Insults and violence. - INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE SPIRITS: Affability and mildness. -
Patience. - Obedience and resignation. - Anger.
1. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew, 5: 5).
2. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew,
5: 9).
3. Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and
whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgement: but I say unto you, That whosoever
is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement: and whosoever
shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire (Matthew, 5.. 21 & 22).
4. By these maxims Jesus makes meekness, moderation, docility, affability and patience the
Law. Consequently condemning violence, anger and all discourteous expressions towards others.
For example, Raca was a disdainful expression amongst the Hebrews meaning a worthless person,
and was accompanied by pronounced spitting and turning the head to one side. At one point Jesus
goes so far as to threaten anyone who says to another - you are insane - with the fire of hell.
It therefore becomes evident that here, as in all circumstances, the intention aggravates or lessens
the offence. But why should a simple word become something so grave as to warrant such severe
reproof? This is because every offensive word expresses a sentiment that is contrary to the laws of
love and charity, which preside over all human relationships, and between them maintain cordiality
and union. By sustaining hate and animosity we are undermining reciprocated benevolence and
fraternity. In short, it is because next to humility before God, charity to your neighbour is the first
law of all Christians.
5. But what did Jesus mean by the words "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the
earth," when He had recommended that mankind renounce all worldly goods after having promised
those of Heaven?
While awaiting heavenly riches, mankind has need of the Earth on which to live. Jesus is
only recommending that we do not give more importance to worldly goods than to the others. By
these words He wishes to say that till now worldly goods have been monopolized by those who are
violent, to the detriment of the meek and pacific, who frequently lack even the necessities of life
while others have superfluity. Jesus promises justice will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
because the meek will be called God's children. When humanity submits itself to the law of love
and charity, then selfishness will cease to exist; the weak and peaceful will no longer be exploited
or crushed by the strong and violent. This will be the condition of the Earth when this planet
becomes a happy world because it has rid itself of all evil, according to the law of progress and the
promise made by Jesus.
6. Benevolence towards one's fellow-creatures, which is the result of loving your neighbour,
manifests itself in the form of affability and mildness. However, it is not always a good thing to
trust in appearance. Education and worldliness can give Man a thin veneer of these qualities. There
are many whose feigned good-nature is nothing more than an exterior mask, like beautiful clothes
hiding interior deformities! The world is full of such people with a smile on their lips but poison in
their hearts; who are mild as long as nothing irritates them, but who bite at the least provocation;
those whose tongues are made of gold when speaking face to face, but change into a poisoned dart
when speaking from behind.
Still in the category of those showing benign countenance, there are those domestic tyrants
who make their families and subordinates suffer the weight of their pride and despotism. As if they
are trying to get even for any constraints possibly imposed upon them while away from home. Not
daring to use their authority on strangers who would call them to order, they want to at least be
feared by those who cannot resist them. They are proud to be able to say "I give the orders here and
am obeyed." But they never think that they could also add, "And I am detested."
It is not enough for milk and honey to flow from the lips. If the heart is never associated
with these sentiments then there is only hypocrisy. Those whose affability and mildness are not
mere pretence are never belied, for they are always the same whether in society or in privacy.
Besides, they know that although it is possible to deceive Man, no one can deceive God. -
LAZARUS (Paris, 1861).
7. Pain is a blessing sent by God to all His elected; so when you suffer do not allow yourself
to become afflicted; rather bless the Omnipotent Who, through the pain of this world, has chosen
you to receive glory in Heaven.
Be patient, because this is also a charity; everyone should practice the law of charity as
taught by Christ, Who is God's Envoy. Charity given to the poor in the form of a]ms is the easiest
of all. However, there is another kind of charity which is much more laborious and so consequently
offers higher merit. That is to forgive all those placed in your pathway by God to act as instruments
for your suffering and to test your patience.
We know full well that life is difficult, being composed of so many apparently useless,
insignificant and valueless things which act as repeated pinpricks and end up hurting us. However,
if on the one hand we observe with care the duties imposed upon us, and on the other recognise the
consolations and compensations received, then we must admit that the blessings are far more
numerous than the pains. When our eyes are raised up to Heaven our burdens appear to be less
heavy than when our brow is bowed down to the earth.
Courage, my friends! Christ is your model. He suffered far more than any of you and had
nothing to offer penitence for, whereas we must atone for our past and thereby fortify ourselves for
the future. So be patient; be Christians! This word summarizes everything. - A Friendly Spirit
(Havre, 1862).
8. The doctrine of Jesus constantly teaches obedience and resignation, two virtues which are
the companions of mildness and activity, although man wrongly confuses them with denial of
sentiment and free-will. Obedience is the consent of reason; resignation is the consent of the heart
Both are active forces since they carry the burden which has fallen upon them due to foolish revolt.
