was really upset because he saw his work suffering and the threat of his workers leaving the house where, they said, supernatural things were taking place. Following the owner’s advice, a nightly watch was organized by the employees themselves in order to catch the offender, but it was unsuccessful. On the contrary, things changed from bad to worse. The workers had to climb dimly lit stairs to get to their rooms. When they would arrive, several of them received blows on the head and had their faces slapped. Whenever they tried to defend themselves they would only find emptiness, while the violence of the blows gave them the impression that they were dealing with a solid creature. This time the owner advised them to form two groups: one should stay on the top of the stairwell, the other on the bottom. Following that procedure the bad guy could not escape and would receive the deserved correction. However, the owner’s strategy failed once again. The two groups were badly beaten and one accused the other. The complaints became violent and as it reached the highest possible level of disagreement among the workers, the owner was even considering moving or shutting down the whole operation.”

“One evening he sat, sad and full of thoughts, surrounded by his family. Everyone was feeling disheartened when suddenly a huge noise was heard in the room next door, which was used as his office. He stood up promptly, looking for the cause of that noise. The first thing he saw was an open desk with a lit oil lamp. However, he had just closed that desk and put the light out. He approached the desk and saw a glass inkpot and a pen that did not belong to him and a sheet of paper on which he read still in fresh ink: “Have the wall in such a place taken down (above the stairwell). There you will find human remains which you will have buried in sacred land.” The owner grabbed the piece of paper and rushed to the police.”

“The day after they tried to identify the origin of the inkpot and the pen. They were shown to the neighbor who had their business on the ground floor and confirmed that the pieces were his. Once questioned about the person to whom he had given them, he said: “Last night I had already closed shop when I heard knocks on the window; I opened and saw a man whose looks were not familiar, who said: “I need you to give me an inkpot and a pen. I will pay for that.” I gave him the objects and he threw a large copper coin which I heard falling on the ground but I could not find it.”

“The wall was demolished at the indicated spot and there they found the human remains which were duly buried and everything went back to normal. The origin of that skeleton was never known.”

Facts of such a nature must have happened at all times and it can be seen that they were not provoked by the spiritist knowledge. It is understandable that in remote centuries or among ignorant people they have given rise to all kinds of superstitious assumptions.

Tangible Apparition

Last January 14th Mr. Lecomte, a farmer from the village of Brix, in the district of Valognes, was visited by an individual who was said to be one of his old comrades, with whom he had worked at the Port of Cherburg, and whose death goes back two and half years. The apparition wished to ask Lecomte to have a mass celebrated in his name at the Church. On the 15th the apparition showed up again. Lecomte, less afraid this time, effectively recognized his old comrade. Still disturbed, he did not know what to answer though. The same thing happened again on January the 17th and 18th. It was only on the 19th that Lecomte said:

• Since you want a mass, where do you want it celebrated? Will you attend it?

• I want, responded the spirit, that the mass be celebrated at St. Savior Chapel, in eight days. I will be there. And he added: I haven’t seen you for a long time and it was far away for me to come and see you. That was what he said and then he left with a handshake.

Mr. Lecomte did not fail his promise. The mass was celebrated on the 27th at the St. Savior Chapel and he saw his old comrade kneeling on the steps of the altar, near the vicar. Nobody else had seen him and although he had asked the priest and the assistants, they did not see him as well. Since then Lecomte was no longer visited, returning to his usual tranquility.

OBSERVATION: According to this report, whose authenticity is attested by a trustworthy source, it is not related to a simple vision but to a tangible apparition, since the deceased friend of Lecomte had shaken his hand. The incredulous will say that it was a hallucination. However, we still wait for their clear, logical and truly scientific explanation of the strange phenomena that they designate by that name, with the only objective, as it seems to us, of denying any solution.

Spontaneous Essays

The Angel of Children

(Society, medium Mrs. de Boyer)

My name is Michael. I am one of the spirits assigned to guard the children. What a kind mission! What happiness it gives to the soul! The protection of children, you will ask! Don’t they have their mothers, the good angels designated to shelter them? Why would there still be the need for a spirit to watch over them? However, how about those who no longer have their mothers? Don’t they exist in a large number?

And how about the mother, doesn’t she, sometimes need help? Who wakes her up in her first sleep? Who makes her foresee the danger, creating relief when the pain is great? It is us, always us. We turn the naughty child away from the cliff; we keep the dangerous animals and the wild fire away from her, fire that could burn her beautiful hair. Our mission is gentle! We are still the ones who inspire in them compassion towards the poor, sweetness, goodness. Not one of them, even the worst of them, could disturb us. There is always a time when their little hearts are open to us. How many of you will be impressed by that mission. However, don’t you always say that there is a God to the children, particularly to the poor children? No, not a God, but angels, friends. Otherwise, how could you explain these miraculous rescues? There are still many other powers whose existence you don’t even suspect. There is the spirit of flowers, of perfumes; a thousand and one others whose more or less elevated missions would seem charming and privileged to you, after your tough life of trials. I will invite them to come to you. At this point in time I am rewarded by a life entirely dedicated to children. Married at a young age to a man who had many, I was not fortunate to have my own children. Entirely dedicated to them, the good and sovereign God has allowed me to guard the children. Smooth and sacred mission, I repeat, whose efficacy the mothers present here could not deny. Good-bye, I will go now to the bedside of my little protected ones. The time of sleep is my time, and it is necessary that I visit all those lovely closed eyelids. Make no mistake, the good angel who watches over them is not an allegory but a truth.

(Society, November 25th, medium Mr. Roze)

In the old days you would have been crucified, burnt at the stake, tortured. The force was diminished; the fire extinguished and the instruments of torture broken. The terrible weapons of ridicule; so powerful against the lies and weaken the will against the truth. Its fiercest enemies retracted into an impenetrable circle. In fact, denying the reality of our manifestations would be the same as denying the revelation that is the foundation of all religions. Attributing it to the devil, pretending that the evil spirit has come to comfort you; cultivate the Gospel, urging you towards the good; to practice all virtues, it is simply and happily only to prove that the spirit does not exist. Every divided kingdom shall perish. Bad spirits will remain. A good tree never produces bad fruits; a bad tree never produces good fruits. You have nothing better to tell them but what Christ used to tell his oppressors when they formulated the same accusations against him, begging for God’s forgiveness since they didn’t know what they were doing.

The Spirit of Truth

(Another essay dictated to Mr. Roze, and read at the Society)

France carries the banner of progress and she must guide the other nations. That is demonstrated by previous and current events. You were chosen to be the mirror which must receive and reflect the Divine light, which must illuminate Earth, up until now soaked in the darkness of ignorance and lies. However, if you are not animated by the love to thy neighbor and by a boundless devotion; if the desire of knowing and propagating the truth, whose paths you must open to posterity, is not the only motive driving your works; if the slightest shade of pride, selfishness and material interest find shelter in your hearts, we shall only be served by you like the artisan that temporarily uses a defective instrument. We will come to you up until the time when we have found or stimulated a center richer than you are in virtues, more sympathetic to the phalanx of spirits sent by God to reveal the truth to the people of good will. Give some serious thoughts to that. Dig deep into your hearts, probe their most intimate thoughts and vigorously expel the bad passions which keep us away, otherwise you must leave before risking the work of your brothers and sisters by your presence or by the presence of the spirits that you bring along with you.

The Spirit of Truth


(Society, December 16th, 1860 – Medium Ms. Huet)

In a beautiful spring afternoon a rich and generous man was sitting in his living room. He happily smelled the aroma of garden flowers while complacently tallying all the good deeds he had done that year. He could not avoid giving an almost despicable look at the house of one of his neighbors who gave but an almost insignificant contribution to the construction of the local church. As for me, he said, I gave more than a thousand francs to that work; I deliberately threw a 500 franc bill into the basket that the young Duchess circulated in favor of the poor; I gave much more to the beneficent parties, to all kinds of raffles and I believe God will be thankful for so much I have done. Ah! I forgot the small alms that I lately gave to an unfortunate widow who has a large family, still raising an orphan. However, what I gave her is so small that this is certainly not what is going to open the doors of heaven to me.
• You are mistaken, he suddenly heard from a voice that made him turn his head: that is the only one accepted by God; here is the proof. At the same time a hand erased everything he had listed on the piece of paper with all his good deeds, leaving the last one only, the voice and the paper went back into heaven.

Hence it is not the alms given with ostentation that is the best, but the one given with humility of heart.
Joinville, Amy de Loys.

Love and Freedom
(Society, January 27th, 1860 – Medium Mr. Roze)

God is love and freedom and it is through love and freedom that the spirit moves closer to God. Through love the spirit develops new relationships that get him closer to the unity in each existence; through freedom the spirit chooses the good that gets him closer to God. Be eager to spread the new faith but may the sacred eagerness that animates you never cast any harm upon the freedom of others! You must avoid mounting a kind of worn out and almost yielded resistance by insisting too much before a terrible and proud incredulity. The reign of coercion and oppression is over; it is time for reason, freedom and fraternal love. From now on, it is no longer by force and fear that the earthly powers will acquire the right of governing the moral, spiritual and material needs of its people but by love and freedom.


(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Ms. Huet)

How can an intelligent person not believe in the immortality of the soul and consequently in a future life other than that of Spiritism? What should become of that immense love that a mother devotes to her children, the great care since their infancy, and the enlightened dedication of a father to the education of a beloved son? All annihilated at the time of separation or death? Would we then be like animals whose instincts are undoubtedly remarkable but which no longer take care of their offspring beyond the time necessary to attend their maternal needs?

When that time has come parents abandon their children and it is all over: the body is raised, there is no soul. However, the individual would not have a soul, an immortal soul! How about the sublime genius that can only be compared to God, since it comes from God, that genius that generates prodigies, that creates masterpieces, all that would be annihilated by the individual’s death? What Profanation absurdity! One cannot destroy in such a way those God given things. Raphael, Newton, Michelangelo and so many other sublime geniuses still illuminate the world with their spirit, although their bodies no onger exist. Make no mistake; they live and shall live forever. As for the communication with you, that is more difficult to admit by the vast majority of people. It is only through the study and observation that they can be ensured of such possibility.



(Society, December 9th, 1859 – Medium Mr. Roze)

An old ship was hit by a terrible storm in its last journey. In addition to a large number of passengers, the ship transported to its final destination several foreign merchandise accumulated by the greed and cupidity of their owners. Danger was imminent. There was chaos aboard. The shipmasters refused to throw the load overboard. The orders were ignored since crew and passengers alike had lost their trust in them. It was time to consider abandoning ship. Three lifeboats were lowered. The most inexperienced, stunned and impatient rushed to the first one, swiftly rowing towards a dim light seen ashore. They soon fell in the hands of a group of castaways who took over the boat and then hastily collected the precious belongings, ruthlessly mistreating them.

The second group, more insightful, was able to distinguish a liberating lighthouse amidst the misleading lights that illuminated the horizon. They confidently allowed themselves to be dragged by the caprice of the waves, wrecking the boat against the coral reefs at the foothill of the lighthouse that kind of stared at them permanently. They felt their ruin and the loss of their properties as much as they had yearned their salvation.

The third group, less numerous but shrewd and sensible, carefully guided the boat through the wreckage, saving bodies and goods, not suffering except for fatigue after the trip.

Thus, don’t be content by only avoiding the bright lights of the shipwrecked and the bad spirits; but know how to avoid the mistakes of the idle ones, those who lost their goods and become shipwrecked at the port. Know how to navigate your ship through the wreckage of all passions and you shall happily get to the port of eternal life, carrying the wealth of virtues acquired in all your journeys.

St. Vincent de Paul


(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Mrs. M)

Spiritism is called upon to clarify the world but needs a certain time to advance. It has existed since creation but only acknowledged by a few persons since in general the masses don’t bother to give any thought to spiritist questions. Now, with the help of this pure doctrine, there will be a new light. God who does not wish to keep His children in ignorance allows the more elevated spirits to come to support us, countering the spirits of darkness who try to embrace the world. Human pride shades reason, leading to many mistakes. Simple and kind spirits are necessary to spread the light and mitigate all evils. Courage! Stay with this God pleasing work for it is useful to His greater glory and great good shall come from that for the salvation of the souls.

Francis de Sales

(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Mr. Colin)

Write this: Human beings! What is that? Where do they come from? Where are they going? God? Nature? Creation? The world? Their past and future eternity! Nature’s limit, relationships between the infinite and the private being? Passage from infinite to the finite? – These are questions that people should have framed, when for the first time and still a child, they saw with the eyes of reason the mysterious march of the celestial bodies above their head; Earth below their feet, alternatively dressed up in fancy clothes in the shaking wind of spring or covered by the mantle of mourning, under the cold breath of winter; thinking and feeling they saw themselves suddenly thrown into this vital maelstrom between yesterday, the day of their birth, and tomorrow, the time of their death. These are questions asked by all people, at all times and in all schools, still enigmas to the future generations. Nevertheless, these questions deserve the attention of investigative spirits of your century, the genius of your country. Thus, if you had one person, ten people among you, aware of the high importance of their apostolic mission, willing to leave a stamp of their passage on Earth, as a milestone to posterity, I would tell them this: for a long time you have come to terms with the errors and prejudices of your time; the period of physical and material manifestations is over to you; what you call experimental evocations can no longer teach you much since in the majority of cases there is only curiosity at play. However, the philosophical era of the Doctrine is near. Do not remain attached to the rotting pillars any longer, but courageously enter the heavenly sanctuary, firmly raising the flag of modern philosophy, in which you fearlessly will inscribe: mysticism, rationalism. Be eclectic in modern eclecticism; do as the ancients did, supported by the historical, mystical and legendary tradition, always observing the revelation though, an illuminating torch that we have all missed, resorting to the lights of the superior spirits, missionary devoted to the march of the human spirit. Those spirits, however elevated they may be, they don’t know everything. Only God does. Besides, they cannot reveal everything that is known to them. Where would the individual’s free will be then, his responsibility, merit and demerit, and also the sanctioning of punishment or reward? Yet, I can provide you with the guidelines containing some fundamental principles. Hence, listen to this:

1st – The soul has the power of separating from matter;

2nd – The soul can elevate well above intelligence;

3rd – Such state is beyond reason;

4th – It can put people in touch with everything that escapes their senses;

5th – Human beings can incite it by praying to God, by a constant struggle, reducing their soul to the state of pure essence, so to speak, denying sensitive and exterior activity; in a word, by abstracting everything that there is varied multiple, indecisive, chaotic, of exteriority inside the soul;

6th – There is up until now a completely ignored force in the very self of the individual. Thus, search for that.

