The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

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Intermediate or Transient Worlds

We saw in one of the answers given in the previous article that, as it seems, there would be worlds destined to errant spirits. Such an idea was not in the mind of any of the attendees and nobody would have thought of that except from the spontaneous revelation given by Mozart, what can be a proof that the spiritist communications may be independent of all preconceived ideas. Aiming at obtaining a more profound knowl- edge in that field, we submitted it to another spirit, outside of the Society, and through another medium, who had no knowledge about the subject.

1. (To St. Augustine) – Are there worlds which serve as stations to errant spirits or like resting places, as we were told?
- There are but they represent different degrees, that is, occupy an intermediary position among the worlds, according to the nature of the spirits that seek them, enjoying a greater or a lesser well being there.

2. Can the spirits that inhabit those worlds leave them at will?
- Yes. The spirits that inhabit them can leave and go where they please. Imagine them as migrating birds that can land on an island in order to recover their energies so as to move on with their destinies.

3. Do the spirits progress while inhabiting such intermediate worlds? - Certainly. Those who gather like that do it for their instruc- tion and more easily obtain permission to go to better places, achieving the position of the elected ones.

4. Such worlds, for their special nature, are eternally reserved to errant spirits?
- No. Their situation is transient.

5. Are they simultaneously inhabited by corporeal beings?
- No.

6. Is their constitution similar to other planets?
- Yes, but their constitution is sterile.

7. Why that sterility?
- Those who inhabit them need nothing.

8. Such sterility is permanent and due to their special nature?
- No. They are temporarily sterile.

9. Then such worlds lack natural beauties?
- Nature is translated by the beauties of the immeasurable that are not less remarkable than those which you call natural beauties.

10. Are there worlds like that in our planetary system?
- No.

11. Since this is a transient state, will Earth one day be in such a state?
- It has already been.

12. In which period?
- During its formation.

NOTE: Once more this communication confirms that nothing is useless in nature. Everything has an objective, a destiny; there is no emptiness, everything is inhabited; life is everywhere. Thus, during the long series of centuries that passed before human beings appeared on Earth; during those slow periods of transition, confirmed by the geological layers; even before the formation of the first organic beings, over that shapeless form; in that aridchaos where the elements were mixed together, there was no absence of life. Beings that did not have our needs, or the physical sensations, took refuge here. It was God’s will that even in that imperfect state, Earth was useful for something. Who then would dare say that among those thousands of globes that move in space, only one, and one of the smallest among all, lost in the crowd, would have the exclusive privilege of being inhabited? What would then be the utility of the others? Would God have created them to please our eyes? This is an absurd supposi- tion, incompatible with the wisdom that shines from all of God’s works. Nobody can dispute the fact that there is in this idea of the worlds, still inadequate to the material life, but inhabited by living beings appropriate to the environment, something of gran- diose and sublime, in which perhaps there is the solution to many problems.

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