Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > January > Bibliographic News > Spiritist Alphabet
Spiritist Alphabet
teaching to be happy

With this title our very honorable brother in Spiritism, Mr. Delhez, from Vienna, Austria, and whose zeal for the cause of the Doctrine is indefatigable, has just published a brochure in German with a part translated into French. It is an interesting collection of mediumistic communications in prose and verses received at the Spiritist Society of Vienna about several moral subjects, placed in alphabetical order. The brochure can be found in Vienna at the author’s address Singerstrasse, 7 and in all bookstores. Price: 1 florin. Mr. Delhez is the translator of The Mediums’ Book from French to German.

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