Moses, Plato, and later Julian

Communications Read at the Society

(By Mr. Pêcheur)

My friend, don’t you know that the person who follows the path of progress is always faced by ignorance and envy? Envy is the dust lifted by your steps. Your ideas cause revolt to certain people because they don’t understand them or muffle the voice of their conscience with their pride, which proclaims in turn: what you repeal now shall one day be brought back to you by your judge. It is God’s hand reaching out to you to remove you from the quagmire in which you were thrown into by your own passions. Listen to the voice of reason for a moment. Consider that you live in the century of money, dominated by the self; that the love for things dries your heart out, overloading your conscience with your faults, and even crimes which must be confessed. Unfaithful people who call themselves skillful, your skills will wreck you. You shall be offered no help. You turned a blind eye to the misfortunes of others and you shall go down without a tear dropped on your behalf. Stop! There is still time. May regret get into your hearts; may it be sincere and God shall forgive you. Look for the unfortunate ones, who dare not to complain, slowly killed by their misery, and the poor relieved by your gestures will have your name in their prayers; they shall bless the hand that may perhaps save their daughter from dying of hunger and dishonoring shame. Disgrace will fall upon you if your ears are deaf to their voices. God told you, through the sacred mouth of Christ: love your neighbor as yourself. Hasn’t God given you reason to judge between good and evil? Hasn’t God given you a heart to have pity on the sufferings of your equals? Don’t you feel that you are suppressing the voice of charity and progress by suppressing your own conscience? Don’t you feel as if you are dragging an empty body? Don’t you feel as if nothing beats in your chest, making your walk in uncertainty?

As you have fled the light and your eyes have become of the flesh, you are filled with darkness and fear that agitates you. You search, but it is too late to leave this road that is crumbling under your feet. Fear that you cannot define, you judge as superstitious. You pretend to be generous, hoping to redeem your selfish life; you give alms with the fear that you will snatch it back, but God knows what drives you. You cannot deceive God. Your life shall end hopelessly and you won’t be able to push it back by a single day. It shall end, despite your wealth, ambitioned in anticipation by your children, since you have given them the example. Like you, they have a unique love for gold, their only dream of happiness. When that time of justice comes, you will have to face the supreme and forgotten Judge.

Your daughter


Each person has in one’s innermost self what you call an interior voice. It is what the spirits calls conscience, a severe judge overseeing all actions of your life. When the individual is alone one hears that conscience and ponders things in their fair value. The person is sometimes ashamed of oneself. At that moment one acknowledges God but ignorance, that fatal advisor, pushes the person away, dressing one up with the mask of pride. It shows itself full of emptiness, seeking to deceive you by its arrogance. But the righteous person does not hold a proud head; one thoughtfully listens to the words of wisdom; one feels that God is everything. The person seeks enlightenment in the book of nature, written by the Creator’s hand. One’s spirit elevates, expelling from one’s body the material passions which frequently veer oneself off course. That dragging passion is a dangerous guide.

Stay strong my friend and let the skeptical laugh since one’s laughter shall end. The human being becomes a believer at the time of one’s death. My friend, keep God in your thoughts, the only one who will not deceive you. Keep in mind that there is only one path leading to God: faith and love to one’s fellow being.

Your daughter

Dwelling of the Elected
Ones (By Mrs. D…)

Your thoughts are absorbed by earthly things. If you want to listen to us you must forget them. Let us try to talk from a higher level. May your spirit elevate to those regions, the dwelling of the elected ones by the Lord. Behold the worlds that await all mortals, whose places are set according to the merits they have earned. What happiness is found by those dedicated to the sacred things, to the great teachings given in the name of God! Oh men! How little you are compared to the spirits parted from matter, who inhabit the spaces by the glory of the Lord! Happy are those invited to dwell the worlds where matter is not but a word; where everything is ethereal and translucent; where disagreements are no longer heard. Heavenly music is the only noise that clears the senses, so perfect capturing the tiniest sounds, of which are called harmony! How graceful are all those creatures so much loved by God! What a subtleness when moving about those enchanted regions, their refuge! No more disagreements, envy or hatred there; love has become the link destined to unite them all. Such a love which fulfills their hearts, the end in itself, summarizes faith, love and charity.

A friend

(Another, by the same medium)

Your obliviousness afflicted me. Don’t leave me any more for such a long time without calling me. I feel prepared to speak with you and give you advice. Be careful and don’t believe everything the other spirits might tell you; they could perhaps lead you to the wrong path. Before anything else, be sensible so that your God given mission is not denied to you, and do as follows: help to bring to people’s attention the revelation about the existence of the spirits around them. Not everyone is ready to understand and appreciate the elevated reach of these things, whose knowledge God only allows to the elected ones. There shall be a day in which this Science, full of greatness and consolation, will be shared by the whole human race, when there will no longer be a single skeptical. People will then have a hard time to understand how such a tangible truth could have ever been disputed by the simplest of the mortals. In truth, I tell you that half a century will not go by without having the ears and eyes of everyone open to this great truth: that the spirits circulate in space and occupy different worlds, according to their merit before God’s eyes; that the true life is in death and that the individual needs to redeem many times before obtaining the eternal life, achieved by everyone in more or less centuries of suffering, according to their more or less faith before the teachings of the Lord.

A friend

The Spirit and the Trial
(By Mrs. Netz)

The individual’s freedom is totally individual. One was born free but such a freedom is sometimes one’s disgrace. Moral freedom, physical freedom, it all goes together but often lacks discernment, what you call common sense. If a person has spirit but lacks discernment it is as if one had nothing because what shall be done of the spirit if it cannot be governed; if the necessary intelligence to lead the spirit is not there; if the individual thinks to be walking the good path when in reality one is in a swamp; if one always thinks to be right when in reality one is wrong? Discernment may take the place of the spirit but the spirit can never replace discernment. It is a necessary quality and when we don’t have it we must make every effort to acquire it.

A familiar spirit

The Skeptical
(By Mrs. L…)

Your doctrine is beautiful and sacred. The groundwork has been laid and firmly positioned. All you have to do now is to move forward. The path before you is ample and majestic. Blessed will be the one who arrives at the port. The more proselytes you have made the more shall be counted in your favor. But the doctrine must not be coldly embraced for that. One needs eagerness, which shall double since God is always with you when you do good deeds. Those that you bring with you shall be the other sheep to add to the herd. Poor stray sheep! Believe me, the most doubtful, the most atheist, as well as the most skeptical always have a little spot in their hearts which they would like to hide from themselves. Very well! That is the spot that you must look for, that you must find, the vulnerable side that is necessary to attack. It is a small gap intentionally left open by God, facilitating to God’s creature the means of coming back to God’s heart.

St. Benedict

The Supernatural
(By Mr. Rabache, from Bordeaux)

My children, your father did well in calling your attention to the phenomena produced in your séances for some days now. Assessing them on the basis of the instructions of certain sectarian spirits, ignorant where they rule, that these things are supernatural. Don’t believe that my children. Nothing that has happened is supernatural. If it were, your common sense would tell you that it would only happen outside of nature and then it could not be seen. In order that your eyes or the other senses may be able to perceive something, it is totally necessary that such a thing be natural. Once you give some thought to that, you will see that there is not a single serious spirit who may lead you to believe in supernatural things. Having stated that, I don’t mean that there are not things which may appear as such to your intelligence but the only reason for that is that you don’t understand them yet. When a given fact seems to escape what you consider natural be aware of that laziness of spirit which would lead you to believe that it is supernatural. Make the effort to understand it. That is why intelligence was given to you. What good would it do to you if you were to be satisfied by the teachings and beliefs of your predecessors only? It is necessary that each one puts their intelligence at the service of progress which is the collective work of everybody. Since you are gifted with intelligence, think; since you have discernment – and you have it for a reason – analyze and judge. Do not accept pre-judgment but make sure that the subject has passed through the crucible of reason. Be skeptical while you are not sure but never deny something that you do not understand. Give serious examination. Only the lazy, the indifferent one accepts as true or false everything they see as accepted or denied. Finally, my children do your outmost to become serious and useful so as to accomplish the mission assigned to you. It is never too early to get involved with the good and to do good deeds. Thus, start early to get involved with serious things. Time of futility is always too long and useless to your progress that you must always keep in mind. The earthly things are nothing; they only serve to help your transition to another state, which shall be more perfect the better you have prepared it.

Your grandmother


Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, March 30th 1860
(Private Session)


Mr. Ledoyen (treasury) presents the financial balance sheet of the Society for the second semester of the fiscal year, ending on March 30th, 1860. The balance sheet was approved.


1st – Mr. Chuard from Lyon pays tribute to the Society with two brochures, the first containing a sacred ode to the immortality of the soul, and the second a satire to societies in partnerships. The Society thanks the author and although one of the brochures in particular is strange to the objectives of its works, both shall be kept in the library.

2nd – Reading of three letters from Mr. Morhéry about the cures operated by Ms. Godu, healing medium who moved to his house and became sponsored by him. Mr. Morhéry, as a man of Science, observes the effects of the treatments practiced by that young lady in several patients under their responsibility. He records the results in a detailed chart as done in a regular clinical treatment room, having even attested prodigious results in a short time.

Mr. President adds that the Society has two reasons to be interested in Ms. Godu. Besides the sympathy naturally provoked by the examples of charity and altruism, so rare in our days, from the spiritist point of view the young lady offers precious matter for study since she is gifted with an exceptional faculty. We would be interested in a medium of physical effects that produced extraordinary phenomena; we could not see with less interest a medium whose faculties benefit humanity and that reveals, in addition, a new force of nature.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Count of R…, regular member who left for Brazil and is now stranded at the Port of Cherbourg due to inclement weather. He asks the Society to evoke him in this current session, if possible.

Mr. T… observes that the same person has already been evoked twice and that a third time seems superfluous.

Mr. Allan Kardec answers that since the objective of the Society is the study, the same person may offer useful observations in a third experiment, as much as in the first and second. As a matter of fact, the spirit is more lucid and explicit the more it communicates and, in a certain way, identifies with the medium that is used as an instrument. In the present case this is not to satisfy a caprice or a vain curiosity. The Society does not seek entertainment or attraction in the communications. The intention is instruction. Well, since Mr. de R… is presently in a completely different situation as compared to that of previous evocations, it can give rise to new observations.

St. Louis was consulted about the opportunity of the evocation, responding that it could not be produced at this time.


1st – Two spontaneous essays, one from St. Louis, by Ms. Huet, and another by Charlet, by Mr. Didier Junior.

2nd – Multiple questions addressed to St. Louis about the spirit who communicated spontaneously in the last session, bearing the name Being, by Ms. de Boyer, accused of trying to spread disruption and disagreement and of having interfered with multiple communications. An interesting teaching came out of the answers about the way the spirits interact with one another.

3rd – Mr. R… proposes the evocation of one of his friends, who has been missing since 1848 and from whom none have heard. Considering the late hours the evocation was adjourned to a forthcoming session. The Society decides that there will be no session on Good Friday, April 6th. From April 20th onwards the sessions shall take place at the new headquarters of the Society, located at Rue Saint-Anne 59, Passage de Saint Anne. Friday, April 13th (Private Session)


Approval of four new members, as regular members.

The Society confers the title of honorary members to five previously approved members.


Since Mrs. D…, member of the Society, travelled to Dieppe, she extended her trip to Grandes-Venters, where she heard directly from Mr. Goubert, the baker, the confirmation of every fact reported in our March issue, even adding more details. She attested, by the examination of the places, that particularly with respect to certain facts a fraud was just impossible. From the information she obtained it seems that the phenomena were caused by the presence of a young man who was working for the baker for some time already and thanks to whom similar events took place at other places of employment as well. Since the phenomena occurred regardless of the medium’s will, he can be classified in the category of natural or involuntary mediums. Nothing else has been reported since he left Mr. Goubert’s house.


1st – Spontaneous essays obtained by three different mediums

2nd – Evocation of Mr. Vogel, a traveler who was murdered in Africa. The evocation did not yield the expected results. The spirit claims to be suffering, requesting prayers that may help him to come out of his current disturbed state. He says that he can elaborate later.

Mr. Allan Kardec proposes an in-depth and detailed study of certain spontaneous messages and others that could be commented on and analyzed as is done with literary works. Such a study would have the double advantage of practicing the appreciation of the value of the spiritist communications followed by the consequent dissuasion of deceiving spirits who would see their words ultimately controlled by reason and repelled if showing any suspicious content, eventually realizing they had wasted their time. As for the serious spirits, these could be recalled to provide explanations and further developments about points of their communications that may still need clarification.

The Society approves the proposal.

