The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

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Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

NOTE: According to the announcement, from now on we will publish the bulletin of the works of the Society. Each number will contain the report of the previous month’s session. These bulletins will only give a brief summary of the works and the minutes of each session. Regarding the obtained communications, as well as the others from strange sources that were read, we will always publish them entirely, as long as they offer something of useful and instructive. We will continue to indicate the date of the sessions as we have done so far. The abundance of material and the need for classification sometimes force an inversion in the order of certain documents. This is not important since sooner or later they will find their place.

Friday, July 1st, 1859
(Private session)

Administrative matters: Admission of Mr. S… corresponding member from Bordeaux. Postponement until broader information is available, membership of two members presented on the 10th and 17th.

Designation of three new chairmen for the general sessions.

Reading of the minutes of the previous session in June.
Mr. Allan Kardec announces that he was with Mr. W… son, from Bologne-sur-Mer, covered in the issue of December 1858 of the Review, regarding an article about the phenomenon of bi-corporeity. He confirmed the fact of his simultaneous presence in Boulogne and London.
Letter from Mr. S…, a corresponding member from Bordeaux, containing precise details about interesting manifestations and apparitions of his personal knowledge from a familiar spirit. The letter is published in this issue as well as the evocation related to the subject.
Dr. Morhéry awards the Society with two cantatas whose lyrics where authored by him, entitled Italia and Venetian. Although the productions are completely strange to the works of the Society, they were thankfully accepted.
Mr. Th… notes that, with respect to the communication of Christopher Columbus, obtained in the previous session that his answers related to his mission and that of the spirits in general seem to bless the doctrine of fatality.
Several members contested such consequence of the answers given by Christopher Columbus, since the mission does not subtract from the spirit the freedom of doing or not doing something. The human being is not fatally impelled to do this or that thing. It may happen that, as an individual, the person behaves more or less blindly but as spirit is always aware of his actions. Supposing that the principle of fatality was derived from Columbus’ answers, this would not be the consecration of a principle that has been contested by the spirits all the time. At any rate, it is only a personal opinion. Well, the Society is far from accepting it as an irrefutable truth since the Society is aware that the spirits may be wrong. A spirit may well say that it is the Sun that turns and not the Earth that would not be more truthful just because it had come from a spirit. We take the answers by their value. Our objective is to study the individualities, whatever their degree of advancement or inferiority. We thus acquire the knowledge about the moral state of the invisible world, giving no credit to the doctrine of the spirits, unless fit to reason and common sense and when there is real light in them. When an answer is illogical or erroneous, we conclude that the spirit that gave that answer is delayed. That is all. As for Columbus’ answers, there is no implication of fatality whatsoever.
Questions about the long lasting perturbation of Dr. Glower, evoked on June 10th.
Questions about the causes of the painful physical sensations produced on Mr. W… son, from Boulogne, by suffering spirits.
Questions about the theory behind the formation of material objects in the world of the spirits, such as outfits, jewelry, etc. and the transformation of the elemental matter by the spirit.
Explanation about the phenomenon of direct writing (see our article “Pneumatography or Direct Writing” in this issue)
Evocation of a high ranked officer killed in Magenta (second conversation); questions about certain sensations beyond the grave.
Proposal put forward by Mr. S… for the evocation of Mr. M…, disappeared for a month, in order to know if he is dead or alive. When questioned about it St. Louis said that such evocation cannot be made; that the uncertainty about the fate of that man has the objective of a trial and that later, through ordinary means, one will know what happened.

Friday July 8th, 1859
(General session)

Reading of the minutes and works of previous session. Communications:
Reading of two spontaneous communications obtained by Mr. R…, member: one from St. Louis, giving advice to the Society as for the modes of assessment of the answers given by the spirits; another from Lamennais. They will be published in the next issue.
Reading of the news about Deacon Pâris and the convulsions of SaintMédard, prepared by the working committee as a matter for study.
Mr. Didier, member, reported curious experiences he carried out about the direct writing and the remarkable results obtained.
Evocation of the familiar or guide spirit of Mrs. Mally from Bordeaux, regarding the news transmitted by Mr. S… about the manifestations produced in her house, read in the previous session.
Evocation of Mr. K… deceased on June 15th, 1859, in the Department of Sarthe. Mr. K…, a righteous man, very educated, was versed in spiritist studies and the evocation carried out after the request of his family and relatives, confirming the influence of those studies upon the state of detachment of his soul after death. Besides, it spontaneously revealed the important fact of the spirits nightly visits among the spirits of living persons. Grave consequences are derived from this fact for the solution of certain moral and psychological problems.

