The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864

Allan Kardec

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Antwerp, November 1st, 1864

(End) .ellerutan iol al ed erdro'l snad recalp el ruop lerutanrus te euqitsatnaf erètcarac tuot emsitiripS ua zetô iouqruop tse'c; noitcefrep al: tub emêm el snoviusruop suon ,strom suon te stnaviv suov euq tnemelanif ,eguj niarevuos ua etpmoc udner àjéd snova suon tnod noissim enu erviusruop ed ueiD rap ségrahc te sproc el emmon no'uq ertserret eppolevne ertov snad sénnosirpme erid-à-tse'c ,sénracni stirpsE ,suoV .stirpsE suot semmos suon euq elpmis trof noisulcnoc al à ehcuot no ,emâ'l ed étilatrommi'l ed étatsnoc tiaf el rap ,ro; enirt-cod ettec reruotne à tîalp es no tnod erbmos siofrap te xuellievrem egitserp el eriurtéd à tnemennosiar elpmis el rap evirra no ,ertua'l snas nu'l retejer uo erttemda tiaruas en no'uq ,sepicnirp xued sec ed tnatrap nE .emâ'l ed étilatrommi'l te ueiD nu'd ecnetsixe'l: sétirév sednarg xued dnerppa suov emsitiripS eL (start here).

(End). étirahc ed etca nu'd eéngapmocca erèirp ennob enu (trépassés) idercrem ruop te ,port sap zeugitaf suov en: noitadnammocer erèinred enu ,ritrap ed tnavA (Start here).

.riover uA


We give above one curious example of reverse typtology (in French) that we mentioned in our last October issue. One can notice that it is not only the words that are written backwards but the whole paragraphs so that we have to start from the last letter of each paragraph. We leave to the readers the effort of the translation.

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