Friday, April 20th, 1860
(Private Session)


1st – Letter from Mr. J…, a regular member from Saint-Étienne. The letter contains fair appreciation of Spiritism, demonstrating that the author understands its true principles.

2nd – Letter from Mr. L…, a worker from Troyes, with reflections about the moralizing influence of Spiritism over the working classes. He invites the serious followers to take on the burden of propagating it in their circles, in the interest of order, aiming at the revival of fading religious feelings, which has given place to skepticism, the ulcer of our century, and to the denial of all moral responsibilities.

These two gentlemen have already declared on other occasions that they have never seen anything in terms of practical Spiritism and yet they are not less firmly convinced, just considering the philosophical reach of the Spiritist Science. The President calls the attention to the fact that every day he sees similar examples, not from people who believe blindly, but on the contrary, from those who think and endeavor to understand. To those, the philosophical part is the main part as it explains what no other philosophy has done so far. The manifestations are an accessory.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Dumas, from Sétif, Algeria, member of the Society, transmitting new interesting details about facts that he had witnessed. In particular he mentions a medium who presents a singular faculty, of spontaneously entering into a kind of somnambulistic state, without having been magnetized, every time that an evocation is carried out through him; he then writes or speaks, giving answers to framed questions.


1st – Mrs. R…, a corresponding member of the Society from Jura, reports a curious personal fact. It is about a clock which goes back to family traditions and which seems to be submitted to a singular and intelligent influence, under certain conditions.

2nd – Reading of a communication given in another spiritist meeting, signed by Joan of Arc. It contains excellent advices to the mediums about the causes that can annihilate or pervert their mediumistic faculties (published below).

3rd – Mr. Col… starts reading a communication given to him in private and signed by St. Luke, the evangelist. Noticing that the evocation deals with several questions of religious dogmas he stops reading due to the rules that prohibit the discussion of such subjects. Mr. Col… adds that since the evocation does not have an orthodox character he did not see any inconvenience in reading it.

The President objects that the answers always presuppose questions. Well then, orthodox or not, the answers always give place to the supposition that the Society is involved with questions which should otherwise be vetoed. Another observation reinforces these reasons: it is the fact that among the members, there are those coming from different religious denominations; what may seem orthodox to some may not be to others, which is already a reason for abstention. As a matter of fact, the bylaws prescribe the previous analysis of every communication obtained outside of the Society. Such measures must be strictly observed.


Evocation of Mr. Royer’s friend, Mr. B…, who had disappeared from his home since June 25th, 1848. He provides some information about his accidental death during the turmoil of that period. Mr. Royer acknowledges his identity from the language and some private details.

Friday, April 27th, 1860
(General Session)


1st – Letter from Dr. Morhéry with new studies about the cures obtained with the help of Ms. Godu, through what one may call intuitive medicine (published below).

2nd – Regarding the healing medicine, Mr. C…, one of the attendees at the session and invited by the President, provides information of the highest relevance about the healing powers in certain South Asian communities. An Indian born, natural from the Hindustan, Mr. C… witnessed a number of facts of that nature which he took for granted in those days. Today he finds the key to those phenomena in Spiritism and magnetism. The healing communities would make broad use of certain plants. Often, however, they touched and rubbed the patient while acting under the influence of occult voices that would guide them.

3rd – A curious fact of a circumstantial intuition of a previous existence. The person involved describes the fact in a letter addressed to one friend who read it, saying that since her childhood she keeps the precise memory of having succumbed during the massacres of St. Bartholomew, even recollecting details of her death, of places and so forth. The circumstances do not allow the assumption of an exalted imagination since such memory goes back to a period in which no one was involved with spirits or reincarnation.

4th – Mr. Georges G…, from Marseille, reports the following fact: A youngster died eight months ago and his family, which has three medium sisters, evoke him almost daily, using a basket. Each time that the spirit is called, a little dog that he was very fond of, hops on the table, sniffing the basket and growling. The first time it happened the basket wrote: “My brave little dog that recognizes me.” Mr. G… says: I can assure you about the reality of these facts. I did not see them myself but the persons who told them to me and who have witnessed them several times are very good and serious spiritists to give me any doubt. I ask myself after all that if the perispirit, although not tangible, would have any kind of aroma or if certain animals would be endowed by some sort of mediumship.

A special study will be carried out later about this interesting subject to see whether or not other not less interesting facts may be able to shed some light on this subject.

5th – Verification of the presence of a bad spirit brought to a private session by a visitor, from which one can infer the influence exerted by the presence of certain persons under certain circumstances.

6th – Readings of a private evocation carried out by Mr. Allan Kardec of one of the main convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, deceased in 1830, and in the presence of her own daughter, who confirmed the identity of the evoked spirit. The evocation provides an elevated teaching, with particular interest regarding the special circumstances in which it was carried out (to be published).


1st – Spontaneous essay obtained through Mrs. P…

2nd – Evocation of Stevens, comrade of Georges Brown

Story of Lord of Corasse’s Familiar Spirit

We owe the news below to the kindness of one of our subscribers, taken from the chronicles of Froissard, demonstrating that the spirits are not a modern discovery. We ask our readers to allow us to report it in the style of those days (XIV century). It would lose originality if transcribed into our modern language.

The battle of Juberoth is a famous one among the chronicles of the old days. It happened during the war between John, king of Castela, and Diniz, king of Portugal, in the fight to conquer the latter’s kingdom. The Castelans and the Bearneses were broken into pieces. The fact reported by Froissard on that occasion is most interesting. One reads in the Chap. XVI, Book III of his chronicles, that on the very next day after the battle, Count Foix was informed about the event, a fact that was inconceivable those days, given the distances between the places. It is Count Foix’s squire that tells Froissard the fact in question:

“During the whole Sunday, and the whole Monday and Tuesday, Count Foix, in his Ortais castle, showed such a tough, hard expression on his face that nobody heard a word from him; during those three days he would not leave his quarters either, or even speak to his knight or his squire, however close they might be. Even those who did speak to him, he sent them away, not addressing them with even a single word in those three days. Tuesday evening he called his brother, Arnold-William, and told him in a low voice:
• Our people had a battle that made me mad because they were attacked on their journey, like I told them when they left.

Arnold-William, a very sensible man and shrewd knight, who knew his brother’s ways and condition, remained silent, and the Count who wanted to try his courage for he had put up with his boredom for a long time, spoke again and said in a louder voice than the first time:
• For God’s sake, Sir Arnold, that is how I tell you, and we shall soon have news, but the country of Béarn has never lost so much, since a hundred years up to now, as it has lost this time in Portugal.

The many knights and squires who were present and who saw and heard the Count, dared not to speak.

Then, ten days later, the truth was known through those who had been there at work and who were told first and then to everyone who wanted to listen, all things, in the shape and form as they had happened in Juberoth. That reinforced the Count’s and the country’s sorrow, for those who had already lost their brothers, fathers, sons and friends.
• Holy Mary! I said to the squire who told me that story, and how come Count Foix knew all that on the very next day, without presumption?
• By his faith, he said, he can feel things well, as he demonstrated.
• Then he is a fortuneteller, I said; or he has squires who ride the winds or he must have some sort of art.

The squire laughed and said:

• He needs to know it through some sort of necromancy. We know nothing in this land how he uses it, but through his imagination (by supposition).

• Then, I told the squire, the imagination that you mentioned, kindly let me know about it and I will be grateful to you. If it is something to go quiet about then I will shut up and nobody under any circumstance will ever hear that from me.
• I beg you, the squire said, since I would not want others to know that I told you.

• He then took me to a corner of the Ortais castle and started his report, by saying:

• Some twenty years back a Baron by the name Raymond reined over this country as the Lord of Corasse. Corasse, which is a town seven leagues away from this city of Ortais, as you know. The Lord of Corasse, in the days I refer to, had a lawsuit in Avignon, before the Pope, about the church’s tithe in his city, against a priest from Catalonia who was really wealthy and claimed to have rights over those tithes from Corasse, well worth an annual income of a hundred florins and the so called rights he proved and demonstrated. By a definite sentence, Pope Urban V condemned the baron in general council, passing judgment in favor of the priest. With the latest sentence of the Pope, the baron rode his horse for many days until he got to Bearn to show his seal and letters to take possession to his right to the tithe.

The Lord of Corasse came forward and told the vicar: Master Peter or Master Martin, such was his name, do you think that I must lose my inheritance because of your letters? I don’t see you so smart to take it or to take things which are mine because if you do so you risk your life. Go somewhere else to claim benefits because you shall have nothing from my inheritance. I forbid you once and for all. The priest suspected the baron who was cruel and no longer dared to persevere. Thus, he decided to return to Avignon as he did. However, when he was preparing to leave he came to the presence of the Lord of Corasse and said: Through your power and not rights, you subtract me from my church’s dues and knowingly you are making a huge mistake. I am not as strong in this country as you are but know this, before I go, I shall send you a measure that you shall fear more than me. The Lord of Corasse gave no importance to the threats and said: Go to God, go, do as you will; I have no fear, dead or alive; as from your words I shall not lose my inheritance. The priest then left and returned, God knows where to, Catalonia or Avignon, and did not forget what he had said to the Lord of Corasse when he was about to leave, because when the baron least expected, asleep in his bed with his wife in his castle, about three months later, invisible messengers came and started to scramble everything in their path and seemed that they would destroy everything hitting very hard and making so much noise in the Lord’s bedroom that his lady who was present was terrified. The baron heard all that very well but said nothing because he did not want to give away the courage of a scared man; thus, he was smart enough to face all events. The violent noise and turmoil in several parts of the castle lasted a long time, and then stopped. In the morning everybody came to the master when he woke up and asked: Sir, have you heard what we heard last night? The Lord of Corasse was touched by that but said no. What have you heard, he asked. Then they mentioned the violent turmoil in the castle that turned down and broke the china in the kitchen. He laughed and said that they were dreaming and what happened was caused by the wind. For God’s sake, the lady said, I also heard that very well. Then night came again and the violent turmoil was back and the noise was such and the knocks so hard on the walls and windows of the bedroom that it seemed that everything was about to be brought to the ground. The baron left his bed and could not find what he wanted. He then asked: Who is knocking like that on my bedroom’s door? He then got the answer: It is me. Who sent you, asked the night? It was the vicar of Catalonia, to whom you caused great harm because you subtracted him from his rights to your benefits. I shall not leave you in peace until you pay his dues and he is satisfied. The baron then asked: what is your name, since you are such a good messenger. My name is Orthon. The baron replied, Orthon, the service of a vicar does no good to you. He shall make you suffer. If you can believe me I beg you to leave me alone and do me service and I will be very grateful to you. Orthon responded promptly, approaching the baron and saying: Would you like that? Yes, replied the baron, but do no harm to anyone. Nobody, said Orthon, my only power is to wake you up and keep the others awake. Do as I say, said the baron, and we shall come to an agreement, and forget that naughty vicar, who bears no good, but pity on you; thus, be at my service. Since it is your wishes, said Orthon, it is also my wishes.

Then that Orthon was so much connected to the Lord of Corasse that he came to see him often at night; and in his sleep his pillow was pulled or knocks were heard on the walls and windows of his room that kept him awake. The baron would tell him: Orthon, allow me to sleep. I shall not do that before giving you the news. The baron’s lady was so afraid that her hair was bristled and she hid under the blankets. Then the baron asked, what is the news? I came from England, Hungary or another country said Orthon. I left yesterday and these things happened.

The Lord of Corasse then knew what was going on around the world through Orthon; and he kept that messenger for five years; and he could not go quiet and he would say to Count Foix in a manner, by the way I am going to tell you. In the first year the Lord of Corasse came several times to the Count in Ortais and he would say: Sir, such a thing happened in England, or in Germany or in another country; and the Count would be impressed after having verified that it was all true, and how he could have known such things. And the Count insisted so much that one day the Lord of Corasse told him how and through whom he would receive the news. Once the Count learned the truth he was happy and said: Lord of Corasse, do your best to please him; I wish I had such a messenger. That costs you nothing and by such a means you really do know what goes around the world.

The baron responded: Yes, Sir, I will do that.

That is how Orton served the Lord of Corasse for a long time. I don’t know if that Orthon had more than one Lord but every week he would come to visit the Lord of Corasse two or three times, and would tell him of the events he had learned about other countries that he had been visiting, and the Lord of Corasse would report them to Count Foix, who was immensely pleased.

One time the Lord of Corasse and the Count exchanged ideas about this when the Count asked:
• Lord of Corasse, haven’t you ever seen your messenger?
• By my faith, not even once. • It is wonderful, said the Count; if he were so close to me as he is to you I would have asked him to appear to me; and I ask you to take on that task and let me know of his looks and ways. You said that he speaks Gascon as well as you and I do.
• By my faith, said the Lord of Corasse, it is true. He speaks as well and nice as we both do. And by my faith I will try to see him, since this is your advice.