The coward cannot be resigned, any more than the prideful and selfish can be obedient. Jesus was
the very incarnation of these virtues, which were despised by material antiquity. He came to Earth
at a time when Roman society was perishing in the failings of corruption. He came so that, even in
the bosom of depressed humanity, the triumph of sacrifice and the renouncement of sensuality
would shine forth.
Thus, each epoch is marked with the stamp of the virtue or vice which it has either to save
or to lose. The virtue of this generation is intellectuality, the vice is moral indifference. We merely
use the word 'activity' because a genius may suddenly rise up and discover for him or herself the
horizons which will be seen by the multitude only at a later date. Whereas activity denotes the
reunion of the endeavours of everyone in order to reach a somewhat less brilliant conclusion, but
one which will confirm the intellectual elevation of an epoch.
Submit yourself then to the impulsion we have come to give your spirits. Obey the great law of
progress which is the promise of your generation. Woe to the lazy ones, woe to all those not open
to understanding! Woe unto them! Because we, who are the guides of humanity on the march, shall
apply the whip and subdue the rebellion by means of the double action of brake and spur. All
prideful resistance will have to be overcome sooner or later. However, blessed be all those who are
mild for they will lend yielding ears to these teachings. - LAZARUS (Paris, 1863).
9. Pride induces you to judge yourselves to be more than you are and to repel any
comparison which might discredit you. You consider yourselves to be so much higher than your
fellow men or women, be it in spirit, in social position or even in personal advantage, that the least
parallel irritates and annoys you. What happens then? You give way to anger.
Investigate the origin of these outbursts of passing dementia, which make you resemble a
savage by losing your self-possession and reason; and if you do, then you will almost always be
faced with hurt pride. Perchance, is it not pride which has been hurt by a contradiction which
makes you repel justifiable observations and angrily reject the wisest counsel? Even impatience
originating from contrarieties, and often childish ones at that, comes from the importance which
each individual gives to their own personality, before which it has been given to understand that
everyone should bow down.
In their frenzy, wrathful people hurl themselves at everything, from their own savage nature
to lifeless objects, breaking them because they do not obey! Ah! If they could but see themselves at
these moments, looking on in cold blood! Either they would be afraid of themselves, or they would
think themselves simply ridiculous! Imagine then the impression made on others! Even if it is
merely out of respect for oneself, it behoves one to make an effort to overcome this inclination
which only makes one into a pitiable object.
If we reflect that anger in no way helps, in fact it modifies our health even to putting our life
at risk, then we would recognise that we are nothing more than our own victims. But above all,
there is yet another consideration which should restrain us, that of the unhappiness this kind of
behaviour brings to all those around us. If we have a heart, would not this anger be a motive for
remorse for having caused those we love to suffer? What a terrible moral weight upon us if, in an
excess of fury, we were to practise some act which we would deplore for the rest of our life!
To summarize, anger does not exclude certain qualities of the heart, but it stops us from
doing any good and may cause us to practise great evil. This then should be sufficient to induce
mankind to make the necessary effort in order to dominate this trait. Moreover, for those who are
Spiritists, there is an instigation to do this for yet another motive that of anger being against charity
and Christian humility. - A Protecting Spirit (Bordeaux, 1863).
10. Because of the false idea that it is not possible for a person to reform their own nature,
they judge themselves exempt from even trying to correct their defects. This applies especially to
those defects in which the person willingly takes pleasure, or those which would take a great deal
of perseverance to eradicate. This is why, for example, an individual who is prone to anger almost
always finds excuses for this temperament. Instead of confessing themselves guilty, they accuse
their organism and in this manner accuse God for their faults. This is yet one more of the
consequences of pride to be found in the midst of our imperfections.
Undoubtedly there are temperaments which lend themselves more readily than others to
violent acts, just as there are muscles which are more flexible than others, so lending themselves
better to acts of strength. However, do not believe it is here that the first cause lies, but persuade
yourself that a pacific Spirit, even when in a sickly body, will always be pacific. Just as much as a
violent Spirit, even when occupying a lymphatic body will not be more mild, only that the violence
will take on another aspect In this case the anger would be more concentrated, just as in the first
case the anger would be more expansive.
Therefore it is not the body which gives the anger to those who do not already possess it, in
the same manner neither does it cause other vices. All virtues and vices are inherent in the Spirit. If
this were not the case, where would be the merit and responsibility? The person who is bodily
deformed can do nothing to remedy this situation because the Spirit takes no part in it, but what can
be modified is the actual Spirit, when it wants to, by means of strong desire. Does not experience
show us up to what point the power of desire can take us when we look at the truly miraculous
transformations happening all around us every day? Then let us convince ourselves that Man only
remains bound by vices because he so desires! Those who really wish to liberate themselves can
always achieve this end. If it were not so, then the law of progress would not be able to exist. -
HAHNEMANN (Paris, 1863).