Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Questions and Issues

Moral healing of the incarnate

We frequently see Spirits of a really bad nature yielding promptly under a moralizing influence and becoming better. Can we act upon the incarnate in a similar fashion but with more work? Why is it that the moral education of the incarnate is easier than that of the incarnate?

This question was raised by the following fact. A young man that had been blind for twelve years had been sheltered by a devout Spiritist that had endeavored to have him cured by magnetization since the Spirits had said that it was possible. But the young man, instead of showing recognition by the goodness of others and without which he would have gone without shelter and bread, was only ingratitude and bad behavior, giving proofs of the worst character. The Spirit of St. Louis was consulted about it and gave the following answer:

This young man, like many others, is punished where he sinned and endures the punishment of his own bad behavior. His illness is not incurable and a spiritual magnetization with faith and dedication would certainly succeed, supported by a medical treatment necessary to recover his contaminated blood. There should already be a significant improvement in his vision, that is not completely extinct, if the good fluids were not opposed by the saturation of bad fluids around him, that in a way repel them. In his current condition the magnetic action will be powerless while he does not get rid of those harmful fluids by himself. Hence, he needs a moral healing before a physical one is sought. The only thing that can make his magnetic treatment successful is a change in his behavior, supported by the good Spirits. The flip side of that is that he may lose the remaining light that he has and be subjected to new and terrible tests. Do to him what you do to the bad and discarnate Spirits that you want to bring to the good path. He is not under the influence of an obsession; his own nature is bad, and he got perverted in the environment where he lived. The bad Spirits that harass him are only attracted with their similarities. They shall move away as he becomes better. It is only then that the magnetic action will be efficient. Give him advices; explain his position; may several heartful and good people unite and pray for him, attracting good influences upon him. If he takes advantage of that he will soon feel the good effects because he shall be rewarded by a significant improvement in his condition.”

The instruction above shows us an important fact, that is the obstacle imposed by the moral state in certain cases to the cure of physical diseases. The explanation is of an unquestionable logic but that could not be understood by those that only see the exclusive action of matter in all things. In the specific case the moral cure of the patient found serious obstacles; that is what motivated the question at the top, proposed at the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies. Six answers were given, all in perfect agreement with one another. We shall mention only tow to avoid useless repetition. We chose those that gave the issue a more thorough development.


Since the discarnate Spirit clearly sees what happens and the terrible examples of life, that Spirit more promptly understands what others say and lead to believe and do, and that is why it is not rare to see discarnate Spirits writing sensible essays about issues that they were far from being touched in life. Hardship matures one’s thoughts. This is a true statement, in particular to the discarnate Spirits that closely see the consequences of their past life.

Carelessness and prejudice, on the contrary, abound among the incarnate Spirits; the seductions and even the misconceptions give them a misanthropy or complete indifference to people and divine things. Flesh makes them forget the soul. Some that are naturally honest people do good, avoiding evilness, for the love of good, but their spiritual life is almost null; others, on the contrary, consider life a comedy and forget their role in humanity; and finally there are those completely blind and in the last degree of mankind, capable of seeing nothing beyond, foreseeing nothing and allowing themselves to live the animal life only, indulging themselves in a life of crime and barbarism, forgetting their own origin. These are dragged by life whereas the discarnate see, listen and voluntarily regret.

Lamennais, medium Mr. A. Didier


How many problems and issues to solve before the human transformation takes place according to the Spiritist ideas! Among them, the moral education of the incarnate and discarnate Spirits. The discarnate are free from the material links and no longer suffer their inferior limitations, whereas the incarnate, chained to an unforgiven matter, from a personal point of view, allowing themselves to be carried away by the trials that they must endure. The difference between the two conditions explains the easiness with which the Spirits may get the initiation and advices from those that have such a mission. Matter no longer imposes its laws on them and there is no more means of satisfying their material appetites, and consequently no more unconfessed desires, being then more prone to accept the advices. Perhaps another question may arise, with good reason: Why don’t they hear the advices of their spiritual guides in space, waiting for the teachings of incarnate people? Because it is necessary that both worlds interact, visible and invisible, and that both react on to the other, and that the action of humans be useful to those that lived, as the action of their majority is beneficial to the ones that live among you. It is a double current, double action, equally satisfying to both worlds that go united by so many bonds. That is my answer to your President.

Erastus, medium Mr. d’Ambel

Death of Spiritists

For some time now, death has taken away a large number of devout and keen Spiritists, whose support would have been useful to the cause. Which consequence can be seen from this fact?

This question was motivated by the recent passing of Mr. Geoffroy, from Saint-Jean-d’Angely, honorary member of the Spiritist Society of Paris.

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, May 26th, 1865 – medium Mrs. B…

“As your President has just said, a large number of followers of our beautiful doctrine left your world from a short while ago. Do not be sorry for that. After having contributed with the first pickaxes in this field that you are going to prepare they are now resting for a few hours, preparing themselves for a new task; they are re-seasoning their virile souls in that source of life and progress that must more and more its blessed waves spill upon your Earth. As new athletes, soon they will reappear in the field with more strength and more perfected charity, because the soul that foresaw the splendors of the eternal truth cannot back up; more faithful to the divine attraction, follow their path without further deviation. Ah my friends, the dwelling that is in preparation for you is so beautiful! Free yourselves from those undignified susceptibilities, that are still frequently found among you. These are the remainders of the roots of pride, so difficult to unroot in your world. Nonetheless that is the reason why Christ came to you because there will be no happiness while pride resides in you.

The remarkable doctrine of Christ has been preached to you for eighteen centuries now and it has not been understood yet, but Spiritism, helping you to develop your moral values and giving you good direction, opens up a new era that was still left in the primitive teachings.

You must then study, in a serious and dignified way such a sacred matter, but above all change the imperfections in you because the master told us all: “Become perfect because your father in heavens is perfect”. Your depurated soul will then elevate to the glorious and splendid regions where evil has no place and everything is harmony.”

St. Louis

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