Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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About Fluidic Creations
Parisian Society, October 14th, 1864 – medium Mr. Delanne

I brought you a few words about the great messengers that are sent among you to carry out their mission of intellectual and moral progress in your globe. If, in that order, the movement unfolds and takes proportions that you observe daily, there is another one taking place not only in the world of the Spirits that left matter but also important in the material world. I refer to the laws of fluidic depuration.

Mankind must not only elevate their soul by the practice of virtue but also depurate matter. Each area of knowledge provides its contribution to that general work because each one leads to mixtures of all species. Those species exhale fluids that more depurated will join the atmosphere of similar fluids that become useful to the manifestations of the Spirits that you mentioned earlier.

Yes, objects that are created instantaneously by the will-power, the richest of all gifts of the Spirit, are collected in the semi-material fluids, analogous to the semi material constitution of the body called perispirit, of the inhabitants of the spiritual world. That is why they can create objects according to their own will.

The invisible world is like yours. Instead of material and rough, it is fluidic, ethereal, of the same nature as the perispirit that is the true body of the Spirit, obtained from molecular structures like yours that forms more tangible, material things.

The world of the Spirits is not a reflex of yours; it is your world that is a rudimentary and very imperfect image of the world beyond the grave. The relationships between these two worlds have always existed but today it is time to have their affinity revealed, demonstrated and palpable to you.

When you understand the laws of relationships between the fluidic beings and those that you know, God’s law shall be close to be practiced because each incarnate person will understand their immortality and from there on shall become not only a keen worker of the great cause but also a worthy server of their works.


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