It then happened that the Lord of Corasse, as other nights, was in bed with his wife, who was used to hearing Orthon and was no longer scared. Then Orthon arrived and pulled the Lord of Corasse’s pillow, while he was profoundly asleep. The Lord of Corasse woke up and asked:
• Who is that?
• It is I, answered Orthon.
• Where did you come from?
• I come from Prague, in the Bohemia.
• It is a long time since I have heard from you. How are you?
• Sixty days, replied Orthon.
• And you came back so soon?
• Yes, by God; I move as fast as the wind, or faster.
• You then have wings?
• No, he said. • Then, how can you fly so fast?
• Never mind, responded Orthon.
• I would be more pleased if I could see you.
• It is enough that I bring you certain news when you hear me.
• For God’s sake, said the Lord of Corasse, I would like you better if I could see you.
• Since you wish to see me that will be the first thing you will see tomorrow morning, as soon as you are out of bed.
• That is enough, said the Lord of Corasse. Off you go now, you are dismissed tonight.
• When the morning broke the Lord of Corasse got up. The lady was so scared that she fell sick and said that she would not get up but the Lord insisted that she should.
• My Lord, she said, I would see Orthon and I don’t want to see him, God willing.
• I want to see him, said the Lord. He then left his bed gracefully but saw nothing that would make him say: I saw Orthon. The day passed and the night came. When the Lord of Corasse was in bed again Orthon came and started speaking again, as usual.
• Leave, said the Lord of Corasse, since you are a liar; you should have shown yourself to me and you did not do it.
• Yes I did. • No you didn’t.
• Haven’t you seen anything when you left your bed, asked Orthon?
• The Lord of Corasse stopped and gave some thought to that and remembered.
• Yes, he said, when I got up I saw two pieces of straw moving around on the floor.
• It was I, said Orthon; it was the form I took.
• That is not good enough to me; I wish you can take another form so that I can see and recognize you.
• You ask so much that I shall leave and you shall loose me because you ask too much.
• You will not leave me; if I had seen you once I would not ask to see you again.
• Well then, you shall see me tomorrow and be aware of the first thing that you see after leaving your room.

The next day came and at the third hour the Lord of Corasse got up, got dressed and as soon as he left the bedroom he went to a place from which he could see the castle’s patio; he looked around and the first thing he saw was a gilt, the largest female pig he had ever seen; however, it seemed so skinny that it was only skin and bones; it had long, fallen, stained ears and a long, sharp and pointed nose. The Lord of Corasse was spellbound by that pig. As he did not have a good impression, he immediately called for his servants:
• Hurry, let the dogs out; I want to see that gilt killed and devoured.

The servants rushed to release the dogs and send them onto the gilt that screamed gazing at the Lord of Corasse, who was leaning over the balcony but could no longer see her since she disappeared; nobody knew what had become of her. The Lord of Corasse returned to his room, thinking of Orthon. I supposed I have just seen Orthon, my messenger. I regret to have let the dogs out onto him. It will be a pity if I no longer see him for he told me several times that I would lose him as soon as I recognized him. He told the truth. He never returned to the castle since the incident and the baron died the following year.
• Is it true, I asked the squire, that Count Foix had been served by such a messenger?
• Truth be said, the opinion of several people from Béarn is that it is so because nothing happens in the region and beyond, if it is not his wishes or endeavor unless he is not aware or had not taken care. Thus, it was with good knights and squires of this country that he was in Portugal. His grace and celebrity were of his great advantage for he did not lose the value of a golden or silver spoon at home or anything else without taking notice.”


Report of a letter from Dr. Morhéry about several cures obtained by the medication prescribed by Ms. Désirée Godu.
Plessis-Boudet, near Loudéac, Côtes-du-Nord, April 25th, 1860

Dear Mr. Allan Kardec,

Today I want to do as I promised and report the cases of cured patients with the help of Ms. Godu. As you realize, I will not mention them all since it would take a long time. I made my choices not based on the seriousness but on the variety of their diseases. I avoided repeating cases or mentioning those of little importance. Please notice Sir that Ms. Godu has not wasted any time. Since her arrival in Plessis-Boudet we have visited more than 200 patients and have the satisfaction of curing almost all of those who were patient enough to follow the prescriptions. I don’t speak of the cancer patients since those are in good terms. I will wait for positive results before any pronunciation. We also have a large number of patients under treatment and gave preference to those considered incurable. Then, I expect to have new cure cases to report to you soon. It is particularly in the rheumatic affection cases, in the paralysis, sciatic, ulcers, bone deviations, and wounds of all kinds that her system of treatment seems to yield better results.

I can assure you Sir that I have learned many useful things that I totally ignored before my contact with Ms. Godu. Every day she teaches me something new, both in the treatment as well as in the diagnosis. As for prognosis, I don’t know how she does that. However, she is never wrong. One cannot explain such a vision simply based on ordinary Sciences. You Sir, however, can understand that very well. I end by declaring that I certify as true and sincere all the observations that follow attached with my signature.
Yours sincerely,
Morhéry, doctor in medicine

1st Observation, case #5 (February 23rd, 1860) – François Langle, paper delivery man. Diagnosis: three-day-fever for six months. Fever had resisted treatment with sulfate of quinine administered to the patient by myself on several occasions; he was cured in five days with simple infusion of multiple plants and the patient is better than ever. I could mention ten similar cures.

2nd Observation, case #9 (February 24th, 1860) – Mrs. R… from Loudéac, 32 y.o. Diagnosis: inflammation and chronicle intumescence of the tonsils; violent headache; sore back bone; general prostration, null appetite. The illness started by shivers and deafness; it lasted two years. Prognosis: a serious case, of difficult prospects, since the illness resists to the best possible treatments. The patient is now cured. She only continues the treatment to avoid recurrence.

3rd Observation, case #13 (February 25th, 1860) – Pierre Gaubichais, from the village of Ventou-Lamotte, 23 y.o. Diagnosis: palmar aponeurosis inflammation. Prognosis: serious but not incurable case. The cure was obtained in less than fifteen days. We have four or five similar cases.

4th Observation, case #18 (February 26th, 1860) – François R…, from Loudéac, 27 y.o. Diagnosis: white tumor, scar on the left knee; fistula in the posterior side of thigh, just above articulation. Patient carries disease since he was 10 y.o. Prognosis: very serious and incurable case. The illness resisted best applied treatment for six years. Patient was treated by balms prepared by Ms. Godu and took several plant infusions. He can now be considered cured.

5th Observation, case 23 (February 25th, 1860) – Jeanne Gloux, a worker from Tierné-Loudéac. Diagnosis: very intense whitlow for days. The patient was completely cured in fifteen days, only with balms prepared by Ms. Godu. Sore disappeared since second application. We have three similar cases.

6th Observation, case #12 (February 25th, 1860) – Vincent Gourdel, weaver from Lamotte, 32 y.o. Diagnosis: acute eye inflammation as a consequence of intense shingles. Inflammation of conjunctive and foggy cornea manifesting on the left eye; presenting general inflammatory state. Prognosis: serious and intense affection. Patient can lose left eye in about 10 days. Treatment: application of balms over the affected eye. Today the inflammation is cured and the fogged eye is gone, but the treatment moves on to fight the shingles which seems of periodic and of herpetic nature.

7th Observation, case #31 (February 27th, 1860) – Marie-Louise Rivière, newsstand worker from Lamotte, 24 y.o. Diagnosis: long lasting rheumatism in the right hand, with complete impairment and paralysis of the phalanges; could not work. Unknown cause – Prognosis: very difficult cure, if not impossible. She was cured in 20 days into the treatment.

8th Observation, case #34 (February 28th, 1860) – Jean-Marie Le Berre, a 19 y.o. homeless from Lamotte. Diagnosis: Splitting headache, insomnia, frequent hemorrhagic episodes through the nose; inward deviation of right knee, outward deviation of leg. Patient in really poor condition. Prognosis: Incurable. Treatment: topic application of extracts and balms from Ms. Godu. The limb is now fixed and the cure is more or less complete. As a precautionary measure, the patient is still under treatment.

9th Observation, case #50 (February 28th, 1860) – Marie Nogret from Lamotte, 23 y.o. Diagnosis: inflammation of the pleura and diaphragm; inflamed and enlarged tonsils; palpitation, dizziness, asphyxia. Prognosis: Although the patient is strong, her condition is very serious. She could not walk two steps. Treatment: infusions of several plants. Improvement on the very next day, and total cure in the period of eight days.

10th Observation, case #109 (March 12th, 1860) – Pierre Le Boudu, from the community of Saint-Hervé. Diagnosis: deafness since the age of 18, after typhoid fever. Prognosis: Incurable and resistant to any treatment. Treatment: injections and infusions of several plants prepared by Ms. Godu. The patient now can hear the noise of his own watch which bothers him given the sensitivity of his ear.

11th Observation, case #132 (March 18th, 1860) – Marie Le Maux, from Grâces, 10 y.o. Diagnosis: rheumatism presenting hardening of joints, particularly knees. The child could only walk with the help of crutches. Prognosis: a very serious case, if not incurable. Treatment: topic extracts with balms prepared by Ms. Godu. Cure achieved in less than 20 days. Today the child walks without the support of crutches or walking sticks.

12th Observation, case #80 (March 19th, 1860) – Hélène Lucas, a 9 y.o. homeless child from Lamotte. Diagnosis: lump formation and permanent swelling of the tongue, sticking out about 5 to 6 cm beyond the lips, seemingly strangled; the tongue shows a rough appearance, the lower teeth spoiled by the tongue. The child needs to move the tongue sideways using one hand and with the other she pushes the food into her mouth. She presents this condition since she was two and half years old. Prognosis: a very serious case, considered incurable. The tongue has now retrieved and the patient is almost completely cured.

One can see from the above observations that those reports are not like those vulgar certificates, solicited by greed, in which complacence competes with ignorance. These are the observations of a professional who puts aside his self-esteem and frankly acknowledges his insufficiency before the infinite resources of Mother Nature, who has not given him her last word from the academic benches. He recognizes that the young lady, without any special instruction, has taught him more than certain books written by men, as she reads directly from the book of nature. As a sensible man he prefers to save a patient through apparently irregular means than letting the patient die according to the rules. And he does not feel humiliated.

We propose to carry out a serious study in a future article, from a theoretical point of view, about such intuitive faculty that is more frequent than supposed, more or less developed, through which Science will be able to obtain precious insights, when people no longer consider themselves wiser than the Lord of the Universe.

We learned from a very educated gentleman from Hindustan, India, about precious news regarding the practice of intuitive medicine among the Indians, adding to the theory and testimony of well observed and authentic facts.

Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Voltaire and Frederic


Society, Paris, November 25th, 1859

The Journal de la Nievre reports: “A dismal accident occurred last Saturday at the train station. A sixty two year old man named Mr. Jardin was hit by the shafts of a carriage in the courtyard, as he was leaving the station. He exhaled his last breath a few hours later. That man’s death revealed one of the most extraordinary stories to which we would not have given any credit if were not supported by the trustworthy testimony of witnesses who attested to its authenticity. Here is what we were told:

Before his employment with the tobacco market in Nevers, Jardin lived in Cher, village of Saint-Germain-des-Bois, where he was a tailor. His wife had died in that village five years earlier, victimized by pneumonia. He then left the village of Saint-Germain and moved to Nevers eight years ago. A hard working and righteous man, Jardin was a devout Christian, strongly dedicated to religious practices; he had a kneeling bench in his bedroom that he used for his prayers. Friday night, alone with his daughter, he suddenly announced a secret premonition that his end was near.
• Listen, he told her, these are my last wishes: when I am dead you shall send the key to my kneeling bench to Mr. B… so that he can come and pick up whatever is inside and take to my coffin.

Surprised by this sudden recommendation, the daughter asked what could be found in the kneeling bench because she couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. He refused to respond in the beginning but as she insisted, he made the strange revelation that what was inside the kneeling bench was the remains of her late mother!

He told her that before leaving Saint-Germain-des-Bois he went to the cemetery at night. Everybody was asleep in the village; he was feeling really alone; he then went to the grave of his wife and with a shovel he excavated it until he found the remains of what had once been his companion. He would never be separated from her precious remains, thus he collected the bones and stored them in his kneeling bench.

The daughter, a little bit scared by the strange disclosure, but still suspicious that he could not be serious, she eventually promised to attend to his last wishes convinced that he wanted to make fun of her and that on the very next day he would give a logical explanation to his fantastic enigma. The following Saturday arrived and Jardin went to his office as usual. One hour later he was sent to the train station to pick up some bags of tobacco, destined to supply the market. He had just left the station when he was then hit straight in the chest, by the unnoticed shafts of a carriage that was parked among the heaps of other vehicles at the station parking area. He was knocked down by the violence of the impact and taken home unconscious. He recovered his senses after the application of some emergency care. The first responders wanted to remove his clothes to thoroughly examine the wounds but he strongly opposed; they insisted and he refused once again. Despite his refusal the responders decided to undress him when all at once, he suddenly subsided: he was dead.

The body was placed on a bed. What a surprise when those present removed his clothes to find a leather bag tied up around his chest, sitting on his heart. A doctor who was called in to attest the death cut the bag in two pieces, from which a dry hand fell!

Keeping in mind what her father had told her the day before, the daughter of Mr. Jardin advised Mr. B… and Mr. J… who were carpenters. The kneeling bench was opened and a schako (French military hat, round and tall) of the National Guard was found. On the bottom of the schako there was a dead person’s head, still with the hair in place; then they noticed the bones of a skeleton; it was the remains of Mrs. Jardin. Last Sunday Jardin’s body was taken to the grave. In order to attend the sexagenarian’s wishes, the remains of his wife were placed in his coffin and on top of his heart, the dry hand which had felt his heart beat for eight years, if we can say so.” 

1. Evocation – A. I am here.

2. Who has warned you that we wanted to talk to you? – A. I know nothing; I was attracted here.

3. Where were you when we called you? – A. Near a man that I like, accompanied by my wife.

4. How could you have had the premonition of your death? – A. I was warned by the one I missed so much. God had allowed it from her prayers.

5. Was your wife then was always near you? – A. She had never left.

6. Was the cause of her presence the remains preserved by you? – A. Not at all but I believed so.

7. Thus, had you not preserved her remains she would still be by your side? – A. Isn’t thought more powerful to attract the spirit than the remains which have no importance?

8. Have you immediately met your wife, at the time of your death? – A. It was her who came to receive me and to enlighten me.

