The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

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Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

From now on we will regularly publish the report of the Society’s sessions. We intended to do it starting from this current issue but the excess of material forces us to postpone it to the next issue.

The members residing outside Paris and the corresponding members will then be able to follow the works of the Society. As for now we restrain ourselves by saying that despite Mr. Allan Kardec’s intention to resign to the Presidency, expressed in his closing speech on the occasion of the administrative renewal, he was unanimously reelected, minus one vote and a blank ticket.

He considered it to be an inconvenience to pursue his resignation, before such a flattering testimony. He has however accepted it conditionally, with the reservation that he will resign from his functions as soon as the Society has the condition to offer the presidency to someone whose name and social position are such that it will elevate the Society to a higher level. His wish was to dedicate all his time to the works and studies that he is currently carrying out.

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