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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > April > Spiritist Funeral
Spiritist Funeral
The ground is widely open;
Soon your remains shall
descend to the darkness of the tomb;
free from the sick burden, you will
gain the infinity of space
following the path of progress.
No more doubts nor pain!
The evil torrent is now in distress;
before goodness, your heart claim!
Hatred lies with the dead body.
May charity and love
be your guides in eternity!
Take our fraternal vows
to our brothers in your new world.
Tell them that fecund souls,
ripping fruits, blossom unfold,
revealed to you on this Earth
the gentle mystery of death.
Tell them: “Your friends in advance
will join the mortal battle
against pride and ignorance;
for that glorious effort,
Spirits, they invoke your support!”
Come always to sooth our pain;
yes, come to tell us about heavens
casting lights onto our dreams,
making that luminous spark
shine from the eternal cradle!
Marguerite Vauchez
With that title the Monde Musical of Brussels reports, on March 5th, 1865, the eulogies of Mrs. Vauchez, mother of one of our excellent brothers in Spiritism, in the following terms:
“Friends and collaborators, our Vauchez’ brothers lost their mother a few days back. The care taken by one and the other in the final days of that respectable lady were the signs of an indescribable love.
Both brothers are Spiritists. They took their mother’s body to the grave followed by brothers in faith. There the oldest Vauches payed tribute to the Spirit of their mother, with as much simple as fair words, and that according to the Spiritists’ belief she was present and heard them. The separation was a cause of sadness although he must have been persuaded that she was entering a better life and that she would still communicate with them and give them inspiration, strengthening them in the path of good. He confirmed that her last wishes would be accomplished by making donations to two charities by the savings on a purely civil funeral, without any pageantry. Her chosen charities were: a foundation in favor of the Saint-Josse-ten-Noode daycare and a contribution towards poor old people’s home.
After that kind of conversation between son and the soul of his mother, Mr. Herezka, one of the Spiritist friends of the family, expressed in verses and with the same simplicity feelings whose transcription here will explain one part of the good that there is in a belief that daily and everywhere embraces a larger number of enlightened people. Here the words of Mr. Herezka to the dead woman’s soul:”
“Friends and collaborators, our Vauchez’ brothers lost their mother a few days back. The care taken by one and the other in the final days of that respectable lady were the signs of an indescribable love.
Both brothers are Spiritists. They took their mother’s body to the grave followed by brothers in faith. There the oldest Vauches payed tribute to the Spirit of their mother, with as much simple as fair words, and that according to the Spiritists’ belief she was present and heard them. The separation was a cause of sadness although he must have been persuaded that she was entering a better life and that she would still communicate with them and give them inspiration, strengthening them in the path of good. He confirmed that her last wishes would be accomplished by making donations to two charities by the savings on a purely civil funeral, without any pageantry. Her chosen charities were: a foundation in favor of the Saint-Josse-ten-Noode daycare and a contribution towards poor old people’s home.
After that kind of conversation between son and the soul of his mother, Mr. Herezka, one of the Spiritist friends of the family, expressed in verses and with the same simplicity feelings whose transcription here will explain one part of the good that there is in a belief that daily and everywhere embraces a larger number of enlightened people. Here the words of Mr. Herezka to the dead woman’s soul:”
The ground is widely open;
Soon your remains shall
descend to the darkness of the tomb;
free from the sick burden, you will
gain the infinity of space
following the path of progress.
No more doubts nor pain!
The evil torrent is now in distress;
before goodness, your heart claim!
Hatred lies with the dead body.
May charity and love
be your guides in eternity!
Take our fraternal vows
to our brothers in your new world.
Tell them that fecund souls,
ripping fruits, blossom unfold,
revealed to you on this Earth
the gentle mystery of death.
Tell them: “Your friends in advance
will join the mortal battle
against pride and ignorance;
for that glorious effort,
Spirits, they invoke your support!”
Come always to sooth our pain;
yes, come to tell us about heavens
casting lights onto our dreams,
making that luminous spark
shine from the eternal cradle!
After those words the Vauchez brothers and their friends left quietly, without ostentation, without painful emotion, as if they had come to follow someone that was about the initiate a long journey but every requirement of safety and well-being. Despite the fact that we were not Spiritists we did attend the ceremony. We are just the reporter of the event: an as touching as remarkable ceremony for its simplicity and sincerity of belief and intentions.”
Mrs. Vauchez died after thirty two years of a disease that kept her on a sick bed for twenty others. She had gladly accepted the Spiritist beliefs and found great consolation in them in her lengthy and tough suffering. We saw her during our last trip to Brussels and we were touched by her courage, resignation and confidence in God’s mercy. Here her first words given to her sons soon after her last breath:
“The veil that still covers the terrestrial planet has just been lifted for me. I see, I feel and live! Thank you Almighty! Thank you my guides, my guardian angels and protectors! You, my children, you my daughter, resignation for you are Spiritists. Do not cry for me. I live the eternal life, I live in the ethereal light; I live and suffer no more; no more pain, my trial is over. Thank you my friends for having thought of evoking me so early. Do that often. I will assist you and be with you.
God was merciful with my sufferings. Oh my friends, the life of the soul is so beautiful when detached from matter! Good Spirits are watching over you. Be worthy of their protection. At this very moment I count on the assistance of your protector, St. Vincent de Paul.”
Mrs. Vauchez died after thirty two years of a disease that kept her on a sick bed for twenty others. She had gladly accepted the Spiritist beliefs and found great consolation in them in her lengthy and tough suffering. We saw her during our last trip to Brussels and we were touched by her courage, resignation and confidence in God’s mercy. Here her first words given to her sons soon after her last breath:
“The veil that still covers the terrestrial planet has just been lifted for me. I see, I feel and live! Thank you Almighty! Thank you my guides, my guardian angels and protectors! You, my children, you my daughter, resignation for you are Spiritists. Do not cry for me. I live the eternal life, I live in the ethereal light; I live and suffer no more; no more pain, my trial is over. Thank you my friends for having thought of evoking me so early. Do that often. I will assist you and be with you.
God was merciful with my sufferings. Oh my friends, the life of the soul is so beautiful when detached from matter! Good Spirits are watching over you. Be worthy of their protection. At this very moment I count on the assistance of your protector, St. Vincent de Paul.”
Marguerite Vauchez