9. Were you immediately aware of yourself? – A. In a short time, I had an intuitive faith in the immortality of the soul.

10. Your wife must have had other existences, prior to the last one. How could she have forgotten them to be entirely dedicated to you? – A. She stayed by my side as a guide in my corporeal existence, without the need to renounce her former affections. When we say that we never abandon an incarnated spirit you must understand that what we mean, is that we shall be closer to that spirit more frequently than the others. The speed of our movement allows for that as easily as a conversation that you may hold with several speakers.

11. Do you remember your previous existences? – A. Yes. In my last one I was a poor peasant, without education; prior to that, however, I was a sincere and devoted religious person.

12. Wouldn’t the extraordinary affection dedicated to your wife have its cause in former relationships of prior existences? – A. No.

13. Are you happy as a spirit? – A. One cannot be more, you must understand that.

14. Can you define your current happiness and tell us about its cause? – A. I should not have the need to tell you this: I loved and missed a dear spirit; I loved God; I was honest; I found what I missed. These are the elements of happiness to the spirit.

15. What do you do as a spirit? – A. When I was called here I told you that I was near a man that I liked. I was trying to inspire in him the desire for the good, as always do the spirits that God deems worthy. We also have other occupations that cannot be revealed yet.

16. We thank you for your kindness in attending our call. – A. I also thank you.

A Convulsionary

Following circumstances that gave us contact with the daughter of one of the main convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, it was possible to collect some particulars information about that sect. Thus, there is no exaggeration regarding the reports of torture that these fanatics voluntarily submitted themselves to. It is well known that one of the mortifications consisted of the person’s submission to the crucifixion and all sufferings of the passion of Christ. The person, who we are speaking about and who had died in 1830, still had holes in her hands caused by the nails that were used to suspend her on the cross and on her side, the marks of wounds left by spears. She carefully hid those stigmas of fanaticism, always avoiding having to explain them to her children. In the history of the Convulsionaries, she is known by a pseudo name that shall not be mentioned by reasons that will be revealed in due course. The following conversation took place in the presence of her daughter, who requested the evocation. Private details that bear no interest to strangers were removed, details which gave the daughter an incontestable proof of identity.

1. Evocation. – A. I wanted to speak with you for a long time.

2. What were the reasons that led you to wish to speak with me? – A. I can appreciate your work, despite what you may think of my beliefs.

3. Do you see your daughter here? It was she, above all, who wanted to speak with you and we will be delighted to take the opportunity for our own instruction. – A. Yes, a mother always sees her children.

4. Are you happy as a spirit? A. – Yes and no, since I could have done better. But God takes my ignorance into account.

5. Do you remember perfectly well your latest existence? – A. I would have a lot to tell you but pray for me so that I am allowed to do that.

6. Have the tortures that you inflicted on yourself elevated you and made you happier as a spirit? – A. They did not do me harm but did not help me to advance in intelligence.

7. I kindly ask you to be accurate. My question refers to the fact, if that was taken into account in terms of your merit? – A. I would say that you have an item in The Spirits’ Book which provides the general answer. As for myself, I was a poor fanatic. Note: Reference to question 726 in The Spirits’ Book, related to voluntary sufferings.

8. That item states that the merit of the voluntary sufferings is in proportion to the resulting utility to others. The suffering of the Convulsionaries, I believe, did not have another objective other than a purely personal one. – A. It was generally personal, and if I had never mentioned it to my children it was because I vaguely understood that it was not the true path.

Observation: Here the spirit of the mother responds in anticipation to her daughter’s thoughts who wanted to ask why, when alive, she avoided to speak about it with her children.

9. What was the cause of the state of crisis in the Convulsionaries? – A. Natural disposition and overly excited fanaticism. I would never have wanted to have my children dragged towards that fatal cliff, which I recognize as such better still today. She then added, spontaneously responding to her daughter’s reflections who had not, however, formulated the question: I did not have an education but the intuition of many prior existences.

10. Among the phenomena produced by the convulsionaries did some of them have similar somnambulistic effects, like, for example, mind reading, far vision, and intuition of languages? Did magnetism represent any role on that? – A. Many do, and several priests have been magnetized, without people’s consent.

11. Where did the scars that you had in the hands and other parts of the body come from? – A. Poor trophies to our victories, that served nobody and that sometimes excited passions. You must understand me. Observation: It seems that, in the practice of the Convulsionaries, there were things of great immorality that had revolted the honest heart of this lady, and later when the fanatical fever was over, they led her to disgust everything that brought those memories back to her. It is no doubt one of the reasons that made her not want to talk about it with her children.

12. Were there real cures over Deacon Pâris’ grave? – A. Oh! What a question! You know well that no, or very little, particularly to you.

13. Have you seen Pâris, after your death? – A. I don’t occupy my time thinking about him since I have come to the world of the spirits. I blame him for my mistake.

14. How did you see him when you were alive? – A. As an envoy of God’s and that is why I criticize him for the bad things he did in the name of God.

15. However, isn’t he innocent of the foolish things done in his name after his death? – A. No because he himself did not believe his teachings. I did not understand that when alive as I understand it now.

16. Is it true that, as a spirit, he was indifferent to the manifestations which took place on his grave, as he said? – A. He deceived you.

17. Therefore, he excited fanaticism? – A. Yes, and he still does.

18. What do you do as a spirit? – A. I endeavor to enlighten myself and that is why I said I wanted to come to you.

19. Where are you here? – A. Near the medium, with a hand on his arm or shoulder.

20. If we could see you how would you be seen? – A. My daughter would see her mom, like when she was alive. As for you, you would see me in spirit; in words, I don’t know how to say.

21. Kindly explain yourself. What do you mean when you say that I would see you in spirit? – A. A transparent human form, according to the depuration of the spirit.

22. You said that you had other existences. Do you remember them? – A. Yes, I told you so and from my answers you can see that I had many.

23. Could you tell us which one preceded the one we know about? – A. Not tonight and not through this medium. Through the gentleman if you like. Note: She designates one of the assistants that had started to write as a medium, explaining her sympathy towards him, saying that she knew him from a preceding existence.

24. Would you be upset if I publish this conversation in the Review? – A. No. It is necessary that evil be known; but don’t call me… (Her nickname). I hate that name. Call me the great master, if you like.

Observation: We don’t mention the name that she was known by out of respect for her and because it brings her painful memories.

25. We thank you for coming and for the explanations given to us. – A. I am the one to thank you for having provided my daughter with the occasion of meeting her mother, and me with the opportunity of doing some good.


New York’s Library

The Courier from the United States reports: “A New York paper publishes a very curious fact already known by a certain number of people and about some very interesting comments that have been made for several days. The spiritualists see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms that characterize hallucination. That is also the opinion of Dr. Cogswell, hero of this adventure.

Dr. Cogswell is the chief librarian of the Astor Library. His dedication to the final stages of construction of a complete catalogue of the library has him using hours of work which should actually been dedicated to his sleep. That is how he has the occasion of visiting rooms alone where so many volumes sit on the shelves. About fifteen days ago, around eleven o’clock at night, he was passing by one side room full of books when he saw, with great surprise, a well-dressed man standing and apparently examining the titles of the books with great attention. In the beginning he thought it was a thief, he then backed up and carefully examined the intruder. His surprise became even livelier when he recognized the visitor as Dr. … who had lived near Lafayette-Place, who had died and was buried six months earlier. Dr. Cogswell does not believe much in apparitions and fears them even less. Nonetheless, he thought it to be appropriate to treat the ghost with consideration and raising his voice he said: - Doctor, how come you have perhaps never visited this library when alive and you come to visit it after your death? The ghost kindly looked at the librarian and disappeared without responding, leaving him still perplex in his contemplation.
• A singular hallucination, Dr. Cogswell said to himself. I might have eaten something spoiled over dinner.

He then returned to work and later went to bed and slept uneventfully. On the next day, at the same time, he felt like visiting the library again. He found the ghost at the same spot as the night before. He addressed him with the same words and got the same outcome.
• That is curious, he thought. I must come back tomorrow.

However, before returning, Dr. Cogswell examined the shelves that seemed to have the ghost’s attention and out of a singular coincidence he identified a large number of both old and new books about necromancy. Hence, the next day and a third time he meets the deceased doctor again, and now varying the question he said:
• It is the third time I meet you doctor. Tell me if any of these books trouble your resting so that I can have it removed from the collection.

The ghost did not respond as it had not on previous occasions but it disappeared definitely and the persistent librarian returned to the same place, at the same time on several occasions, not finding him ever again. Yet, advised by friends to whom he had told the story, as well as doctors who he had consulted with, he decided to take a break and travel to Charlestown where he spent a few weeks, before resuming the painstaking task that he had imposed upon himself and whose fatigue, no doubt, had caused the hallucination that we have just described.” 

Observation: A first observation about the article: the nonchalance with which the detractors of Spiritism attribute to themselves the monopoly of common sense. “The spiritualists, says the author, see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms which characterize hallucination.” Thus, according to this author, only people that think like him are sensible people; the others don’t have common sense, even if they are doctors, and Spiritism can count them to the thousands. Strange modesty, really, the one that uses the maxim: Nobody is right but only my friends and us.

We still wait for a clear and accurate definition, a physiological explanation of hallucination. However, in the absence of that, there is a meaning that is related to the word. In the mind of those who use that term it means illusion. Well, illusion means lack of reality. According to them it is a purely fantastic image produced by imagination, under some sort of overly excited cerebral. We don’t deny the fact that in certain cases it may well be so. What remains to be determined is if every event of that kind occurs under the same conditions. From the examination of the above case it seems that Dr. Cogswell was perfectly calm, as he declares himself, and that no moral or physiological cause had disturbed his mind. On another hand, and even admitting his temporary illusion, it is still necessary to explain how come such an illusion had lasted for so many days in a roll, at the same time of the day and in similar circumstances, since this is not the character of hallucination, per say. Had his brain been impressed by a given material cause on the first day, it is obvious that the cause had ceased after a few moments when the apparition vanished. How could such a material impression be identically reproduced over a period of three consecutive days, with 24-hour intervals? It is regrettable, the fact that the author disregarded this when providing explanations because, no doubt, he must have excellent reasons since he is part of the group of sensible people.

Nevertheless, we agree that in the case above there is no positive proof of reality and that, strictly speaking, we can admit that the same aberration of the senses could have repeated. However, would the same thing happen when the apparitions are followed by events of some sort of material nature? For example, when well alert people (and not in their dreams) see their absent relatives or friends, who they were not thinking of, coming to announce their passing to them, at the time of their death, can it be said to be a result of imagination?

If the fact of death was not real there would undeniably be an illusion; but when the event confirms the prediction, and that is very frequent, how is it possible that the only thing admitted is silly ghost stories? Besides, if it were an isolated or rare fact one could believe in a game of chance. However, as we have been saying, the examples are uncountable and perfectly confirmed. It is up to the “hallucinationists” to bring us an irrefutable explanation and we will then see if their reasons are more demonstrable than ours. In particular we would like to have them demonstrating to us, especially if they consider themselves the owners of common sense and do admit that we have a soul which outlives the body, we would like to have them demonstrating, we were saying, the material impossibility that the soul that must be somewhere, cannot be around us, seeing us, hearing and communicating with us.

The Betrayed Bride

The following fact was reported by the “Gazetta dei Teatri” from Milan, on March 14th, 1860:

“A young man was totally in love with a lady who loved him back and whom he was going to marry when, yielding to an ill-fated desire, he abandoned his wife-to-be for a woman who was unworthy of true love. The unfortunate and abandoned young lady begged and cried but all was useless. Her fickle boyfriend remained impervious to her appeals. So desperate, she went to his house and died before his eyes as a consequence of a poison that she had ingested. Facing the cadaver and after witnessing the death that he had caused, he is then taken by a terrible reaction and tries to kill himself. However, he survives, but his conscience always blames him of this crime. Since that fatal episode, each day at dinner time, his fiancée appears at the door of his bedroom, in the image of a frightening skeleton. However much he tried to become distracted, change his habits, travel, visit with joyful friends, forget about the time, nothing worked. Wherever he was, the ghost would always appear at the appointed time. In a short time, he lost a lot of weight and his health became compromised to the point that the doctors gave up on being able to save him.

A medical doctor, who was his friend, after having experimented with several medications and studied the case very seriously, had the following idea: hoping to demonstrate to him that he was a victim of an illusion, he sought a real skeleton and stored it in the room next door; then, having invited his friend for dinner, at 4 o’clock which was the usual time of the vision, he brought in the skeleton by the use of pulleys which were fixed nearby. The doctor thought that he was successful when his friend, taken by a sudden horror, exclaimed:
• Oh, like one was not enough! Now it is two!

He then fell dead; a fulminating death.”

