Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Bibliographic News

La Luce

Journal of Spiritism in Bologna, Italy

Spiritism counts on a new organization in Italy. The Light is a monthly journal of Spiritism in Bologna (10 francs per year in Italy). Here the translation of its program:

It is the dawn of a great day that already shines in the skies. Spiritism, this surprising occurrence that is unbelievable to many, made its debut in all parts of the world and marches on with an irresistible force. Today it counts on millions of followers, spread everywhere.

Important works and numerous specialized journals, attributed to renowned intelligences, are published about this sublime philosophy, mainly in France where multiple societies are involved with the matter. Several towns in Italy also have their Spiritist gatherings; societies of scientists exist in Naples and Turin; the one in Turin publishes the excellent journal Annals of Spiritism in Turin.

The ones that ignore the principles of this new science uselessly struggle to ridicule it and have its followers taken by dreamers and hallucinated. The communications between the visible and invisible worlds are in the nature of things; they have taken place at all times. That is why their traces are found in all peoples and all epochs. The communications today are more general, spread out, positive to everybody and have one objective: the Spirits come to announce that the times predicted by the Providence for a general manifestation have come; that their mission is to enlighten mankind, opening up a new era for the regeneration of humanity.

The Pharisees of our days agitate uselessly, as well as incredulity that sketches a proud smile for they will not deter Spiritism. The more they advance the more the power of Spiritism grows, abating the proud materialism that threatens to invade all classes of society.

If these phenomena are studied with great interest and for years in the most intelligent centers, in the larger cities and capitals it is because their reality has been recognized and the action of a free and intelligent cause has been acknowledged.

The journal The Light was founded with the objective of propagating this new science, supported by the most special and instructive books, among which and in the first line the works by Mr. Allan Kardec, the honorable president of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, that will provide us with the material for the philosophical part and the theory for the experimental one. Study and good will are the two necessary conditions to experiment by oneself.

The second part of the journal will carry instructions of the Spirits, some about the most reassuring philosophy and the purest moral, the others, although familiar, will be chosen among the most adequate to inspire faith, love and hope. Besides, after reviewing the Spiritist books and magazines, we will publish every event that may be of interest to our readers. No discussion will be established with persons that ignore the principles of Spiritism.

Faith and courage shall make our effort less painful and facilitate the path to get to the truth.”

Musical World

Journal of Arts and Literature

Published under the direction of Mr. Malibran and Mr. Roselli

Office in Brussels, Rue de la Montagne, 51

This journal that we mentioned in our issue of December 1864 has just turned into limited partnership society with a capital of 60,000 francs, divided into 2,400 shares of 25 francs. Interest on shares 6% per year; part of the annual dividend of 40% from profit. It is issued every Sunday with the format of large newspapers. Subscription: Belgium, 4 francs per year; 10 cents each issue. France, 10 francs per year. Subscription at Rue Ribouté, 8.

The sympathy of that journal towards Spiritism recommends it to every follower. Each issue contains an excellent article about the Doctrine. Although we are strangers to its direction, the administration of the Spiritist Review is authorized to receiving subscriptions of signatures and shares.

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