The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec

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Division of Natural Law

647. Can God’s law be summed up in the rule taught by Jesus that exhorts us to love our neighbor?
“Surely this maxim contains all the duties that you hold with regard to one another, but its various applications must be shown or humankind will continue to neglect them, as they currently do. Also, natural law covers all the circumstances of life, and the rule you have cited is only one part of it. Humans need specific directions. General guidelines are too vague, and leave too many doors open to human interpretation.”

648. What do you think of the division of natural law into ten parts, the laws of adoration, labor, reproduction, preservation, destruction, society, progress, equality, liberty, and the law of justice, love, and charity?
“The division of God’s law into ten parts comes from Moses and covers all the circumstances of life, which is the essential point. You may adopt it, without it being unconditional, just like any of the other various classification systems which depend on the perspective or situation in question. The last law is the most important because it includes all the others. By observing this law, humankind can advance the most quickly in spiritual life.”

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