Observation: Reading this story, which we report on in good faith to the Italian newspaper, the hallucinationists, from where we have taken the information, one can easily say, and with reason, that this was an obvious cause for cerebral super-excitation, that produced an illusion on the shocked person. In fact there is nothing that demonstrates the reality of the apparition that could be attributed to a mind weakened by a violent shock. As for ourselves, who knew so many analogue and attested facts, we shall say that it is possible and that, in any case, the in-depth knowledge of Spiritism would have given the doctor a more efficient way of treating his friend. The means would have been the evocation of the young lady at different times, speaking to her, be it directly or through a medium; asking her what could have been done in order to please her and obtain her forgiveness; praying to a guardian angel to intercede on her behalf for reflection; and since she definitely loved him, she would certainly forget his mistakes had he shown a sincere regret and sorrow, instead of a simple horror which was his likely dominant feeling. Perhaps, she would have stopped to appear to him in such a terrible form, taking the gracious form she had when alive or she would simply no longer appear to him. She would have certainly told him good things which would have reestablished his calmness and balance. The certainty that they would never really be separated; that she watched over him and that they would reunite one day, all would have given him courage and acceptance. It is a result that we have often seen. The spirits that show up spontaneously always have an objective. In such cases the best thing to do is to ask what their wishes are. If they are suffering, it is necessary to pray for them and do what we can to please them. If the apparition has a permanent character, like an obsession, it almost always stops when the spirit is satisfied. If the spirit manifests with obstinacy, visually or through any disturbing means that cannot be taken by an illusion; if the spirit is ill-behaved and acts malevolently, that spirit is generally more tenacious, a fact which justifies even further perseverance and sincere prayers in its favor. However, one must be really persuaded that there are no sacramental words in such cases, or even cabalistic formulas or exorcisms that may have any influence. The more mischievous these spirits are the more they laugh at the inspired terror and importance given to their presence. They enjoy being called devils or demons and thus take names like Asmodeu, Astaroth, Lucifer and other diabolical qualification, multiplying their perniciousness, whereas they simply leave when they notice that they waste their time with people that are not mistaken and just pray for God to have mercy on them.


The Siècle from April 6th, 1860 reports:

“Mr. Felix N…, a gardener from an area near Orléans, was said to have the talent of exempting conscripts from the draft lottery, in other words making them get an non-chosen number. He promised a certain Frederic Vincent P…, a young winemaker from Saint-Jean-de-Braye, a conscription number that he wanted, for a compensation of 60 francs that he would have to pay, 30 in advance and 30 after the draft lottery. The secret consisted of praying three Our Father and three Hail Mary for nine days. In addition, the sorcerer indicated that if he gracefully did his part, the actions would greatly influence the conscript, hindering him from sleeping on the very last night but yielding his release instead. Unfortunately the enchantment did not work. The conscript slept as usual and picked number 31, which made him a soldier. Since these facts occurred two more times the secret was out and the sorcerer, Felix N… was prosecuted.”

Spiritism’s adversaries accuse it of promoting superstitious ideas. However, what is the commonality between the doctrine that teaches the existence of the invisible world communicating with the visible one and facts of nature that were just reported, true superstitious facts? Where has anyone seen Spiritism teaching such absurdities? Had those who attack it, dedicated themselves to its serious study before judging it so lightheartedly, they would then know that Spiritism not only condemns all witchcraft practices but it also demonstrates its uselessness. Hence and as we have reiterated often, the serious study of Spiritism tends to destroy all superstitious practices. In the majority of the popular beliefs there is almost always some truth but it is typically altered or modified. That is how the genie and fairy tales are founded, on the idea of the existence of good and bad spirits, protecting or malevolent; that all stories of apparitions are based on the very real spiritist visible and even tangible manifestations. Such phenomenon, perfectly explained and verified now, enter into the category of natural phenomena, a consequence of the eternal laws of creation. But people are rarely satisfied with the truth that seems too simple. People tend to coat it with all fantasies created by imagination, falling then in the zone of absurd. Those who are interested in exploiting those same beliefs come next, adding a self-serving fantastic reputation. This explains the crowd of fortunetellers, witches and sorceress against whom the law is fairly enforced.

The true, rational Spiritism is then not more responsible for their abuse than Medicine is by the ridiculous formulas and practices employed by charlatans or ignorant people. Once more, before judging Spiritism, give yourself time to study it seriously.

It is conceivable that there might be some truth in certain beliefs, but one may ask about the origin of the belief in something like the facts described above, such as a wide spread belief in our countryside, as one knows it. It seems to us, at first sight, that one has in its origin an intuitive feeling about invisible beings and their inclination to attribute to them a power that they often do not have. The existence of deceiving spirits hanging out around us by force of our planet’s inferiority, like pesky insects in a swamp, who amuse themselves at the expense of credulous people, predicting their utopian futures, always suitable to flatter their tastes and desires, is a fact from which we have demonstrated daily by today’s mediums. These things that happen before our eyes have happened in all times as a means of communication according to the time and place required for that reality. With the help of charlatanism and greed, reality has turned into a superstitious belief.

Pneumatography or Direct Writing

Mr. X…, one of our most renowned scholars, was at the house of Ms. Huet last February 11th, with a group of six people who were acquainted with spiritist manifestations for a long time already. Mr. X… and Ms. Huet sat face to face around a little table chosen by Mr. X… He took a piece of paper from his pocket, completely blank, folded it four times and marked it with an almost imperceptible sign, but sufficient to be identified. He put the piece of paper on the table covered by his white handkerchief. Ms. Huet put her hands over the handkerchief. Mr. X… did the same, asking the spirits to provide a direct manifestation, with an enlightening objective. Mr. X… directed his request to Channing to be evoked for that. Ten minutes had passed when he raised the handkerchief and retrieved the piece of paper in which there was a phrase written on one side, written with difficulty, almost illegible, but showing the outline of these words: God loves you. On the other side it read: God on the external angle, and Christ at the end of the paper. This last word was written in such a way that it showed a hinged mark on the folded paper. A second trial was carried out under the same conditions and after fifteen minutes the paper contained on its lower surface, written in bold characters, the following English words: God loves you, and below it read: Channing. At the end of the piece of paper it read in French: Faith in God. Finally, on the back of the same page there was a cross with a sign similar to a reed, both drawn with a red substance. Once the experiment was over Mr. X… expressed to Ms. Huet his desire to obtain more elaborated explanations from Channing, through her mediumship as a writing medium. The following dialogue was established between him and the spirit:

• Are you here, Channing?
• I am here. Are you satisfied?
• Have you addressed the things you wrote to me in particular or to everybody else?
• I wrote a phrase whose meaning applies to all people. The experiment of writing in English however, is particularly to you. As for the cross, it is the symbol of faith.
• Why have you done it in red?
• In order to ask you to have faith. I could not write it because it would be too long; then I used the symbol.
• Is the red then the symbolic color of faith?
• Certainly. It is the representation of baptism by blood.

Observation: Ms. Huet does not speak English and thus the spirit wanted to give another proof that his thoughts were foreign to the manifestation. He did that spontaneously and from his own initiative, but it is more than likely that if one had requested more proof, it would not have been there. It is well known that the spirits do not like to be used as instruments in experiments. The most patent proofs are sometimes given when least expected and when the spirits act freely, they sometimes give more than if they were asked. Whether they have the heart to show their independence, or for the fault of not being able to produce certain phenomena as a contest of circumstances which cannot always be produced by our will. It is never too much to repeat that the spirits have their own free will and want to demonstrate to us that they are not submitted to our caprices. That is why they rarely yield to curiosity.

The phenomena, whatever their nature, are never at our services with any certainty, and no one can guarantee that they will be produced at a given moment and at will. Any person who wishes to observe them must be patient and wait and this is frequently a test of perseverance from the part of the spirits, assessing the observer and the actual intention. The spirits give no importance to the entertainment of curiosity and do not bind themselves but to those who demonstrate their real desire for instruction, doing whatever is necessary to achieve that, without any commercialization of their time and effort.

The simultaneous production of signs in characters of different colors is an extremely curious fact, but it is not more supernatural than all others. We have an account of that in the article Pneumatography or direct writing in The Spiritist Review, August 1859. The supernatural disappears giving place to a simple phenomenon explained by the general laws of nature, and that would be called the physiology of the spirits.

Spiritism and Spiritualism

The following statement by Cardinal Donnet was given in a recent speech in the Senate: “But today, like in former times, it is true to say with an eloquent publicist, in humankind, that Spiritualism is represented by Christianity.”

It would certainly be a strange mistake if we thought that the celebrity speaker in that particular event had understood Spiritualism in the sense of spirits’ manifestations. The word was employed there in its true meaning, and the speaker could not have expressed it in a different way, unless he had made use of a paraphrase because there was no other term to express the same thought. If we had not provided the source of our citation, people might certainly think that we had extracted it from an American spiritualist, about Spiritism, equally represented by Christianity, in its most sublime expression. According to that, would it be possible that a future scholar, giving a free interpretation to the words of Cardinal Donnet, would try to demonstrate to our descendants that in 1860 a Cardinal had publicly professed the manifestation of the spirits, before the French Senate?

Don’t we see in this fact a new proof that there is the need for a different word for each thing, so that we can understand one another? How many endless philosophical arguments haven’t we had due to the multiple meanings of the words! The inconvenience is even worse with the translations, from which the biblical texts show more than one example. If in Hebrew the word day and period were not expressed in the same way, we would not have been mistaken about the meaning of the words in the book of Genesis, regarding the duration of the formation of the earth, and science would not have been cursed for a lack of understanding, when it demonstrated that the formation of the planet could not have been accomplished in a period of six times 24 hours.

Spontaneous Essays

Different Orders of Spirits
Private communication obtained by Mrs. D…, member of the Society, from her deceased husband.

Listen to me, dear friend, if you want me to tell you great things. Don’t you see the direction taken by certain events and the progress that the sacred works can achieve by that? Listen to the elevated spirits, but watch out and do not confuse them with those who try to impose themselves with a language that is more pretentious than profound. Do not mix your thoughts with theirs. Would it be admissible that the inhabitants of Earth could see things from the same standpoint as the spirits detached from matter and who are obedient to our Lord’s laws? Do not mix all spirits in the same group for they come from very different orders. The study of Spiritism teaches you, but on this side, how much you still have to learn! There is a multitude of individuals on Earth whose intelligences are not similar. Some among them are closer to the animals than to human beings, whereas there are others so much superior that one is tempted to say that they are closer to God, a kind of blasphemy which must be translated by the idea that they carry a spark from those celestial clarities, planted into their hearts by our Divine Master. Well then! Whatever is the diversity among all intelligences of the human race, be assured that such diversity is still infinitely greater among the spirits. There are spirits in such a level of inferiority that you cannot find any similar among people, however there are those sufficiently purified to get closer to God, contemplating God in all God’s glory. Submitted to God’s will, their only wish is to satisfy and please God. These are called upon to circulate around the globes or to stop over according to the conveniences for the execution of the great designs of the Creator, and to some God says: Go, reveal my power to these elemental beings whose intelligences can now understand it. To others God says: Travel around those worlds so that the superior beings that inhabit them, guided by your teachings, may add new greatness to the ones that have already been revealed to them. May all be instructed and learn since there will come a day when the clarities from above will no longer be shaded but will shine forever.
Your friend

The two messages below were obtained in a small and intimate circle in Luxemburg, sent to us by our colleague Mr. Solichon, who was present. We regret the fact that our activities have not allowed us yet to go to those meetings, to which we were kindly invited. We will be happy to be able to attend them since we know that they are presided by a feeling of true Christian charity and reciprocal benevolence.

Remorse and Regret

I feel happy for seeing you all united by the same faith and by the love of God Almighty, our Divine Lord. May God always guide you in the good path and help you to become worthy of God’s benefits. Always love one another like brothers and sisters; help one another and may the love to thy neighbor never be a meaningless word. Remember that charity is the most beautiful of all virtues and the most pleasing to God, not only that charity which gives the two cents to the miserable ones, but the charity which has pity on our brothers’ sufferings; that makes you share their moral pains, alleviate the burden that oppresses them, thus relieving them and making their lives easier. Remember that sincere repentance obtains pardon to all faults; such is the greatness of God. Remorse has nothing in common with repentance. Remorse, brothers, is already the prelude of punishment. Repentance, charity and faith shall lead you to the happiness reserved to the good spirits. Go and listen to the words of a superior spirit loved by God. Pray and open your hearts to the lessons that you shall learn from them.
A Guardian Angel

The Mediums

I am happy for seeing your punctuality to the meeting that I have scheduled with you. God’s benevolence shall be upon you and our guardian angels will always help you with their advice and will protect you against the influence of the bad spirits, if you know how to listen to their voices and to close your heart to pride, vanity and envy. God has tasked me with a mission to be accomplished together with the mediums. The more grace you receive from the Almighty, the more danger you incur. Such danger is more significant the more it comes from the favors that you have received from God. The faculties enjoyed by the mediums attract people’s praise: the compliments, the flattery, those are the burdens. The very mediums who should keep in mind their primitive condition, those are the ones who forget it; they do more: they attribute to themselves a merit that in fact is a God given gift. What happens then? The good spirits abandon them; they become playful toys in the hands of deceiving spirits once they no longer have the good compass to guide them. The more capable they are, the more they are led to believe that their gift is their merit, up until the time when God, in order to punish them, withdraws that gift which can only be disastrous to them. It would never be too much to remind you that you should entrust yourselves to your guardian angel, so that it can help you to be on guard against the cruelest of your enemies: your pride.

Remember that without the support of your Divine Master, you who are fortunate to serve as intermediaries between human beings and the spirits, if you had not taken advantage of that light, the more favored you had been, the more severely punished you shall be. I am glad because I believe that this communication that you should take to the Society will yield fruits, and all mediums who gather at the Society will be on guard against the hurdle on which they would stumble. Pride is that hurdle, as I said.
Joan of Arc

Notice: We are pleased to announce to our readers the reprint of the book “The Story of Joan of Arc”, dictated by her. This book will appear soon in Mr. Ledoyen’s bookstore. We will talk about that again later.


Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies


Starting from next July 15th, the office of The Spiritist Review as well as Mr. Allan Kardec’s residence will be transferred to Rue Sainte-Anne, 59 – Passage Sainte-Anne.

Friday, May 4th, 1860
(Private Session)

Minutes from the April 17th session were read. By suggestion and proposal of the Committee, and after the reading of the minutes, the Society accepts among full members:
1st – Mr. Achille R…, employed in Paris;

2nd – Mr. Serge de W…, from Moscow.