Friday July 15th, 1859
(Private session)
Reading of the minutes of previous session.
Administrative matters:
On the request of several members and considering that many persons are absent during this season, the President proposes, according to what is established in all societies, that a period of vacations be established. The Society decides to suspend the sessions during August, resuming its activities on September 2nd.
Mr. Cr…, deputy secretary, writes requesting his substitution, due to new occupations which do not allow him to regularly take part since the beginning of the sessions. His replacement will be done in due course.
Reading of a letter from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, Honorary President of the Society, reporting some facts relative to Spiritism and offering a song to the Society entitled “The Zuavo’s Song”, inspired by the evocation of The Zouave of Magenta, published in the July issue of the
Review. The song was presented in the Brussels’ Theater. The aim of that song, in which the spiritual inspiration of the author unfolds, is to show that the spiritist ideas have the effect of destroying the apprehensions of death.
Mr. D… reports new facts about the direct writing, obtained by him in The Louvre and in Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois (see article “Pneumatography or Direct Writing” in this issue).
Reading of a letter addressed to the President with respect to the storm of Solferino. The author indicates several similar facts and asks if there wouldn’t be something of providential in such coincidence. This question was answered through a question addressed to the high ranked official deceased in Magenta. As a matter of fact, this conversation will be the subject of a more detailed examination.
Letter from Mrs. L… in which she mentions a mystification that victimized her from the part of a malevolent spirit that pretended to be St. Vincent of Paul, who deceived her with an apparently elevated language, providing details about her and her family, inducing her to compromising attitudes. The letter itself indicates to the Society that the spirit had revealed his nature by certain facts that would not allow any doubt regarding his identification.
Moral problems and several questions: About the merit of the good deeds, aiming at the future life; about the missions of the spirits; about the influence of the type or the wish of death; about the intuitive mediums. Questions about nightly visit among living persons. Evocation of Deacon Pâris.
Evocation of the false spirit of St. Vincent of Paul, mystifying spirit of Mrs. L…

Friday, July 22nd, 1859
(General Session)
Reading of the minutes of previous session.
Reading of a private communication from the member Mr. R…, about the theory of madness, dreams, hallucinations and somnambulism, by the spirits of Francois Arago and St. Vincent of Paul. That theory is a scientific and rational development of the principles already issued about the subject, to be published in the next issue.
Mr. R… communicates a recent fact of apparition. He was acquainted with Mr. Fume. On the day of his funeral, Saturday July 16th, Mr. Fume appeared to the wife of Mr. R… at night, with the same appearance as he had when alive, trying to approach her, while another spirit, whose face she could not distinguish, held him by the arm, trying to keep him away. Perturbed by such a vision she covered her eyes but continued to see him as before. On the next day, that lady who is a writing medium, like her husband, started to frenetically trace irregular characters that seemed to form the name Fume. In fact, another spirit that was questioned about it, responded that Mr. Fume wanted to communicate with them, but in his current state of perturbation he hardly recognizes himself, adding that it would be necessary eight more days before evoking him, so that he could communicate freely.
Dr. V… reports a case of spirits’ prediction, which took place in his presence, even more remarkable for the accuracy of dates provided by the spirits. About six weeks ago a lady of his acquaintance, an excellent psychographic medium, received a communication from the spirit of her father. Suddenly, and without provocation, her father started to spontaneously talk about the Italian war. He was asked if the war would end soon. He answered that the peace would be signed on July 11th. Not giving importance to that prediction Mr. V… inserted the answer in a sealed envelope and sent it to a third person, recommending that it should not be open before July 11th. It is a fact that the event happened as announced.
It is worth noting that when the spirits talk about things of the future they do so spontaneously, certainly because they consider it useful to do so; however, they never do that when provoked by curiosity.
Moral problems and diverse questions.
Complementary questions about the merit of the good actions; about the spirit’s visits and about the direct writing.
Questions about the intervention of the spirits in the phenomena of nature, like the storms, and about the attributions of certain spirits.
Complementary questions about the Deacon Pâris and the convulsions of Saint-Médard.
Evocation of General Hoche.

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