Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Spiritist Dissertations - Eternal rest

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, October 13th, 1865

Medium: Mr. Leymarie

When I left my bodily envelope, people delivered several speeches at my grave, all impregnated by the same idea. Sonnez, my friend, go and enjoy the eternal rest. Soul, a priest said, rest in the divine contemplation. Friend, a third one would say, sleep in peace after a well lived life. It was the eternal rest, coming out of so many touching farewells. The eternal rest! What was it that people understood by such expression and by the same words repeated so many times every time some one disappeared from Earth, towards the unknown?

Ah! Friends, you believe we rest. What a strange mistake! It is your way of understanding resting. Look around you; do you see rest? At this very moment the trees will leave behind their enchanting dresses; everything vibrates in this season; nature seems to be preparing for death, and yet, if we search we will find life in preparation under such apparent death. Everything depurates in this terrestrial laboratory: the sap and the flower, the insect and the fruit, everything that will embellish and fertilize.

That mountain, that seems to be on an eternal immobility, does not rest. The infinite number of molecules that form the mountain carry out a tremendous task. Some of them tend to separate, others to aggregate, and that slow transformation that may be surprising, at first, causes admiration to the researcher that finds multiple instincts and mysteries to explore. And if this Earth agitates in its own crucible it is to prepare the air and the atmosphere that sustain the whole nature. It follows the path of millions of planets that you see in space, whose daily movements and continual work obey the sovereign will. Their evolution follows a mathematical formulation and it contains other elements that make you act; let us do it! Believe it! Those elements work for your own depuration, your own perfection. Yes, perfection because that is the eternal word. Perfection is the objective and to achieve it atoms, molecules, sap, minerals, trees, animals, people, planets and Spirits endeavor in this general movement, impressive by its diversity and for the fact that it is harmony. All tendencies lead to the same objective and that objective is God, the center of every attraction.

My mission was not accomplished after my departure from Earth; I seek and work every day; my expanded mind embraces better the managing power; I feel better by doing good and like myself, legions of innumerable Spirits prepare the future.

Do not believe in an eternal rest! Those that use such words do not understand its emptiness. All of you that hear me out, can you stop your thoughts, can you force them to rest? No. Even the vagabond seeks and always seeks, pleasing the kind and useful charlatans that deny Spiritism and its power. Spiritism does exist and we will prove that, even better when the time comes. We shall teach them, the apostles of disbelief, that a person is not a serendipitous aggregation of atoms, later destroyed by chance. We shall teach them that there is a soul that radiates by its free-will, owner of its own destiny, elaborating in the terrestrial Gehenna[1]the power of action upon other lives and other trials.


[1] Gehenna is a small valley in Jerusalem. In the Hebrew Bible, Gehenna was initially where some of the kings of Judah sacrificed their children by fire. Thereafter, it was deemed to be cursed. In rabbinic literature, Gehenna is a destination of the wicked. (Wikipedia, TN)

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