1st – Letter from Mrs. P…, medium from Rouen, stating that several suffering spirits who were evoked at the Society have spontaneously gone there to say thank you for prayers on their behalf. Since she has recovered her mediumistic faculty, she has only worked with suffering spirits. She was told that her mission is mainly to alleviate their pain.

2nd – A spontaneous essay received by Mrs. L…, a medium member of the Society, about vanity given by a familiar spirit was read. To be published below.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Bénardacky, from Brussels, with a communication received about the formation of Earth by incrustation from several planetary bodies, and the state of catalepsy of Earth’s first inhabitants and other living creatures. This communication occurred regarding a phenomenon of voluntary catalepsy that seemingly took place with some inhabitants of India and Central Africa. The phenomenon consisted of certain individuals being buried alive, in exchange for a payment of a certain amount of money, and after several months they were retrieved from the grave, returning to life.

Mr. Arnauld d’A…, member of the Society and old friends with the counselor to the late King of Abyssinia, who has resided for a long time in that country, mentions two facts of his knowledge, one of which occurred in England and the other in India, that seem to confirm the possibility of voluntary catalepsy of short duration, but he informs us that he has never heard about facts similar to those described by Mr. Bénardacky. Mr. d’A… who was familiar with the habits and language of those countries, and observed them as a scientist, is impressed by the facts and surprised that such information would not have come to his attention; from what one can assume there might have been exaggeration.


1st – A question is raised about the possible evocation of Mr. JulesLouis C…, who died at the Val-de-Grace hospital, in exceptional circumstances, already evoked on February 24th (see number from April 1860, Bulletin of the Society, February 24th, Studies #2). The question was motivated by the presence of one person of his family who is very interested in the evocation and in the consideration of his current state of progress. St. Louis informs us that the spirit prefers to be called in a more intimate session.

2nd – Questions about the theory of the formation of Earth and about the cataleptic state of the living beings in their origin, regarding the communication from Mr. Bénardacky. A large number of observations are made by several members.

3rd – Study about the phenomenon reported in the previous session, of a dog that recognized his evoked owner. The spirit Charlet intervenes spontaneously in the subject and develops a theory about why this might happen based on the facts. This is published below.

Friday, May 11th, 1860
(General Session)

Minutes of May 4th session were read.


1st – Letter from Mr. Rabache, sent from Liverpool, in which he reports a spontaneous communication given to him by Adam Smith, without any evocation; he then shows the conversation that follows with answers given in English, while the questions were framed in French. In the conversation Adam Smith criticizes the point of view that served as basis for his economic theory. He says that if he were to write his book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments today, he would give these, as a general principle: innate conscience, having for motive, exceptional love.

2nd – A letter from Mr. Bénardacky, complementing the communications obtained about catalepsy.

Note: St. Louis in a private session and once questioned about the value of such communications, confirms several parts, but adds the following through the medium Mr. T…:

“You can study these things but I advise you not to publish it yet. Several other texts, which will be given to you later, brought by the circumstances, are necessary. You take the risk of making serious mistakes by publishing it now, mistakes that you will have to reconsider later and that would be embarrassing and cause harm to Spiritism. Thus, be very sensible with respect to anything that is related to scientific theories since that is exactly what you have to fear from the pseudo-wise and imposter spirits. Remember what has been often said to you: the spirits do not have the mission of bringing you a finished science or to unveil all things before it is time, something that must result from the individual’s work and ingenuity. Concentrate on your own betterment. God shall take your heart and your humbleness into account rather than a knowledge that is frequently covered by curiosity in its most part. It is by practicing God’s laws, practicing them, understand it well, that you shall deserve to be favored by communications from the truly superior spirits, who are never mistaken.”

It is impossible to ignore the profoundness and the elevated wisdom of such advice. That language, simultaneously simple and sublime, marked by extreme benevolence, shows a significant contrast to the callous and arrogant or the swagger of spirits who want to impose themselves.

3rd – Reading of news sent by Mr. T…, with the description of a very superior world, to which his spirit was transported during sleep. It seems that such a world has many analogies with those attributed to Jupiter, but to an even higher degree.


1st – Two spontaneous essays, one received by Ms. Parisse and signed by Louis, and another received by Mr. Didier Junior, signed by Gérard de Nerval.

2nd – Questions related to Mr. T… vision, addressed to St. Louis. The vague and incoherent answers indicate the evident interference of a deceiving spirit.

3rd – Evocation of Adam Smith, regarding his letter to Mr. Rabache. Questions about his current positions compared to those found in his books. He confirms what he said to Mr. Rabache, relatively to the error in the principle which served as basis for his moral considerations.

Friday, May 18th, 1860
(Private Session)

Reading of the minutes and works of previous session.

Under the advice and proposal from the Committee, and after a verbal report, the Society accepted as members: 1st – Mr. B…, merchant in Paris; 2nd – Mr. C…, trader in Paris.


1st – Reading of the following communication, received in a private session, with respect to the works of the previous session, through the medium Mrs. S…:
• Why didn’t St. Louis communicate last Friday through Mr. Didier, allowing a deceiving spirit to speak?
• St. Louis was present but did not want to speak. As a matter of fact, haven’t you recognized that it was not him? That is enough. You were not deceived since you recognized the imposture.
• Could you ask him? He is here.
• St. Louis, could you give us the reason for your abstention?
• You are upset with what happened but you must know that nothing happens without a reason. Sometimes there are things whose objectives you don’t understand; that seem evil to you, at first sight, because you are very impatient, but you shall acknowledge its wisdom later. Hence, remain calm and do not be upset with anything. We can distinguish those who are sincere and we take care of them.
• If it was a lesson that you wanted to give us I would understand it when we are in our small group; but in the presence of strangers, who then had a bad impression, it seems to me that evil prevails over good.
• You are mistaken by seeing things that way. Evil is not what you think and I assure you that there were people to whom that backlash was a proof of your good faith. In reality, sometimes good comes out of bad. When you see a gardener cutting beautiful branches of a tree you deplore the fact that the greenery has been sacrificed and it seems bad to you. However, once those parasite branches are cut-off, the fruits blossom even more beautiful and tasty. That is the good. You then realize that the gardener was wiser and more cautious than you supposed. By the same token, if a limb is cut-off from a patient, the loss of the member is bad; but, if the patient gets better after the amputation, that is the good since it may have saved a life. Give some serious thought to that and you will understand.
• That is very fair. But how come after we appeal to the good spirits, in order to have the imposter spirits kept away, our appeal is not attended?
• It is attended, have no doubt! However, are you sure that such appeal is originated from the bottom of the heart of all attendees, or that there isn’t someone that out of a less charitable or malevolent thought may attract bad spirits to your environment, by desire? That is why we tell you incessantly: Be united, good and benevolent to one another. Jesus said: Whenever you gather in my name, I will be among you. Do you think that it is good enough to pronounce his name for that? Make no mistake and be convinced that Jesus goes nowhere unless invited by pure hearts, together with those who practice his precepts, because these are the ones who truly gather in his name. He does not go to the proud ones, or the ambitious, or hypocrites, or those who gossip about their brothers. These are the ones that he means when he says: shall not enter the Kingdom of God.
• I understand that the good spirits leave when their advice is not listened too. However, if there are ill-intended people among the attendees, is that a reason to punish the others?
• I am surprised by your persistence. It seems to me that I have explained it very well to someone that wishes to understand. Do I need to repeat that you must not bother with these things which are negligible before the great edifice of the Doctrine under construction? Would you believe that your house is about to collapse because a tile has fallen from the roof? Do you have any doubt about our power, our benevolence? No! Let us then act and rest assured that every thought, good or bad, has an echo in the heart of the Eternal.
• You said nothing about the general invocation we make at the beginning of each session. Could you give us your thoughts?
• You must always appeal to the good spirits; the format, as you know, is insignificant. Thought is everything. You are surprised by what happened. However, have you examined well the faces of those who hear you when you make such invocation? Haven’t you seen a sarcastic smile from certain lips, more than once? Which spirits do you think such persons may carry along? These are spirits that, like them, laugh at the most sacred things. That is why I tell you not to receive the first person to show up; avoid the curious ones and those who do not come to learn. Everything shall happen in due course and nobody can prejudge God’s designs. I truly tell you that those who laugh at these things today shall not laugh much longer.
St. Louis

2nd – A note addressed by Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, about the evocation of Mr. Ch. de Br…, deceased not long ago.

3rd – Reading of a communication received by the medium Ms. L…, member of the Society, with interesting explanations about the story of the spirit and the little dog. To be published below.

4th – Another spontaneous essay by the same medium about sadness and grief.

5th – Letter from Mr. B…, science professor, about the theory given to him of fixed times for the manifestation of the spirits. Such theory is considered by all, without exception, as the result of an obsession by spirits who are systematic and ignorant. Experience and reason demonstrate to the exhaustion that it does not deserve a serious examination.

6th – Report of a curious fact, related to a portrait painted under the influence of a natural intuitive mediumship. Mr. T…, artist, who had lost his father at an age where he could not have kept any memory of his features. Together with other members of the family he regretted the fact of not having any picture of his father. One day in his studio a vision appeared to him, or even better, an image was formed in his mind; he then reproduced it on the canvas. It took him several sessions to accomplish the execution and the image came back to him on every occasion. He then had the intuition that it was the image of his father but he spoke to no one. When the portrait was finished he showed it to his relatives who recognized his father without hesitation.

1st – Four spontaneous essays received simultaneously: first by Ms. Huet, from the spirit that began to write his memories; the second by Ms. S…, about The Fantasy, by Alfred de Musset; the third by Ms. Stephanie S…, from a familiar spirit deceased a few years back, whose name when alive was Gustave Lenormand. That is a not much advanced spirit, joyful and witty, but very good and obliging, considered as a friend of the house by several families that he visits. One day he said that he would come to hunt down the bad spirits. The fourth essay by Ms. Parisse was signed by Louis.

2nd – Evocation of Mr. B…, professor of science that we mentioned above, a living person designated by another spirit as capable of providing information about Francois Bayle, a seventeenth century doctor that some people want to write his biography. The result of the evocation tends to demonstrate that Bayle who is dead and Mr. B…, who is alive, are both the same person. In fact the latter gives the required information and provides several explanations of the highest interest. To be published.

Friday, May 25th, 1860
(General Session)

Reading of the minutes and works of previous session.


1st – Letter from Dr. Morhéry, with an appreciation, from a scientific point of view, about the medication employed by Ms. Désirée Godu under his supervision. Published below.

2nd – Reading of a spontaneous essay by the medium Ms. L…, about human misery.

3rd – Reading of a series of very remarkable communications received by several members of the Russian W… family in private sessions. To be published.

4th – Reading of a private evocation carried out in a private session from the medium Ms. Duret, deceased on May 1st, in Sétif, Algeria. It contains important consideration about the mediums.


1st – Evocation of Ms. Duret; series of communications.

2nd – Evocation of Charles de Saint-G…, mentally challenged, age 13. It contains interesting revelations about the state of that spirit, before and during his incarnation. To be published below.

3rd – Study about Mr. V…, a Navy officer, still alive, who has kept a precise memory of his life and death in the period of St. Bartholomew. To be published.

Spiritism in England

In the beginning Spiritism found a resistance in England that rightfully surprised us. We cannot say that, like everywhere else, it has found isolated support but its progress was infinitely slower than in France. Would it be the case, as some have claimed, that the English, colder, more positive and less enthusiastic than us, are less carried away by imagination? Would they be less attracted to the supernatural? If that were the case, we should be surprised and with more reason that Spiritism has had its main focus in the United States, where the positivism of material interests rules completely. Wouldn’t it be more rational that it had appeared in Germany, but at the same time, doesn’t it seem that Russia takes the lead as the classical land of legends?

The opposition found by Spiritism in England has nothing to do with the national character but with the influence of religious ideas of certain dominating sects, more strictly attached to the letter than to the spirit of their dogmas. They were shaken by a doctrine that at first sight, seemed to be contrary to their beliefs. However, this could not have lasted long in the minds of a critical, enlightened nation, where free examination finds no obstruction and the freedom of assembly is an absolute right. They had to surrender before the evidence of facts. Well then, it was precisely because the English have judged and appreciated it cold-bloodedly and without enthusiasm that they have understood its full reach.

When the fundamental truth was observed, that spiritist ideas are founded on Christian ideas and far from contradicting, they continue to corroborate, explain to one another, completely satisfy religious scruples; having accommodated the conscience, there was nothing else opposed to the progress of the new ideas, which propagated with incredible speed in that country. There as elsewhere, it is still in the enlightened echelon of society that the larger number of followers and most zealous adepts are found. This is an irrefutable argument, which cannot be disputed. Mediums multiply and numerous centers are created, to which high clergy members associate themselves, openly proclaiming their convictions. Will the adversaries say that the fever of the supernatural has triumphed over the English composure? Be it as it will, there is a notorious fact: their ranks get enlightened daily, despite their sarcasm.

The development of the spiritist ideas in England gave rise to specialized publications. They now have a very interesting monthly periodical published in London since May 1st under the title: The Spiritual Magazine, from which we extracted the report below.

A Talkative Spirit

Spending a few weeks in Worcester I casually found a lady at the house of a local banker, from whom I heard such an impressive story that I needed more than one witness to give her credit. I questioned the banker about that lady that he knew for more than thirty years. “She is so truthful, he added, and her righteousness is so very broadly known that I have no doubt about the authenticity of her story. This lady enjoys a spotless reputation, of irreproachable behavior, having a strong and intelligent personality, highly educated.” He then thinks that it is impossible that she would try to deceive others or that she would be mistaken. He had heard her telling the story multiple times, always in a precise and clear way, so much so that he felt embarrassed. He refused to admit such facts but, on the other hand, he dared not to doubt her good faith.

My own observations led me to confirm everything that I learned about that lady. There was in her manners, her air, even the sound of her voice, something that seemed incapable of deceiving, carrying the conviction of truth. Thus, it was impossible to me to consider her dishonest, even more so when she spoke about these things with an evident distress. The banker had warned me that it would be very difficult to make her talk about the subject since, in general, she was used to the fact that people would laugh rather than believe in her. It must be said in addition, that neither her nor the banker knew about Spiritism or had heard about it.

Here are the facts reported by the lady:

“Around 1820 we left our Suffolk house and moved to …, a sea port in France. Our family consisted of my parents, a sister, a twelve-year-old brother and an English butler. The house was located in an isolated region, far from the city, in the middle of the beach. There was no other house or construction nearby. One night my father saw a man wrapped in a large overcoat, sitting on a fragment of rock, a few yards from the door. My father approached to greet him but since he received no answer back, he then returned. Before coming inside he had the idea of looking back again but to his amazement there was nobody there. He got even more surprised when he went back and carefully examined the surroundings, near the rock, finding no vestige of the stranger who was sitting there a moment earlier, and there was no shelter where he could have hidden. When my father came to the house he said: - “My children, I have just seen an apparition”. We of course laughed our heads off, as one can easily understand.

Nevertheless, that very night and in several others which followed, we heard strange noises at several places of the house: sometimes it was a moaning coming from below our windows, on other occasions it seemed that someone was scratching the windows, or even that several persons were climbing on the roof. Several times we opened the windows, asking out loud: Who is that? But we never got an answer. A few days later we heard noises in the bedroom where my sister and I were sleeping. She was twenty years old and I was eighteen then. We woke everybody up in the house but nobody listened to us. We were censored and called crazy. The noises ordinarily sounded like knocks; they would sometimes last twenty or thirty minutes; sometimes one per minute. In the end, our parents, who were forced to admit that it was not our imagination, also heard the noises outside as well as inside. They then remembered the apparition. In any case we were not that scared and ended up getting used to all the noise.

One evening when there was the usual knocking, I had the idea of asking: - if that is a spirit then knock six times. I immediately heard six raps, one by one. The noises became so familiar with time that we not only were no longer afraid but they also became more pleasant.

I will now tell you the more curious part of the story, and I would hardly do that if all members of my family had not witnessed that thing. My brother who was then a boy and is now a renowned professional can attest it to you if necessary, in all its details.

Besides the raps in our bedroom we began hearing something like a human voice, mainly in the living room. The first time we heard it my sister was playing the piano; we were singing a love song when the voice started following us. You can imagine our surprise. We could not doubt the reality because shortly later the voice started to talk to us, clearly and intelligibly, meddling into our conversation from time to time. It was a low voice, with a slow, very solemn and distinct tone. The spirit always spoke in French. He said his name was Gaspard but never responded when we wanted to question him about his personal story; he never explained why he had established communication with us either. We thought he was Spanish but I cannot remember where we got such an idea. He used to call every member of the family by their given name; he sometimes recited poems and constantly tried to get feelings of Christian morality across to us, never going into issues of dogmas though. He seemed to want to make us understand the grandiosity of virtue, the beauty of harmony among the members of a family.

One time, my sister and I had a slight argument, we then heard the voice saying: M… is wrong; S… is right. Since we knew him he always gave us advice. On one occasion my father was very distressed because he thought that he had lost certain documents that he needed to find. Gaspard told him where the documents were placed, in our old house in Suffolk. The papers were sought and found exactly where he had indicated.

Things continued to be like that for another three years. Every member of the family, including the servants, had heard the voice. The presence of the spirit, since we had no doubt about it, was always a reason for great joy among us; he was simultaneously considered a companion and a protector. One day he said: I will not be with you for a few months. In fact his visits stopped for several months. One evening we heard that dear voice saying: I am here with you. It would be difficult to describe our happiness.

Up until that point we had heard but never seen him. One evening my brother said: Gaspard, I would like very much to see you. And the voice responded: I will satisfy you. You shall see me if you please, go to the other side of the square. My brother left but soon returned saying: I saw Gaspard; he wore a large overcoat and a wide brim hat; I looked underneath the hat and he smiled. – Yes, said the voice entering the conversation, it was me.

He suddenly left us but in a very kind way. We returned to Suffolk and there, like in France, Gaspard continued to talk to us for several weeks after our arrival. One evening he said: I will leave for good; a disgrace would come upon you if I stayed by your side in this land where our communications would be badly understood and misinterpreted.

Since then, the lady added with a sad tone, like from someone speaking of a loved one who had departed by death, since then we have no longer heard Gaspard’s voice.”

There you have the facts as we were told. All those things make me think and perhaps they do to your readers too. I don’t intend to give any explanation, any opinion. I will only say that I thoroughly trust the good faith of the person from whom we heard it, and I subscribe with my name below it, as a warrantor of the accuracy of the report.
S.C. Hall

The Spirit and the Little Dog

(Society, May 4th, 1860 – Medium Mr. Didier)

Mr. G. G… from Marseille transcribes the following fact to us: “A young man died eight months ago and his family, in which there are three sisters who are mediums, evoke him every day, using a basket. Every time that the spirit is called, a dog, which the young man was very fond of, hops on the table, smells the basket, and yelps. The first time it happened the basket wrote: “My brave little dog that recognizes me.”

“I have not witnessed the fact myself but the persons from whom I heard the story did see it and those are good spiritists and very serious people, so I cannot doubt their honesty. I asked myself if the spirit had kept sufficient material particles to reach the dog’s sniffing capability or if the dog was able to see the spirit. It is a problem that seems useful to investigate further in case it is not solved yet.”

1. Evocation of Mr. … deceased eight months ago, who was just mentioned above. – A. I am here.

2. Do you confirm the fact relative to your little dog, which comes to smell the basket which is used for your evocations, apparently recognizing you? – A. Yes.

3. Could you tell us what is it that attracts the dog to the basket? – A. The extreme subtleness of the senses that may lead the dog to guess the presence of the spirit or even see it.

4. Does the dog see or feel you? – A. The smell above all and the magnetic fluid. Charlet Observation: Charlet, the painter, gave a series of remarkable communications to the Society about animals, which we will publish soon. That was certainly the reason why he had spontaneously interfered with the present communication.

5. Since Charlet wants to intervene in the current issue we ask him to provide us with some explanations about it. – A. Gladly. The fact is perfectly trustworthy, and consequently natural. I speak in general because I don’t have the details of the case you are discussing. A dog is endowed by a very particular organization. They understand humans: that is enough. They feel them, following them in all of their actions, bearing the curiosity of a child; they love humans and even dedicate entirely to them – and you have examples to confirm what I am saying. Dogs must be – I am not positive, please understand that well – but they must be one of those animals which come from a more advanced world to support humans in their sufferings, serve and protect them. I have just mentioned moral qualities that dogs certainly have. As for their sensitive faculties these are extremely delicate. Every hunter knows the subtleness of a dog’s sniff. Besides that quality the dog understands almost all actions of humans; understands the meaning of their death. Why wouldn’t they perceive the presence of their soul or even see them?

The next day Mrs. Lesc…, a medium also member of the Society, received the following explanation about the same subject:

“The fact cited at the Society is true; although once the spirit is disconnected from the body it does not have any of its odors. The dog sniffed the presence of its owner. When I say sniffed I mean that its organs detected his presence but the nose did not feel or the eyes did not see; however, the whole dog’s body was somehow warned about the owner’s presence, and that warning was passed to the dog mainly by the will expressed by the souls of those who evoked the dead person. Human wishes reach and warn the instinct of the animals, particularly of the dogs, before any exterior sign reveals those wishes. The dog is in direct communication with us, the spirits, through their nervous fibers, almost as much as they are with men. The dog perceives the apparitions; it is aware of the difference between them and the real or Earthly things, and they are very afraid of them. The dog howls to the moon, according to the vulgar expression; it also does so when it feels death coming. In these two cases, and in many others, the dog is intuitive. I shall add that its vision is less developed than its sensations. It sees less than it feels. The electric fluid penetrates the dog almost routinely. The fact which served me as a starting point, therefore not surprising, since at the time when the wish for calling his owner was out, the dog felt his presence almost as quickly as the spirit heard it and responded to the call which was addressed to him.”
George, a familiar spirit

The Spirit of an Idiot

(Society, May 25th, 1860)

Charles de Saint-G…, is a living thirteen year old mentally challenged boy, whose intellectual faculties are so much inexistent that he does not even recognize his parents and can barely feed himself. All his organs have completely stopped from any further development. Some people thought that this could be an interesting subject for a psychological study.

1. (to St. Louis) – Could you tell us if we can evoke the spirit of that child? – A. Yes you can evoke him as if he were dead.

2. Your response makes us suppose that we can make the evocation at any time. – A. Yes, his soul is attached to the body by material links but not by spiritual links. His soul can always disengage.

3. Evocation of Ch. de Saint-G… – A. I am a poor spirit, bounded to Earth like a bird held by the foot.

4. In your present condition as a spirit, are you aware of your almost nullity in this world? – A. Certainly. I feel my imprisonment well.

5. When your body sleeps and your spirit is free are your thoughts as lucid as if you were in your normal state? – A. When my unfortunate body is asleep I am a little bit freer to elevate to heavens to which I aspire.

6. Do you have a painful feeling as a spirit with respect to your corporeal condition? – A. Yes because it is a punishment.

7. Do you remember your previous existence? – A. Oh, Yes! That is the cause of my current exile.

8. What was that existence? – A. A libertine youngster at the time of Henry III.

9. You said that your current condition is a punishment. Then, you have not chosen that? – A. No.

10. How can this present existence serve to your progress considering your oblivious state? – A. It is not oblivious to God who has imposed that to me.

11. Can you foresee the duration of the present existence? – A. No; a few years more and I will return to my homeland.

12. What have you done as a spirit between the previous and current existences? – A. Since I was a frivolous spirit, God imprisoned me.

13. In your waking state, are you aware of what goes on around you, despite the limitation of your organs? – A. I see and understand but my body does not see or understand.

14. Can we offer you with anything useful? – A. Nothing.

15. (to St. Louis) – May the prayers for an incarnated spirit have the same efficacy as those in favor of an errant spirit? – A. The prayers are always good and pleasant to God. In the current position of this unfortunate spirit they cannot serve; they will be useful later since God puts them in reserve.

Observation: Nobody can neglect the elevated moral teaching that results from this evocation. Besides, it also confirms what has always been said about the mentally challenged. Their moral handicap does not mean a handicap of the spirit that, apart from their material body, enjoys all its faculties. The limitation of the organs is just an obstacle to the free manifestation of the faculties; it does not annihilate them. It is like a strong man whose limbs are tied up by a strong rope. It is a well-known fact that in certain regions, far from being a reason for neglect, the mentally challenged are surrounded by careful benevolence. Wouldn’t such a feeling be originated from the intuition of the true state of these miserable creatures, deserving more attention, the more their spirit which understand their condition, must suffer by seeing themselves as an outcast of society?

Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Mrs. Duret

Writing medium, deceased on May 1st, 1860 in Sétif, Algeria, evoked first at the house of Mr. Allan Kardec on May 21st, then at the Society, on May 25th.

1. Evocation. – A. I am here.

2. We know each other by name, but not in person, since we have never met. Do you recognize me? – A. Oh! Very well.

3. Have you come to visit me after your death? – A. No, not yet, but I knew that you would call me.

4. As a medium and already perfectly acquainted with Spiritism, I thought that you could give us instructive explanations, better than others, about different points of the science. – A. I will respond the best I can.

5. This first evocation, in a certain way, aims only at establishing our relationship and to put us in touch. As for the questions, since they are of general interest, I prefer to address them to you at the Society. Thus, I ask you if you could kindly attend the invitation to come. – A. Yes, gladly so. I will respond and ask God to illuminate me.

6. There are five mediums here. Is there anyone who you might have preference for in order to act as your interpreter? – A. That is indifferent to me as long as it is a good medium.

7. Have you ever been deceived by spirits as a medium in your communications? – A. Ah, often! There are only a few mediums that have not, more or less. Note: Next day Mrs. Duret manifested spontaneously and revealed disappointment for not having been asked a higher number of questions the night before.

8. If I did not do that, as I said, I was reserving them for the Society. I just wanted to make sure that I could count on you. – A. What is done in your house is also useful to the Society. It is sometimes convenient to take advantage of the moment when the spirit wants to communicate since the circumstances are not always favorable to them.

9. Which circumstances may be favorable to them? – A. There are many that are of your knowledge but you need to know that it does not always depend on the spirit. Sometimes the spirit may need to be assisted by others who may not be always available at the moment.

10. Since you have come spontaneously, I must understand that you are in one of those adequate moments and I will use you, if you wish so. You said that you were often deceived as a medium. Do you see now the spirits that deceived you? – A. Yes. I see them very well. They wanted to interfere here too but I see them clearly. I am no longer a toy in their hands. Hence I repel them.

11. You also said that there are only a few mediums that have never been deceived. What does it depend on? – A. It depends a lot on the medium and on the one who interrogates.

12. Kindly explain it more clearly. – A. I mean that it is always possible, whenever there is the will, to be undisturbed by the bad spirits and that the first condition for that is not to attract them by weaknesses or faults. How much could I tell you about it! Ah! If the mediums only knew how much harm they are in when they give opportunity to the malevolent spirits!

13. Is it only in the spiritual world that they are doing harm? – A. Yes, and also in the world o